War Emperor

Chapter 2671: Seize the opportunity

"Hee hee, it's really good to have a harvest."

There was also a smile on Miao'erqiao's face, and she clapped her hands and smiled.

In addition to the Flame God's sword technique, a purple piece of paper flew out from below, and it also recorded a very powerful martial art, which was the movement technique of a bird-eight steps.

This is a long-lost, avian body technique, which was once in the wild, and it also set off a huge name.

Only creatures like birds can cultivate.

She can learn this martial art.

Lin Han nodded with a smile, this was of no use to him.

He is a human being, and the movements of some birds are not suitable for him.

Moreover, he has practiced many physiques, and his movement speed has reached a very shocking level. Even if he does not practice some special footwork, he is still very powerful.

This body technique, given to Miao'er, is naturally not a problem.

Swish! However, just as Lin Han and Miao'er were happy, a mysterious force suddenly burst out, causing the golden and purple paper that had been flying towards Lin Han and Miao'er to fly in the other direction.

It looked like someone was deliberately making trouble, stealing the results of Lin Han and Miao'er.

"who is it?"

Aware of this, Lin Han's face suddenly sank, his eyes were slightly cold, looking at the direction where the energy came from, he said coldly.

He is really bold. With his current power, there are not many people who dare to **** his victory in this hunting conference.

Miss Miao'er, Sima Jun, Chu Xuan, Su Qing and others have all left, and this person dares to take action.

However, when he turned his eyes, his expression was startled, only to see a purple cloud, wrapped in a figure, quickly grabbed the gold and purple paper, and then flew away like an ape, jumping and jumping, That figure was a little funny.

The purple light is very splendid, and there is a layer of function that hinders people's exploration. Ordinary people can't see clearly what the figure looks like.

To Lin Han, this was nothing, of course. At this moment, the corner of Lin Han's mouth twitched, and there was a sneering look in his eyes. This kind of cover-up couldn't help him at all.

The next moment, his eyes were covered with wisps of black light, and a pair of eyes, like two small black suns, became extremely sharp, and it was the soul-devouring eyes that were displayed.

Under the powerful detection of Soul Eater, Lin Han saw through the purple light at a glance. Among them was a slightly obese little Taoist priest who was running wildly, shaking his body's fat.

That fat body, trembling back and forth, a little humorous.

"Is that the little Taoist priest?"

Lin Han was stunned. When he first entered the Flame God Tomb, he noticed that this little Taoist priest was a bit complicated. However, after exploring and fighting here for so long, he did not find any abnormality of the little Taoist priest. The other party seemed to disappear into a sea of ​​people. Among them, I didn't expect to encounter him here again, and he dared to steal his victory. It was really daring.

"I want to see where you are running away."

At that moment, Lin Han had a faint smile on the corner of his mouth, and with a movement, he took Miao'er and flew towards the direction where the little Taoist escaped.

Now that Lin Han has broken through, the speed has increased too much after the third turn of the Quasi-Saint, it is just a natural flight, and a splendid tail light is drawn from his body, as if it is about to burn, leaving a trail in the void. The long air wave, at first glance, looks like a meteorite across the earth, and the picture looks very shocking.

Ordinary powerhouses of the same level, even those with a higher realm than him, are far from his speed.

However, following the chase, Lin Han was a little surprised. The speed of this little Taoist priest was really unusual. His speed was already fast enough, and there was a sense that he couldn't catch up. On the little Taoist priest's legs, A strange rune appeared, like some kind of mysterious item, which could bless his speed, making him a lot faster, with a smell of breaking the wind.

Upon realizing this, Lin Han was a little surprised.

But this is still nothing to him. At the moment, his face is slightly dark, the divine power in his body is urged, and it is much faster. His body seems to be transformed into a heaven-shattering divine sword, rushing towards the little Taoist priest, and it rubs against the air. , The sound of the air waves from the row seems to be earth-shattering.

"Damn, this kid is too perverted, Daoist, I have already used my haste charm, is this still a quasi-holy three-turn guy?"

In front, the little Taoist priest, who was running away and looking back, was out of breath and cursed in surprise.

He had been hiding in the crowd before, and he was about to leave and go to the treasure house of martial arts.

Seeing that Lin Han hadn't left, he was keenly aware that there should be something tricky.

Sure enough, the next moment, I waited for the flame **** sword technique and the eight steps of lightness, these are two, very rare and powerful martial arts supernatural powers, unparalleled in the world, a living being, if you cultivate one, you can traverse the vast and endless territory. The two together can help him become an unparalleled powerhouse, which is extremely precious.

The little Taoist saw it like this, and naturally there was no reason to let it go, so he took advantage of Lin Han and Miao'er's carelessness and quickly shot to get these two martial arts.

Originally, I thought that I had the Taoist talisman, the haste talisman, and after getting it, I ran away as soon as possible, and Lin Han could succeed without even seeing his figure.

I never thought that this guy Lin Han would react so fast, and the speed was abnormally terrifying, and he wanted to chase after him.

On Lin Han, there are many terrifying methods, such as Honghuang Casting Sword Furnace, Qingping Sword, Kaitian Jiu Shi, Pangu Blood Qi, and so on. Even if he admits that he has two brushes, compared with Lin Han, it is still a little bit different. To be frightened, naturally, he did not want to confront Lin Han head-on.

Now it really makes him feel a little helpless.

"Mother sucks, you forced me."

In the end, the little Taoist simply turned his heart away, with a resolute look on his face, clenched his teeth sharply, and cursed inwardly.

boom! The next moment, in his hand, a purple talisman paper appeared. The runes engraved on it were more complicated and dense, and it looked much more advanced than the yellow talisman paper on his leg.

The little Taoist priest, his face twitched, and there was a tinge of pain in his eyes. Runes of this level are more precious. He is not willing to use them on weekdays. Now, in order to get rid of Lin Han, he has to do it.

Swish! When the thought fell, he closed his eyes like a jumping god, and quickly recited a paragraph in his mouth, an obscure incantation, a purple rune paper, banged, and burned, and then his speed, under the blessing of a mysterious force. Immediately below, he suddenly rose again to a top, his body was still in place, leaving only afterimages that seemed to freeze time and space, and quickly disappeared at the end of the earth.

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