War Emperor

Chapter 2532: fierce

Ming Snake's tight complexion calmed down, and he leaned back in the chair in time, with a sneer on the corners of his lips, and felt that Lin Han was finished. There is almost no one in the same realm as an opponent of the pure white woman, and Lin Han's realm is so much worse than her, so naturally it is even worse. He clenched his fists a bit, looking forward to the next scene where Lin Han was beaten and wailed like a dead dog.

"Hehe, this is your strength. Is it really unsightly?" The white woman chuckled, her expression sarcasm, and then she rushed forward with her white palms constantly hitting her body like an invincible soldier, Xiang Lin Han. Bombardment of vital parts.

Every time it strikes, there is a huge thunder, like a goddess who can control the punishment of the world, punishing mortals, fierce, fierce and thunderous.

Lin Han frowned slightly, urging Pangu's blood and energy, and behind it a statue of Pangu **** emerged, like the blessing of the great Pangu **** who opened the world, Lin Han also has a domineering spirit, disregarding the past and the present.

He fought against the white woman, palm to palm, sole to sole, from the ground to the sky, the wind and clouds changed color, lightning and thunder, various visions appeared between the sky and the earth, and the scenery was shocking.

Countless people are hairy. This kind of battle is really exciting. The various runes splashing in the void and the great charm will also inspire them a lot. Many creatures are watching directly. Quickly comprehend.

It's a pity that most of the creatures vomited blood one after another, frightened. The specifications of this battle are too high.

"As expected of Pangu blood..." Zhenyuan Daxian also admired. Without the blessing of Pangu blood, he would really not be the opponent of the pure white woman.

Even he was a little envious, Lin Han's trump card.

"Pangu's blood is not good either. Your realm is too far from me. Today, no matter what, you will lose." On the sky, the white woman shouted, her tone a little annoyed.

Fighting with Lin Han for more than a thousand moves in a row, no matter how powerful her attack was, Lin Han was perfectly resisted, and she was also a little angry in her heart. In terms of her reputation and strength, this is a kind of Not a small humiliation.


After speaking, within her delicate body, there was a fiery fairy light, like a beautiful woman who was like a jade body, and her grace was even more charming.

Within his eyes, two amazing spears were shot out to kill Lin Han.

The power carried in the spear is also shocking the world, and there is a very strong spiritual power coming out.

"This is a spiritual soldier?" Many creatures exclaimed. It is the spiritual soldier displayed by the pure white woman. In this predicament, it is rare. Under the spiritual power realm of the same realm, some have a spiritual soldier, and the other Not an opponent at all.

Lin Han's expression also changed, feeling that the spirit soldier was extremely sharp, and then at a moment of inactivity, his face was slightly dark, his eyes were a little cold, and he displayed the Nine Dragons Divine Fire Cover.


A series of vast dragons erupted between the heaven and the earth.

The Nine Dragons Divine Fire Cover, and the red clouds surpassed the sky, perfectly resisting those two war spears.

However, Lin Han was also shocked, backed a few steps, his eyebrows cracked, and a ray of blood overflowed. The power of this spiritual soldier was too strong, even if he resisted it, it still caused his spirit to suffer a certain amount of damage.

"Asshole, you still have the Nine Dragons Sacred Fire Cover!" However, the white woman is slightly biting silver teeth, feeling that Lin Han's hole card means are too much, and she has not used such strong means. To obliterate, you must know that her spirit soldier is extremely powerful, and once it is displayed, the opponent is simply impossible to guard against.

"I think you can stop me from a few blows!" In the end, her eyes were angry, and she kept shooting. The spirit soldier was held in her hand, opened and closed, attacked and killed the Quartet. Every time the spear was picked, a big wave was set off. The feeling of boiling, like her attack, can control time and space.

At this moment, her green silk was flying, and her wings fanned wildly behind her, which was really full of peerless demeanor.

Many creatures were excited because Lin Han was almost crushed and beaten, and his injuries were getting more and more, and he felt a sense of exuberance.

Even many creatures burst out laughing, constantly mocking Lin Han.

"Lin Han, are you not convinced?" The pure white woman sneered, the war spear in her hand, with a thud, moved forward again, the terrifying divine light was like the sea bursting its dyke, flooding the world, countless killing runes spreading to the sky, like It is to destroy the world. I have to say that after she showed her power, her tolerance was too shocking, like a goddess of war from ancient times, and she was a little different from her detached and sacred appearance.

"Is it up to you?" Lin Han smiled angrily, his eyes also sprayed with a thick divine light, he just didn't expect the white woman to have a spirit soldier, if he thought that would make him powerless, That would underestimate him.

Right now, his eyebrows stood up, and a sharp look broke out in his pupils, with a boom, a large burst of blue light, a chaotic Zen singing, and a long-lasting voice that shook the world.

In Lin Han's hands, a dazzling divine sword appeared, like a light that could cover the sun, moon and stars, and make everything in the world lose its color.

The long sword in Lin Han's hand swept away. With a sound, a resounding voice of Hong Zhong and Dalü was heard. The two war spears in the hands of the pure white woman immediately felt like they had encountered a nemesis. With a scream, even the perfect body broke a crack, blood overflowed, and the picture was amazing.



Like five thunderbolts, countless creatures from the wild who were gloating at the misfortune were all dumbfounded, with a look of stunned and disbelief in their eyes.

How could it be possible that Lin Han, who had been full of wind, suddenly burst into such a powerful force and wounded the pure white woman, which was unbelievable.

"That's... Qingping sword?" Then, some creatures stared with wide eyes and pale faces, staring at the long sword in Lin Han's hand with a hoarse voice, and said in a squeaky voice.



The square in Rento Zandong, exploded again.

Countless creatures in the southwestern land were shocked to the point that they were trembling and could hardly restrain themselves. How could this be possible? Isn’t the Qingping Sword the God Sword of the Master Tongtian? The coercive predecessor, countless masters will lower their eyebrows when they see it, possessing the power of illuminating the ancient and modern, and it symbolizes the prestige of the master of the sky, how could Lin Han have the Qingping sword?

"There are rumors that he was snatched from the Master Tongtian. It seems to be true."

Some creatures who are a little concerned about the future generations of the universe whispered with a cold wind at the root of their teeth.

Looking at the entire history of the universe, it is estimated that only Lin Han can do this step. After all, the identity of the leader of Tongtian is too high.

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