War Emperor

Chapter 2636: The ancestor of Qingxuan

If successful, she will also shine brightly in the past and present, and let the Butterfly Clan truly shine and resound throughout the world.

For at least a million years when the Great Emperor coerced the universe, the Butterfly Clan would become the most dazzling race in the Great Desolation.

In the ancestral home, at that time, it carried the hopes of too many people.

The ancestor of Qingxuan was arrogant and arrogant. Even if the emperor's power of the Bingshan Emperor was still there, it was not the most suitable time to become the emperor in a short period of time. She still had to fight against the sky, open the road to the emperor, and create a legend.

It is a pity that the ancestor of Qingxuan encountered an unknown calculation and was defeated in the last battle.

When she fell, she shouted: "Cang, you are so insidious." Then, her body fell, and she did not know where she was going. In the universe, there was no longer the breath of Qingxuan's ancestor.

The matter of the ancestor of Qingxuan can be said to make many people sigh.

Because in the final battle on Nadi Road, many people clearly saw that the ancestor of Qingxuan had hope to break the Great Dao imprint of Bingshan Emperor and become a new emperor.

It's really sad that something like this happened.

Now, she actually saw the legendary ancestor Qingxuan, and she was naturally shaken in her heart.

She has seen it in the clan, and the portrait of the other party is exactly the same as in this spiritual light. It is a bit vicissitudes of life, but the momentum is domineering, as if it can push the three thousand worlds horizontally and flatten the human world.

"Hehe, Qingxuan can't imagine that after so many years, there are still people who can remember my name."

Hearing Miao'er's words, full of rotten and ancient butterflies, a pair of deep eyes, a trance appeared, it seemed that he had fallen for too many years, and there were some problems with his memory. After a while, in the eyes, the brilliance was restored again, and a burst of fullness appeared. A bitter murmur, he muttered to himself.

Its memory is indeed returning little by little like a tide.

At that time, it created too many legends in Honghuang, and it was proud of all directions.

On the road of the emperor, they all sang all the way, to break the **** and create a myth.

Unfortunately, in the end, a divine light descended from the sky, as if it had been planned for a long time, hitting his weakest flaw, leaving him only unwilling to fall, even the Di Guo who was about to condense, All broken.

This can be described as monstrous hatred.

The years are long, the wilderness is vast, and among the endless creatures, how many years can a great emperor be born. Once he becomes one, he can shock the nine heavens and ten places for countless years and create the most splendid legend.

In a sense, even the six saints would feel a little sad.

The six saints in the background are all congenital and sacred. From the beginning of their birth, they have gathered great luck in the wild, and their combat power is shocking.

In addition, getting the Violet Qi of Hongmeng, becoming a saint in one fell swoop, and laying the foundation of the supreme Dao, the journey can be said to be smooth and smooth, as it should be.

Honghuang is a land that admires the strong and blood, and all living beings naturally admire the ancient great emperor who has undergone countless trials and tribulations among all ethnic groups.

The trials and tribulations experienced here are simply unimaginable.

His Dao fruit was destroyed by others.

He was naturally murderous and extremely resentful.

Now I can't wait to smash the time, go back to that year, crush the black hands behind the scenes, and wash away the feud of the ages.

"Dare to ask who is the black hand behind the scenes of the ancestors, who dares to plot against you" Miao'er looked at the angry appearance of the old butterfly, shrank her lovely neck, and there was a hint of fear in her big eyes, and she looked at her throat. Look at the scroll for a while, hesitantly said.

She really didn't understand that with the divine power of the ancestor, who could still plot against him back then.

Moreover, it is still at the critical juncture of becoming a great emperor.

When the ancestor was about to succeed, she clearly saw a vague figure, hanging high above the nine heavens, as if standing in another time and space, and emitting a divine light.

That blow, as if it can amaze an era, is really scary.

No one understands how such a person can exist in the world.

At that level, there are very few people who can have such power.

"Hehe, that's not something you can touch." The old butterfly smiled slightly desolately, shook his head slightly, glanced at the sky with his old eyes, and seemed to be able to see through countless spaces and see that ancient silhouette. , sighed heavily, and said sadly.

The Great Emperor Wanling, of course, is brilliant, but in this prehistoric world, the real orthodox ruler does not belong to the Great Emperor.

Strictly speaking, for some people, the Great Emperor is just an "anomaly", a stumbling block that hinders them from ruling the Great Wasteland.

Therefore, there will be some people who do not want him to become an emperor, but it is quite normal.

Miao'er gave a soft "Oh", and her long eyelashes flickered. Although the ancestors did not elaborate, she also knew something in her heart, and it must have something to do with them.

After all, on the bright side, those in power in the Great Desolation are indeed them, who control the foundation of the Great Dao and influence the trend of the Great Desolation.

In history, there have been many times of conflict with some amazing and talented emperors.

There have even been several times that they have suffered losses and lost their face a lot.

As the rulers of the Great Wilderness, they don't want anyone to affect their scepter, and they will do some small actions, which is normal.

"Junior, since you can find me, it means that you have a fate with me. Would you like to inherit the inheritance of my life?"

At this time, the eyes of the old butterfly, looking at Miao'er, suddenly became sharp and solemn, and the voice of the speech became a bit more solemn and sacred. Shen said.

boom! boom! boom! boom! This sentence is like some kind of amazing thing is about to happen. In this small world, there are bursts of divine thunder, which seem to be earth-shattering and terrifying.

In the mountains, many wild beasts in the mountains and forests shivered, and they cast awe and look up at them, wanting to surrender for a while.

"Teach me the inheritance of your life?"

Miao'er's small mouth suddenly turned into a circle, and she never thought that such a good thing would happen to her. This ancestor of Qingxuan was a supreme being who almost became a great emperor back then. The depth of Taoism is far beyond that. The imagination of the world, a casual scale and half a claw, is enough to benefit the world for a lifetime.

In the development of the Butterfly Clan in the past few years, there have also been clansmen who rushed to various places in the prehistoric land, looking for the opportunity behind the fall of the ancestor of Qingxuan.

This is a big secret for their Butterfly Clan.

It is a pity that the prehistoric wasteland is so vast that even an omnipotent saint may not dare to say that he can walk through every corner of the prehistoric wasteland, plus there are too many mysterious places, so even if tens of millions of years have passed or even Hundreds of millions of years ago, the powerhouses sent by the Butterfly Clan were still like looking for a needle in a haystack.

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