War Emperor

Chapter 1214: Dongxiaozi

The first thousand two hundred and fourteen chapters Dong Xiaozi

"The Great Sage?"

Lin Han couldn't help being surprised.

This is five continents and four seas, in ancient times, a very famous strong man, it is said that he was only one step away from the Emperor Realm, and he did not expect to encounter his bones here.

Such a strong man was cut in half by others. It is conceivable how tragic the battle in Zhuniu Mountain was.


At this moment, a terrible scene suddenly appeared.

I saw that on this land, for some reason, there was a strong wind out of thin air, blowing dust all over the sky.

Over the entire Zhuniu Mountain, an astonishing picture appeared unexpectedly.


"Protect five continents and four seas, and never allow foreign enemies to invade!"

There are huge battle scenes in the picture, among them there are strong men moving mountains and filling the sea, fighting the sky and the earth, and the ghosts are crying.

Everyone at least has the strength to land in the emperor realm, making the universe tremble and space destruction at every turn!

Lin Han couldn't help being shocked, this kind of battle was too shocking.

Is this the scene of war in ancient times?

The Green Fairy was also silent, the powerhouses of the Earth Immortal Realm were really powerful and numerous.

In the picture, the masters from all over the world are constantly withering, and they are blown up one by one, blood-staining the sky.

However, they were not afraid, shouting the slogan of protecting the five continents and four seas, and fought **** battles until they all died tragically.

This is a song and tearful picture, but unfortunately it has not been recorded. They are all great men who have made contributions to all beings from all over the world.

In the end, all the pictures disappeared, and the entire Zhuniu Mountain returned to calm again. However, in the mountain, the glow of the sun was flickering, and you can vaguely see a tree growing on a cliff, revealing a vigor and vitality. A sense of vitality.

"Is that the God Emperor Tree?"

Green Fairy seemed to think of something and lost his voice.

The **** emperor tree is a kind of strange tree born between heaven and earth. According to legend, it can only be bred when more than fifty strong **** emperors have died in one place.

The fruit it bears is called "Emperor Fruit", which, as the name suggests, can be used to increase the strength of the power of the Emperor Realm.

As long as one eats one, a person in the human emperor realm can break through the realm of the first heaven!

This kind of tree only appears in legends and is not visible at all.

She never expected that there would be a God Emperor Tree in Zhuniu Mountain.

"God Emperor Tree?" Lin Han also became extremely enthusiastic.

The **** emperor tree can actually be born here, showing how many **** emperor realm masters once died.

"Haha, it's really good fortune, we can actually use the legendary God Emperor Tree, we sent it." At this moment, a frantic laughter spread.

Then a group of people flew up not far away, one by one wearing purple clothes, and the purple gas steaming from the sky spirit cover was extraordinary.

The speaker was a man with purple vertical eyes, and his whole body showed an incomparable aura.

"Is Dong Xiaozi?" Qing Fairy's expression changed.

The opponent is Dong Xiaozi, who is also one of the seven great geniuses, but the reputation is much stronger than her and Chu Xingfeng, and the strength is in the sixth heaven of the human emperor realm.

I didn't expect to meet each other.

"You people, what are you doing here, don't hurry up, this **** emperor tree is mine." At this moment, Dong Xiaozi flew to the front, pointing at Lin Han, Fairy Qing and the others coldly.

He is about twenty-seven or eighteen years old, with purple crown and hair, and an incomparable aura of transcendence all over his body, like a son of the fairy world descending to the earth.

Green Fairy sneered and said, "Dong Xiaozi, you are too arrogant, this God Emperor Tree, but we saw it first."

"Is it yours what you saw first?" Dong Xiaozi laughed mockingly: "This world talks about strength. Whose fist is big? Whose treasure is for? Fairy Qing said that you and I are all seven great geniuses. , But you are not my opponent, so naturally you are not qualified to compete with me!"

Lin Han smiled coldly: "What about me?"

"You? Who are you, brat? You haven't reported your name yet." Dong Xiaozi looked up and down and said with contempt.

In his capacity, ordinary people have no right to put him in the eyes. Lin Han has never seen him, and he is not a famous person at all, so naturally he is very disdainful.

"My name is Lin Han, and I am a big brother from the Kaitian Taoist Academy. I don't know if I am qualified to fight with your Excellency." Lin Lenglin laughed.

"Lin Han? Haha, who I thought was, so arrogant, it turned out to be him!"

"Does this kid really think he is a human thing? It's just a pariah from Kaitian Taoist Academy, and he doesn't have the right to be compared with our senior brother Dong."

Those disciples of Lingxiao Academy couldn't help laughing out loud.

The disciples of the Kaitian Taoist Academy are generally low in strength, and even many people have already subtly eliminated the Kaitian Taoist Academy from the ranks of the Eight Avenues.

Even Fairy Qing is not qualified now, but Lin Han said that, in their opinion, it was naturally extremely funny.

Dong Xiaozi also sneered like an idiot at the corner of his mouth: "Lin Han, you don't take a **** and take a picture of yourself, fight with me, you are farther away, get out!"

When talking about the last word rolling, his voice suddenly rose a few points. If a thunder blasted around, many peaks trembled, and even some cliffs shattered directly, making them extremely powerful.

This is Dongxiaozi, whose power is not comparable to that of ordinary geniuses, and even a single voice can't bear it.

However, Lin Han said indifferently: "Dong Xiaozi, you take yourself too seriously, and you haven't played against each other, how do you know that you can beat me."

Although Dongxiaozi has the strength of the sixth heaven of the emperor, but now he has reached the fourth heaven of the emperor, and he is not afraid at all.

After finishing speaking, he also set off a powerful aura, causing the entire land to resonate, and forcibly suppressed the momentum of Dong Xiaozi's "rolling" and let it calm down.

The disciples of Zixiao Academy who had laughed at Lin Han could not help but solidify the smile on his face, a little surprised!

Now it seems that Lin Han's is not simple, just this aura is not comparable to ordinary people.

Dong Xiaozi also narrowed his eyes. I didn't expect Lin Han to be so extraordinary. He sneered at the moment: "Good boy, it seems that you have some ability. In that case, I will let you know how far you are from me!"

At the moment, he hit Lin Han with a fist.

On his fist, endless purple light burst out, condensing a huge and incomparable purple fist print, hundreds of meters in size, like a low mountain, smashed down in rage, terrifying.

"Tell you, this trick is called Dongxiao Fist. It is my own creation. The eighth-grade middle-grade small fairy skill that is not inferior in power can allow me to use this fist, and I can count on you!"

Dong Xiaozi looked arrogant and sneered.

"Really, I also created a sword, it seems to be stronger than you!"

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