War Emperor

Chapter 2540: Maitreya

Even if Zhenyuan Daxian's seniority is higher than him, Honghuang is a place that pays attention to strength. In these years, under the blessing of Lingshan's vigorous Buddha power, his realm has reached an incomparable state, and he has the same confidence among the saints. There are almost no opponents, so he is not particularly in awe of Zhenyuan Daxian.

At the moment, he smiled and said: "But the treasure of Buddhism is too important to my Lingshan. In any case, the poor monks will be taken away today. If the Zhenyuan Daxian insists on protecting Lin Han, then forgive the poor monks for being rude and fight against the Daxian. Up."

He should have called Daxian Zhenyuan a "Uncle Master", but he didn't, which shows his confidence in Daxian Zhenyuan.


Many powerhouses were surprised. Maitreya was truly breathtaking. Even the Great Immortal Zhenyuan dared to yell. After all, there were few people who dared to talk to Great Immortal Zhenyuan like this in the predicament.

Maitreya's power over the years is too strong, it seems that he has really swept the world.

"Hmph, bold, dare to talk to my master like this, how did your master teach you?" Qingfeng and Mingyue couldn't help but angered and shouted in a deep voice.

In their minds, the master is faith, and no one is allowed to slander him at all.

Ming Snake is at least in the same generation as his master.

But Strictly speaking, Maitreya is just a junior.

"The bold person is you, and I am the Buddha of Lingshan. You are a boy with a view of five villages. You dare to yell in front of me and be presumptuous!" Maitreya still attaches importance to Zhenyuan Daxian, but there is no doubt about Qingfeng and Mingyue. He didn't pay the slightest attention to it, and when he looked at it immediately, a golden light shot out from his eyes, as if carrying a great power, shaking the world.

Puff puff!

He showed his power, it was too abrupt, no one thought he was so powerful.

Qingfeng and Mingyue immediately coughed up blood, flew out, and a lot of bones broke.

Many people were surprised. In front of Daxian Zhenyuan, he taught his boy this way. Maitreya really didn't take Daxian Zhenyuan into his heart.

This is Chi Guoguo's provocation.


Zhenyuan Daxian's complexion was also completely gloomy, and his body stood up from the high platform, sweeping the world with majestic aura.

He said indifferently: "Mile, it seems that the Buddha you have been in Lingshan over the years has become more and more arrogant and arrogant. Even if your master is in front of me, you have to be polite, but you dare to deceive my boy, today It seems that it is necessary for me to act on your behalf and teach you a good lesson."


After finishing speaking, he waved his sleeves, a terrifying aura swept across the world, and the majestic divine power, like a mountain torrent, rushed forward.

In an instant, the heavens and the earth faded, the universe shook, as if the heavens and the earth were torn apart, and the endless roar of gods and demons came out of the void.

This is the Great Immortal Zhenyuan, if he doesn't show his might, he will tremble when he shows his might.

"You..." Maitreya's face was slightly solemn, and at the moment, he struck a big golden handprint, and violently collided with Zhenyuan Daxian's divine power, but under the power of Zhenyuan Daxian's anger, even he did not take over. He was so cheap that he was shocked to take a few steps backwards, a ray of golden blood overflowed from his mouth, and his temperament was a little embarrassed.

Many people admire him, he deserves to be the Great Immortal Zhenyuan, and the effect is really immediate.

The mighty Maitreya also suffered in front of him.

Maitreya's complexion is also a little ugly, Zhen Yuan Daxian is clearly treating him ugly.

"Okay, the great immortal is really strong, and today the poor monk will be able to understand it well." Maitreya took a deep breath, and his tone became extremely cold. When the next palm was shot, a huge **** appeared directly in the void, which was a thousand miles in size. Like a golden planet, crushing the heaven and the earth, the power of Buddhism contained in it is majestic. The endless southwest land has cracked thick gaps, mountains and rivers collapsed, and lakes are mighty. If you want to destroy this world.

This is his true strength, and Shi Cai did not make a full shot at all.

The Great Immortal Zhenyuan's face was as heavy as frost, and he took a step forward and came directly to the sky. With a wave of the silver whisk in his hand, it looked like a silver sword that could cut through the world.


The huge **** symbol immediately resembled a golden planet being cut in half from the middle, and a large swath of golden energy light collapsed and poured down.

The Great Immortal Zhenyuan came to Maitreya again, and the dust rose again, and a silver light appeared, sharp and pierced at Maitreya's forehead.

Countless people were shocked. The Great Immortal Zhenyuan was really powerful. With such a terrifying palm of Maitreya, in front of him, it was like cutting melons and vegetables. It was directly destroyed and attacked. You must know that Buddhism people have always been high and proud. Standing on the top of all beings, he would never allow others to approach them. Now Zhenyuan Daxian really doesn't take him seriously.

Maitreya's eyes also filled with anger, feeling that Daxian Zhenyuan’s blow was like hitting him in the face, and he had to admit that Daxian Zhenyuan, as a prehistoric veteran, was indeed very strong. With his hand, even he felt a great deal of pressure.

However, he was not that scared. The brilliance of his hand flashed, and a golden seal appeared. With a fierce blow, he greeted the silver dusting light of Zhenyuan Great Immortal, and a brilliant light burst out there. The dust of Zhenyuan Great Immortal was finally resisted, but Maitreya's golden seal was cut with a scar, which was three inches in length and a bit hideous.

"What?" Maitreya shook, this golden seal, but a Buddhist treasure, although it is far from reaching the level of innate treasure, but among the many Buddhist treasures, it is also very powerful. Zhenyuan Daxian turned out to be just a blow. , Just hurt this thing, it really shocked him.

At the moment, the anger in his eyes has become more vigorous. The matter has reached this point. He has to share with Zhenyuan Daxian anyway, otherwise the prestige of Lingshan today will be stained.


He flipped the palm of his hand and took out a golden umbrella again, and headed towards the Great Immortal Zhenyuan. Inside the golden umbrella, densely covered with golden runes, there were Buddhas sitting there, chanting and singing. , As if there are endless Buddhas, together suppressing Yuan Daxian, each Buddha also stretched out his big hand and pressed together.

This is amazing, it's just a **** umbrella, it has such a tolerance.

Daxian Zhenyuan looked calm, pinching the seal in his hand, and the endless power of the earth immediately swept over him like a mountain whistling a tsunami. The light radiating from his whole body covered the sun, moon and stars, cruelly. He punched out and swallowed for nine days.

The huge divine umbrella was directly shaken and flew out, and a great mountain not far away was shaken and collapsed.

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