War Emperor

Chapter 2661: Forging sword furnace

It seems that there are indeed many strange methods of Lin Han, making his combat power superimposed to an unreasonable level compared to the surface.

call! Under countless gazes, Lin Han's figure stood there firmly, as steady as Mount Tai, without any fluctuations.

After a long while, Lin Han let out a sigh of relief, his body relaxed slightly, and there was a little sweat on his forehead.

On the surface, he did resist, but the injury he suffered was extraordinary. He felt the blood in his body, like hot boiling water, constantly boiling.

Bones are a little faint.

Sweat on his forehead, like rain.

Quasi-Saint Rank 4 characters are indeed powerful.

"Boy, it doesn't seem like you are like you. On the surface, you are so powerful. How can you continue?"

At this moment, Chu Xuan was sitting upright in the sky, the black mist finally dispersed slowly, revealing his handsome and angular face, very handsome, and his eyes were also very deep, emitting a strange light, as if he could Straight to the heart of the person.

His eyes were on Lin Han, and he glanced up and down, obviously seeing Lin Han's state, he smiled lightly, and there was a hint of drama in his eyes, and said indifferently.

Lin Han's face darkened, but he didn't say anything. Although Chu Xuan was strong, it was completely impossible for him to admit that he was cowardly. At the moment, he flipped his palm and took out the Honghuang Sword Furnace.

The majestic furnace is like a heavy weapon that can run through the ancient and modern universe, surrounded by endless vicissitudes, and a terrifying divine pressure that can crush nine days.

The above texts from the chaotic period have added a mysterious color to it.

At first glance, this is no different from the treasure of the universe.

"The Great Desolate Sword Stove?"

Seeing this stove, the surroundings that were still a little noisy suddenly became silent, and many people's eyes shrank fiercely, and their hearts were filled with horror, and they lost their voices.

There is no need to introduce the name of the sword furnace in the prehistoric wasteland. As a cultivator in the prehistoric wasteland, no one does not know that this is an item that even the great emperors and saint-level figures have to pay attention to. Incomparable.

Lin Han became the master of the Honghuang Sword Casting Furnace, which had already made countless people vomit blood with envy.

Seeing Lin Han display it like this now gives people a lot of pressure in their hearts.

Outside the mountains, even some of the super-powerful people who are famous in this area, their faces are shaking, and there is a touch of nervousness in their hearts.

Just a few days ago, Lin Han used the flood to cast a sword furnace and beheaded the three-legged golden crow and three black crows.

And Sanwu was once the unparalleled existence of the world, and its combat power was astonishing. It was not so easy to find an opponent in the whole prehistoric area. Although he was in a very poor state at the time, Lin Han relied on the prehistoric sword forging furnace in only the second rank of Quansheng. Under the circumstances, to obliterate it, this is still a terrifying record.

From this, it can also reflect the horror of the flooded sword furnace.

Nowadays, the Sword Furnace forged in the Wilderness, once cast by Lin Han, is naturally scary.

They all felt the smell of a mountain rain coming.

"This divine furnace that shakes ancient and modern is actually in your hands?"

In the sky, Chu Xuan was also stunned, his eyes slightly turned into dead fish eyes, his tone was stiff, and he said stunned.

The prehistoric sword-casting furnace covers the ancient and modern times, its name is shocking, and its divine power is shocking. Even the great **** Pangu used it to kill three thousand chaotic demon gods, otherwise there may be big trouble.

Its divine power has exceeded the scope of the wild creatures that can be imagined.

When Lin Han took out this thing, the surprise for him was too great.

It's like an inconspicuous little beast who can suddenly take out a magical weapon that can destroy the world, which is extremely absurd.

"Under the Great Desolate Sword Stove, what do you think you are?"

Lin Han's eyes were sharp and his black hair fluttered. He stared at Chu Xuan in the sky, and the corner of his lips raised a sneering arc as he sneered.

The Great Desolate Sword Stove is his biggest trump card. Once it is displayed, it will be enough to shock the world and make the gods and demons terrified.

Although Chu Xuan's realm was much higher than his, it was still not easy to contend with the divine might of the sword-forging furnace.

With a little carelessness, the power in the Honghuang Sword Furnace could burn Chu Xuan into ashes.

Chu Xuan's face was a little gloomy, and Lin Han's metamorphosis was somewhat unexpected.

Knowing that the Sword Casting Furnace is unfathomable, let alone him, even some people who have been famous for a long time in the Great Desolation, I am afraid they should be afraid, and one accident will cause a catastrophe.

There was some fear in him.

In front of so many people, he really felt like he couldn't step down.

However, he stared sharply at Lin Han's body, and soon he seemed to be aware of something, a smile appeared in his eyes again, and said with a light smile: "Lin Han, the prehistoric sword furnace is very strong, but with your current state, can you still be motivated?

Don't think that I can't see that the original blood energy in your body has actually suffered a serious loss. You can't scare me here. "

At the end, he let out a long laugh, his voice somewhat cheerful.

As long as Lin Han doesn't have the threat of the Great Desolate Sword Furnace, in his opinion, he will naturally be able to deal with it.

Lin Han frowned. That's true. In the previous battle with Qingxuan's ancestor, his divine power had been exhausted very much. It can be said that if he hadn't seen the battle between Qingxuan's ancestor and Tiandao clone, he would have added some more. Energy, it is impossible for him to recover to this step in a short period of time.

Now, Chu Xuan's words really touched his weakness.

It is indeed unrealistic for him to urge Honghuang to cast the sword furnace again.

However, he seemed to have thought of something, there was a glint in his eyes, he smiled slightly, and said indifferently: "You have a good eye, but even I almost forgot, I still have a treasure that can quickly recover my injury. ."

After he finished speaking, Lin Han flipped his palm, and in the palm of his hand, the rays of light were gushing out, and only one plant could be seen. The divine medicine with powerful spiritual energy and shocking medicinal properties appeared in his palm. It looked like a small golden cauldron, and there were some heaven and earth The rune is engraved on it, flashing a mysterious and cumbersome atmosphere.

As soon as this thing came out, the whole world was instantly filled with a refreshing aroma. Many people just took a sniff and breathed heavily. Tai is incomparable.

"Is this a million-year-old magic medicine?"

Staring at the magic medicine in the shape of the golden cauldron, many people couldn't help but feel a little dry, like a long-starved beast, their eyes were slightly red when they encountered food, and they said greedily.

Previously, after Lin Han fought with the ancestor Qingxuan at the same level, the ancestor Qingxuan gave this magical medicine to Lin Han. This is a rare treasure in the entire prehistoric wilderness, and it has shocking medicinal properties.

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