War Emperor

Chapter 2356: The power of imperial mountain

"This is... the power of Buzhou Mountain?" Yuanshi Tianzun was shocked, staring at the colorful **** wall built by Nuwa, as if he understood something, a touch of amazement appeared in his eyes, and his voice changed.


As soon as this remark came out, many famous masters in the prehistoric period couldn’t help but change their colors. Bu Zhoushan, on the prehistoric land, had a height almost like a god. The spine of the Great God Pangu was transformed into a pillar that supported the sky. From ancient times to the present, as long as anyone has a little bit of power in Buzhou Mountain, he will have a huge energy on the wild land. The reason why the Wu Clan was able to become the overlord on the wild land was because they lived near Buzhou Mountain and were able to communicate with the power of Buzhou Mountain. , That made Hongjun Daozu a little bit jealous, one can imagine how terrifying this force is.

This is under the premise that the power of the Wu Clan is very limited.

Someone in Honghuang has said that if anyone can control about 30% of Zhoushan's power, he will be almost invincible in the world, even the ancestor Hongjun would be extremely jealous.

The Witches could only control the second floor.

Now that the girl girl, with her own strength, has close to 20% of the imperial mountain power erupting in the wall of gods, this naturally shocked him.

In this way, Nuwa's combat power will be greatly increased, and it will be even more outstanding among the six sages. I am afraid that even the boss of the three clears, Taiqing Laozi may not be an opponent.

A smell of bad things rose in his heart.

"The power of Buzhou Mountain?" Lin Han couldn't help squinting his eyes, a scent of vibration emerged in his heart, and he secretly sighed that the power of Buzhou Mountain was really terrifying. Last time he was in Buzhou Mountain, he also noticed the horror of this mountain. But it is a pity that Zhoushan is extremely large, like a dormant behemoth, even if he wants to draw the power from it, he feels a little bit helpless, and in the end he didn't do anything.

Unexpectedly, Nuwa would absorb a large amount of 20% of the power to appear. At this moment, it is like the spine of the Pangu **** appeared in the universe time and space. There is a huge coercion, sweeping all around, so that endless sentient beings have a kind of sore bones, thinking The terrible charm of kneeling and surrender.

Even Xianzu, the super powerhouse of the half-step taboo level, can't avoid it.

Lin Han and Yuanshi Tianzun also felt their physical stress doubled.

Fortunately, Lin Han owns a prehistoric sword-forging furnace, and Yuanshi Tianzun owns a Pangu banner, so he resisted the pressure and did not kneel down.

But still very hard.

"Yes, it is the power of Buzhou Mountain, Yuanshi Tianzun, you Sanqing have been fighting against this palace, do you really think that this palace will sit and wait for death? Long before the endless Yuanhui, this palace has successfully refined the Buzhou Mountain's Twenty percent of my strength, I have been looking for opportunities to deal with you again. Since you hit the gun today, then you can no longer blame this palace for being impolite. I will imprison you forever."

Nu Wa has black hair like a waterfall, frantically rising, and a pair of beautiful eyes flashes with cold light, which is extremely sharp and compelling.

To suppress Yuanshi Tianzun, she will be relatively easier to deal with Taiqing Laozi and Tongtian sect leader in the future, after all, Sanqing's combined combat power is too strong.

"You want to seal me off, Nuwa, you value yourself too much." Yuan Shi Tianzun couldn't help laughing when he heard the words, a flash of anger in his eyes.

If he were really suppressed, it would be very bad for Sanqing, and he would naturally not sit still.

"It's not for you." Nuwa's beautiful eyes fell cold, and she didn't talk too much with Yuanshi Tianzun, and immediately waved her slender hand. On the colorful **** wall, a large piece of divine power poured out towards Yuanshi Tianzun like a large waterfall. A great circle is formed, and in the great circle, it is full of magnificent pressure, thinking that the power of Pangu Great God is reappearing, and the endless void is collapsing.

Yuanshi Tianzun gritted his teeth and tried his best to display the Pangu banners, bursting out a terrifying air of openness, but unfortunately it did not have much effect. Nuwa was originally a better saint than others, plus Now, with the help of Bu Zhoushan, he is indeed no longer an opponent. The big circle is like an invisible big hand, falling from the sky, constantly rolling towards Yuanshi Tianzun, Yuanshi Tianzun will not be for a while. He was caught directly, like a little chicken, held in his hand.

Many people were taken aback, a little hard to believe their eyes. This is the body of Yuanshi Tianzun. In the prehistoric period, it was a supernatural existence that allowed countless innate sacred admirations to be like gods. At this moment, it is so gripped, giving people the feeling It's really like a dream.

"Ah, bastard, let me go..." Primal Tianzun roared, feeling humiliated, Da Yuan was still squeezing in, and he felt that the bones and veins of his whole body were going to be crushed. , There was an extremely painful scent, which made his face a little hideous, and his voice was full of hoarseness.

"Dream, and enjoy it." Nuwa's fairy face was like jade, with a frown and smile, which seemed to amaze the universe. Seeing Yuanshi Tianzun was smoothly shaken, a touch of her upside-down fairy face appeared on her face that made Wanhua pale, and the galaxy was dim. Light smile.

Then with a slender hand, a huge, simple Dao Ding appeared, carved with flowers, grass, fish, insects, mountains, and trees. It is one of her magical treasures, which can seal everything.

She threw Yuanshi Tianzun into the cauldron like carrying a puppy, and then sealed the cauldron.

Yuanshi Tianzun's figure left everyone's sight.

Vaguely, I could still hear Yuanshi Tianzun's roar of anger and fear in the Cauldron of Good Fortune.

Everyone couldn't help but open their mouths, a little in a daze.

Yuanshi Tianzun actually ended up in this end, it really made people feel like a dream.

Lin Han smiled faintly, and his heart was cheerful. Between Sanqing and the human race, there is a huge cause and effect. However, he can't find Sanqing's body for the time being to liquidate. Nuwa made Yuanshi Tianzun so embarrassed, he also I feel very happy.

"Thank you Nüwa Mother for help." At the moment, he smiled and respectfully said to Nüwa's outstanding figure.

For this Virgin with a unique and noble meaning in the history of human life.

Lin Han is naturally very respectful, if not, if Nu Wa appeared in time, he might really be in serious trouble today.

After all, Yuanshi Tianzun is not a vegetarian.

"It's just a matter of raising your hand." Nu Wa's delicate hands slid lightly, and even though there was a faint haze on her beautiful face, she still made people feel the beauty of the world.

"In my human race, it is really rare to have a younger generation like you, very good." Then Nu Wa looked at Lin Han with wonderful eyes and smiled and admired.

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