War Emperor

Chapter 2548: Eye of Soul Eater reappears

An uproar broke out in the surroundings again.

Many people were shocked.

How could this be, Lin Han's body could be so strong.

This sky-shaking palm is known as the nemesis of powerful flesh.

"You are the sixth golden body?" Ao Ming was also stunned, with the strongest supernatural powers, the sixth golden body, and the fame and fame. Except for the two high-ranking saints, only the Tathagata successfully cultivated, and Lin Han actually cultivated to the fourth level. More to the point, he was too unbelievable. After all, except for the core members of Lingshan, the magical power of Zhangliu Jinshen is not available to others. What's more, even in Lingshan, some powerful monks who have practiced for hundreds of thousands of years can also cultivate to more than Zhangsi. It's hard to do.

Lin Han is not a person from Lingshan, and he is still cultivating to such a point that his heart is twitching.

However, next, a scene that shocked him even more appeared, and saw the chaotic magic in Lin Han's body spurred, and the threads in his eyes climbed up countless black awns, like two black holes, shining through. Swallowing the divine power of the world, Oming suddenly felt that his soul was out of control, as if he were about to be sucked in, he let out a scream, his body retreated a few steps, and sternly said: "What kind of eyes are you..."

The eyes are so scary that they can swallow people's souls.

What Lin Han is displaying is the "Eye of Soul Eater".

After arriving in the prehistoric land, Lin Han obtained the Chaos Divine Art, and the power of the Eye of Soul Eater had also undergone transformation. This pair of eyes, like two black universes, can swallow souls and everything. Compared with the previous soul eater, they are much stronger. Although Oming’s power is very strong, he still cannot resist it. He feels that his soul is It seemed to be bitten off, and it was extremely uncomfortable.

He shivered and knelt down there. He couldn't bear it. As long as Lin Han increased his strength, his soul would be completely separated from the body, swallowed by Lin Han, and let him die.

A terrible sea surged in his heart, and he didn't dare to think that Lin Han had such a terrifying and strange method. Under the shadow of death, he trembled, gritted his teeth and said humiliatedly: "I was wrong...Please, let me go ..."

The voice trembled.

Lin Han's eyes made him too scared.

If he doesn't beg for mercy, his life will end.

There was silence all around.

Many people were sluggish, and never thought that Oming and Lin Han's battle would be the result.

It is too far from what they expected.

Tangtang Aoming was just so easily cleaned up by a human youth.

At this moment, Lin Han’s slender figure stood there, calm and awe-inspiring. If everyone had looked down upon Lin Han before, now it is undoubtedly a complete admiration. This human youth cannot be judged by common sense at all. what.

In this hunting conference, in the land near this wild mountain range, many powerful people also came after hearing the news. Among these people, there were also some famous people.

Lin Han's Eye of Soul Eater was also full of surprises.

Such eyes, I am afraid that even if they are against them, it is definitely not easy for them to resist.

It's weird and scary.

The Great Immortal Zhenyuan couldn't help but glanced at Lin Han a little strangely, this kind of pupil technique is indeed not common in Honghuang.

He had never thought that Lin Han had such methods.

Lin Han smiled, the black light in his eyes dissipated. Ao Ming was only rampant. Now that the soul has been injured, he has already received the punishment he deserved. There is no need for him to really kill the opponent and walk slowly to Ao Ming. Next to Ming, looking down at him condescendingly, said: "Now I can go in?"

Oming breathed a sigh of relief, feeling that Lin Han was putting away the Eye of Soul Eater. He seemed to have recovered his life from a ghost gate. Hearing Lin Han's words, his face flushed, and he didn't dare to shout again, Lin Han Although he was young, the powerful method was extremely regrettable. He was in the hands of the other party, and he couldn't even make a splash.

Thinking back before, he looked down at Lin Han so much, feeling that he was just a humble guy, and he was undoubtedly full of blows now.

"Naturally, but my son is looking for you, even if you enter the city, there will be no good fruit." Ao Ming only had his teeth tightened in the end, coldly said.

Lin Han looked calm and didn't care. In the eyes of others, perhaps Daqi City was Longtan Tiger's Den, which was nothing to him.

After all, no matter how dangerous the environment is, he has overcome it.

"What happened?" However, as Lin Han stepped in and was about to walk into the gate of the city, a cold voice filled with cold suddenly came, like an ancient **** opening his mouth, shaking the street rumbling and shaking, many cultivators They all noticed a terrifying aura, and their blood surged and spewed out a mouthful of blood.

Lin Han felt a great pressure, frowned, his eyes turned away, his eyes condensed.

I saw that the storm was surging in the sky, a man wearing purple clothes and riding a strange animal descended from the sky with a magnificent head and handsome face. There was an overwhelming aloofness between his eyebrows, which was very eye-catching.

In his body, the majestic fluctuations, like the vast sea, are unfathomable and majestic.

"Is that the eldest son Tian Gongzi?" The many cultivators all whispered, looking surprised.

This is the eldest grandson family, the most outstanding genius, much more powerful than the eldest Sun Fengyue. According to legend, he entered the second rank of the quasi-sage 100,000 years ago, and is now at least at the peak of the second quasi-sage. Disregard the endless area on the western edge of the central and western part of the wild land.

For ordinary people, this is the pride of heaven standing in the clouds, with a dazzling halo.

Just appearing like this makes people excited.

"Longsuntian?" Lin Han frowned. In his previous conversation with Daxian Zhenyuan, he also learned that the other party was enchanting and tough. Among the many members participating in this hunting meeting, at least ranked in the top five, or even higher. It was his rival who wanted to achieve good results in the conference this time. He never thought that he would meet the opponent so quickly.


A beast croak shook all directions.

The alien beast under Changsuntian is a three-headed lion, full of fiery red, blazing flames, like the strongest beast descending from the immortal world, with its eyes open and closed, its gleaming light, sacred and extremely mighty.

The powerful blood qi, in the gallop, also heard the thunderous sound, the oppressor's heart is tense, it is difficult to breathe.

It can be seen how powerful this three flaming lion is.

The average master is far from his opponent.

Long Sun Tian is dressed in purple, wearing a purple gold crown, deep eyes, superb temperament, full of domineering squareness, and arrogant of heaven and earth.

All young people feel great pressure.

"Lin Han, you are so courageous. When you came to the site of my eldest grandson's family, you still dare to hurt people in my eldest grandson's family. Do you think that my eldest grandson's family is no one?" After Gongsuntian learned the whole story, the handsome man In the eyes, a compelling light suddenly shot out, like a god's mighty power, and the aura said.

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