War Emperor

Chapter 2557: Strong physique

You know, his realm is much stronger than Lin Han.

At the moment, a cold light broke out in his eyes, 50% of his strength, he would lose to Lin Han, 10% of his strength, he would never allow himself to lose.

"Cold Iron Corpse!"

At the moment, he shouted, and there was a layer of iron visible to the naked eye, covering the body, as if wearing a layer of armor, shimmering with cold metal luster, and there were some mysterious runes on the armor, permeating The breath of the underworld.

"Cold Iron Corpse?"

Many people's complexion changed slightly. This is a physique. Shi Leng's body has been a corpse for countless years. It was conceived in that place, a treasured geomantic place. It can be said that Shi Leng can have today's achievements. The physique, when displayed, is awe-inspiring.


After the cold iron corpse was put on display, the corpse was like a resurrected ancient god, with a kind of vibe that pushed the sky and the earth, let me be the other person, and the blood was rushing, like a river surging, and the thunder sounded ears.

With a loud roar, anger swallowed the mountains and rivers, every inch of pores in his body was gushing, blazing light, like a black sun blooming in his body, shining on the heavens.

With one punch, Xeon Xeon's fist power seems to be able to smash everything in the universe.

Countless people gasped, and their calf cramps in amazement. After Shi Leng showed his true housekeeping skills, his bearing became too terrifying. Heaven and earth barriers, we must kill everything.

Lin cold hum, sound like a cold sword, not discouraged at all, he also aroused his chaotic body to the extreme. The cyan brilliance surrounded the stalwart body surface. He seemed to have come from a distant chaotic era and witnessed Pangu. The great god, pioneering the world, slaughtered three thousand gods and demons.

The same punches made the universe tremble, the sky trembled, and the void shattered like a mirror.

This is a true Xeon showdown. Both of them displayed their unparalleled physiques. From a distance, they were gorgeous and sacred, fierce and domineering.

Finally, in a dazzling divine light, the two fists finally collided, and a huge crack appeared directly in the void. The battle between the two was really terrifying, and there were some visions of gods and demons roaring with the sun and the moon, and the galaxy shaking in the sky.

Zhang Suntian’s expression became a little more solemn, and the power that Shi Leng had exploded now was indeed very strong. Even if he showed his full strength, it would not be so easy to resist. However, Lin Han did not seem to show any signs of defeat. In his heart It was also slightly shy, did Lin Han really have the qualifications to compete with people of their level.

He couldn't accept it, after all, they were all geniuses, and it was a shame to them to be challenged so much.

The corpse gritted his teeth and felt aggrieved in his heart. At the same time, he was surprised that Lin Han's body of chaos was so powerful that he felt like a chaotic devil fighting against him again. The chaotic aura made him feel desolate and invincible for a long time.

However, he has the potential to be invincible and full of confidence.

At the moment, a surging black light swelled all over his body, like the **** of war in the underworld.

Fists, palms, legs, elbows, every part turned into his most terrifying weapon, attacking Lin Han fiercely, thundering and blasting through countless small worlds.

Lin Han fought in the same way, opening and closing, fighting with the body of chaos.

Since training into the body of chaos, he has never been able to fight his peers so comprehensively. Now he is full of enthusiasm, fighting spirit, and fierce fighting spirit.

The two kept fighting each other, and every time they collided, there was a loud and loud noise, like two divine bells shaking.

During the fight, Lin Han had to admit that the strength of the quasi-sage second rank peak was indeed domineering, and the strength of his strength was at least five times that of him. Even if he had the body of Pangu blood and chaos, he would bless him. His supernatural power also gradually felt that some of his powers were insufficient and he fell into a passive state.

"The realm is the most important foundation. Even if you have the strongest means and don't have the corresponding realm, you will still be crushed by me." A cold smile appeared at the corner of Shi Leng's mouth, and a cold light flashed in his eyes.

Fortunately, his realm is much better than him, otherwise he would hardly be Lin Han's opponent in the same realm.

Since possessing spiritual wisdom, he has never been defeated. For the first time, he feels inferior to human beings. He wants to get rid of Lin Han's heart and is much more vigorous.

Human nature is like this. Seeing that others are better than himself, he wants to eliminate them and gain balance.

"Fall Dragon Claw, kill!" Nian Luo, his five fingers were bent, his claws exuded a sonorous murderous, and he quickly grabbed Lin Han's throat. Each finger was glowing with a bright killing light, like five cold air. The iron hook and the void were cut into five black threads, and the sharp cracking sound was extremely harsh.

Lin Han's eyes narrowed, knowing the power of this claw, if he was caught, maybe his soul would be severely injured. At the moment, he choked, the iron sword in his hand burst out with an ancient divine sword, and the desolate sound of unsheathed , Sword Qi is like a waterfall of silver, cutting fiercely on the opponent's claws.


Shi Leng didn't expect Lin Han's sword to be so fast, and immediately let out a scream, Jian Guang cut off his arm, **** and stubble.

A lot of people have hairy, it's cold, it's unthinkable that their arms have been cut off.

The hall master of the Heavenly Demon Hall also burst out with bright light in his eyes.

"I want you to die without a place to bury your body." The dead body roared angrily. At this step, the arm was broken and regenerated, just a thought, hissing: "Nether God furnace, burn all things, now!"

The hands are knotted on the chest, the sound is like a mysterious spell, rumbling, the world is shaking, the sun and the moon are dark, a horrible turbulent atmosphere, sweeping this small world, like a forbidden thing, appearing against the sky, making many people All feel the oppression.

In the void, the endless rays of light intertwined to form a black sacred furnace, the size of a thousand meters, the furnace body was portrayed with the roar of the gods and the devil, the sorrowful scene of the wailing of sentient beings, as if it showed all the cruel side of hell. In addition, there are Huangquan River, Naihe Bridge, Reincarnation Hall, and various legendary buildings, which are lifelike and reveal a simple atmosphere. They seem to be able to pull human souls in, like entering the land of reincarnation, which makes people fearful.

"Nether God Furnace?" The crowd took in air-conditioning lightly. This is the famous magical power of the Heavenly Demon Hall, it is invincible and unmatched. Heavenly Demon Hall can have such a great reputation and status in this vast land, and it has a great relationship with this supernatural power. Legend has it that this is the real **** of the underworld. In the distant ancient times, once defeated the invincible and invincible powerhouse, even the real high-level people in the Heavenly Demon Hall rarely used it. After all, it was here. There are too few people who dare to provoke them.

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