War Emperor

Chapter 2348: Kendo power

At the moment Yuanshi Tianzun couldn't help but his face sank, and with a wave of his sleeves, a large gust of wind broke out, as if it could blow the universe through.

In the immeasurable divine light, a huge gray banner appeared, suppressing the universe, evolving the profundity of the heavens, and dominating the power of the earth, water, wind, and fire.

The majestic aura suppressed, Lin Han didn't even react, was shocked and took a few steps back.

"That's the Pangu banner?" When everyone saw the big banner, they were all surprised, and each one shouted in awe.

Pangu banners, this has left an incomparable stroke in the prehistoric era.

This is the innate treasure.

Compared with Qingpingjian, its might is much more powerful.

It is frightening to see the magic weapon that only appears in the legend.

"Pangu flag!" Lin Han's face also sank. He spent a lot of time in the prehistoric era and knew how powerful this flag was.

Obviously this is not a real Pangu banner, and it doesn't have that supreme breath.

However, Rao is so and very tough.

Compared with Qingping Sword, this kind of innate spirit treasure is even more powerful.

"Lin Han, since I was bestowed this treasure by my deity, I have never used it in the future generations of the universe. Now let you experience the power of Pangu flags." Yuanshi Tianzun manipulated the Pangu flags, spreading the strands of chaotic energy. Among them, terrible sights that opened up the world appeared, as if they could shatter the heavens.

With a single point of his finger, the Pangu banner burst out of infinite chaotic light, like a crazy banner moving.

The yin wind screamed, the ghost cried, and the terrifying sword aura went toward Lin Han, piercing the void like a sieve, constantly shattering.

"Open the weather blade?" Many people changed color and felt chills in their hearts.

According to legend, Pangu banners were transformed from the fragments of the Heaven-opening Axe that the Great God Pangu opened up chaos before the prehistoric times.

With the aura of Pangu Great God in it, this aura is truly extraordinary.

It's just an imitation Pangu banner, and the magnificent momentum seems to be able to sweep the ten realms.

"Humph!" Lin Han was fearless, holding the Qingping sword, bursting out the supreme kendo will, slashing horizontally and vertically, confronting those open weather blades.

These weather blades are extremely aggressive and domineering, and with a single strand, you can kill the powerhouse of the Immortal Ancestor Realm, sweeping like an ocean, even if it is a Taboo Realm powerhouse, it is difficult to contend.

However, Lin Han's sword light is too majestic. With a random wave, the sword light is like rivers and seas, vast and dense, forming a huge sword gang with hundreds of millions of miles around him, as if it can be broken. Everything.

Many weather blades came to the front, all like moths fighting a fire, in a series of sparks splashing around, turning into dust and dissipating in place.

Not only that, Lin Han stomped on the void, and the roar of three thousand gods and demons came out, like a ghost of the world, holding a Qingping sword and smashing forward, attacking Pangu banners.

Many people's goose bumps have surfaced. This is Pangu banner. In the future generations of the universe, it is absolutely dangerous to sweep everything. Lin Han does not evade at all. Instead, he has to kill the most core area. It is really breathtaking.

The closer to the Pangu banner, the stronger the weather-opening blade that bursts out, and there are even countless world-destroying divine lights surrounding it. Normally strong people are absolutely like arm snakes.

Lin Han's majestic and upright figure, like a god, fearless and fearless, exuding a terrifying demeanor.

"Lin Han, I think you are looking for death." Master Tongtian was saved his life, he was relieved, looking at Lin Han's back, he even showed an extremely happy grin.

Lin Han is a man with an arm as a car.

Even in the Three Qings, the most powerful Taiqing Laozi did not dare to enter the inner area of ​​Pangu banners at will.

Even if Lin Han had pangu heart essence and blood, his combat power was shocking, and he was far more fierce than the strong at the same level, he was still killing him.

He could even expect that Lin Han would be happy after being cut into flesh by countless weather blades.

This bastard, let him lose such a big person in the universe, it is difficult for him to accept.


However, just as he thought of this, the next moment, a scene of horror appeared to him, only to see that Lin Han was very fast, his body was like a burning meteorite, and a large area of ​​divine light was released, and he was constantly approaching Kaitian. Axe inside.

The weather blade there is indeed a lot fierce and violent, like the center of a big storm.

However, Lin Han's sword light became more and more sharp. Every sword seemed to be able to break through the world and condense the avenues of the heavens. There was endless rune power gleaming, cold and strong.

Those slashing the weather blades on his sword light still did not pose any threat to him, and they were all bounced off by the sword light.

At this moment, he was only 50 meters away from the central area of ​​Pangu flags.

The Master Tongtian was stunned immediately. How could Lin Han's swordsmanship water product be so powerful? Even though he was the projection of the Primordial Saint, he felt threatened.

He couldn't help but think of a terrible reality.

Isn't Lin Han's kendo water grade below him?

If this is the case, Lin Han would be the freak among the freaks.

After all, what he represents is the ceiling of the swordsmanship of the future generations of the universe. No matter how great sword repair has been through the ages, Yang Tian can't even see his toes.

Lin Han, a young young man, did it, which was really hard for him to accept.

In comparison, even his talent in seeing is not worth mentioning.

"You actually want to control my Pangu banner, you are looking for death." At this time, in the depths of the universe, Yuanshi Tianzun shouted a violent rage.

He discovered that after Lin Han approached the Pangu flag, he had a great mental power to rob him of control of the Pangu flag.

This made his eyes burst out with a strong killing intent in an instant.

This ancient flag is a treasure, even if it is just an imitation, it also has a supernatural power that makes countless gods and soldiers difficult to shoot.

Even people who are not deep in the realm of the taboo strong can be blasted into ashes at will, and there is absolutely no possibility of loss.

At the moment, his mind moved, and the powerful mana in his body was injected into the Pangu banner, and he was about to control the Pangu banner back.

Lin Han is too evil, he feels a little unstable, it is safest to bring the Pangu banner to the front and kill Lin Han.

"It's late." However, Lin Han heard a cold sneer. In an instant, a phantom was left on the spot, the speed soared sharply, and he grabbed the Pangu banner in his hand.

What he showed was the walking through time and space. In the realm of his current taboo of the strong, he didn't know how many times more powerful than the master of this footwork in the past.

Therefore, Yuanshi Tianzun could hardly react to his speed, as if it could affect time.

"Return my Pangu banner!" Yuanshi Tianzun suddenly roared, like a cat stepped on its tail, angrily.

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