War Emperor

Chapter 243: Teleportation array


She swept out with a single sword, and once again displayed the Dao Qingfeng swordsmanship. This time, under the anger, the momentum of the Dao Qingfeng swordsmanship became extremely fierce.

Ho Ho Ho!

A fierce roar spread, and three terrifying tornadoes were split in the sword light, as if they were about to sweep the earth, they rushed towards Jiantian, Xie Wanwan, and Fa Kun!

When the three of them saw this, their expressions changed. After all, they were all fairy-level geniuses, each forming a bright mask on their bodies, resisting these three tornadoes.

In the end they also turned pale, and spit out a mouthful of blood!

After all, a genius at the fairy level, truly angered to use the warfare skills, the power is still very terrifying.

The most important thing is that the three tornadoes were shattered on the surface of their bodies, but they turned into strands of wind blades, spreading out around them, like sharp knives flying.

Puff puff…

For a time, the elite geniuses of their tribes, like crops harvested by a sickle, kept screaming, being hit by a wind blade, or being split head-on, or being cut in the middle, or being torn apart, and killed a large area. !

Turning the river combat skills, just aftermath, is a disaster for ordinary geniuses!

Jiantian and the trio were all angry. These were the elite geniuses of the three tribes. First, they were killed by Lin Han with a Thunder God's fist, and then killed by Su Ruyan's sword light. The loss was too great. Up.

"Give me two younger brothers, let's take your life." Su Ruyan ignored their anger. After the sword light was blocked, she also took a few steps back, her face turned pale, and she was obviously shocked. After all, they are three fairy-level geniuses. However, she still clenched the sword in her hand, with a murderous look, she was about to rush forward.

On weekdays, she is calm and calm, with a temperament like a spring breeze. At this moment, she is heroic and has a strange beauty. Although it is enough to make many men admire, it is also terrible.

"Let's go first. After a while, it won't be too late to find them to settle the account." Lin Han gave a wry smile, and took her arm. Shi Cai fought with Zi Yu at the gate of the city. He swallowed ten wisps of air, causing a lot of internal injuries in his body, and he has not recovered. If they fight with three fairy-level characters, it is really difficult to overcome.

The most urgent task now is to find a place first, take care of his body, and refining the eighteen strands of spirit from Zi Yu by the way, so that his strength will also increase considerably. Moreover, if Su Ruyan integrates this broken sword into his weapon, his strength will be greatly increased, and then he will come to these three people for revenge, naturally it will not take any effort.

Su Ruyan also seemed to know what Lin Han said was reasonable. She was able to sit in the position of Master Sister Tiandao Immortal Mansion, and she naturally had an extraordinary temperament. In the end, she was the only one who stared at the Jiantian trio coldly and said: " Just wait and see, my two juniors will definitely not die in vain. If you stagger today, I will make you pay the price of blood!"

After saying this, she followed Lin Han to the small teleportation formation without looking back.

Because the three of Su Ruyan's Dao Qingfeng Jianjiantian were shaken back a bit, Lin Han and Su Ruyan naturally went smoothly for a while, and they came to the five-shaped square platform.

Lin Han glanced at the five-shaped square platform, which was shaped like a pentagon, covered with dense runes, which seemed very profound.

This is the teleportation array, which is extremely troublesome to build, and only a dedicated array division can build it.

"How do you use this stuff?" Lin Han couldn't help asking without urging such things.

Su Ruyan is a master sister of the Heavenly Dao Immortal Mansion. She has seen a wide range of knowledge, and if you look at it roughly, you can see that a special force hits the square platform with one finger.


In an instant, the square stage began to glow, and some mysterious symbols on it began to light up. Then, a small light curtain rose in front of them, like a portal, with a breath of space inside. Obviously this small The teleportation array has been opened.

Lin Han couldn't help but be amazed. When he first arrived in Mangtian in the capital city of the ancient Li Dynasty, there was a spatial channel under the Fajia Underground Palace, but it was only a single fixed location, and only one could be transmitted. In a specific place, it is still incomparable with this teleportation array that can teleport to multiple places.

That is the case, that space channel is also a rare thing in the eastern region. Afterwards, he heard that it was the orc tribe with the help of some experts in the Xuanyuan Heavenly Kingdom that successfully set up under the Fajia Underground Palace, otherwise there would be no one in the eastern region. Will build.

So for this teleportation array, his first sight, it was a bit eye-opener.

At the moment, he couldn't help sighing that if this kind of craftsmanship were built on the mainland, it would be fine, and it would make the journey much more convenient. After all, when he came to the central area from the eastern region, he walked for several months, trekking through mountains and rivers, and experienced how many territories he came here. It was too hard.

Moreover, the Hongzhou Continent is vast, and many cities are blocked by the endless mountains and barren forests. One place is crossed to another. The journey is astronomical and very dangerous. If this teleportation array can really be on the mainland Widely used on the Internet, it really benefits the common people.

However, Lin Han was just thinking about it. As far as he knew, the materials and energy spent to construct a single space channel were already very expensive. Even a small teleportation array was much more complicated and more troublesome. . And some large teleportation arrays that can span tens of thousands of miles, or even hundreds of thousands of miles, or millions of miles, are so costly that even some superpowers will hurt their muscles and bones.

Therefore, this kind of large teleportation array is very rare in the entire Hongzhou mainland. Even if it is owned by a super power occasionally, it will not be open to outsiders at all.

Because it costs a lot of materials to use a large teleportation array once, unless you encounter a major event, you will not use it easily.

"Let's go in." Su Ruyan didn't pay attention to what Lin Han was thinking. After opening the light curtain of the small teleportation array, he waved his hand and was the first to step into it. Liu Rou and others also went in one after another. Lin Han shook his head and suppressed his thoughts, entered the light curtain, and disappeared in the blink of an eye!

"Asshole, where to go!" At this moment, Jiantian three finally chased from behind, shouting loudly, Jiantian took the lead to slap a palm, the vast palm power, like a river sweeping over, the momentum is moving, extremely fierce !

It’s a pity that it’s still a step too late. Lin Han and others have completely entered the teleportation light curtain and disappeared. The palm also entered the teleportation light curtain like a mud cow into the sea, without making any waves, only Su Ruyan was left full of cold. the sound of.

"Next time you meet, Jiantian, Fa Kun, Xie Wanwan, the three of you are waiting to pay the price!"

The icy voice, full of chill, is like a vow, immortal here!

The expressions of the three Jiantians were gloomy, and Broken Sword, the ancestor weapon of their eight gods, was unwilling to fall into the hands of others.

What's more, Su Ruyan's strength should not be underestimated. Offending her today will inevitably be a big hidden danger in the future.

"Chasing, this small teleportation array has a very limited teleportation distance, and the power has been consumed almost for so many years. At most, it can only teleport them within a hundred miles or so nearby. You must find them and chase the broken sword back. !" Jian Tian said coldly with a gloomy expression.

Because it did not chase in, knowing that when someone enters the light curtain, the teleportation array will automatically return to the "origin", and the position will be different. If you chase it, you may chase further and further!

In addition, the power of this small teleportation array is very weak. Let Lin Han and others teleport once, and it has been almost consumed. If the power of the light array is exhausted and they are trapped in the void by half the time of teleportation, then Ruined!

Fa Kun and Xie Wanwan also ordered them to search carefully, that is, to find them all around a hundred miles around the corner!

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