War Emperor

Chapter 2675: blackmail everyone

"This should be the Ten Thousand Spear Killing Array." Not everyone is like Lin Han, who has a body of protection in the body, and explains some of the history of the Great Wilderness from time to time. Therefore, many people do not know the origin of the Ten Thousand Spear Killing Formation.

At this time, Su Qing, who was suspended in the sky, was dressed in Tsing Yi, fluttering wildly, slenderly holding the hair around her ears, and a dignified expression appeared on her pretty face, she sighed softly.

Thousand Spear Killing Array! As soon as these four words came out, it was like a bomb exploded in the nearby earth.

Many people's hearts were shocked, and a touch of horror passed by.

They also heard that the name of the Ten Thousand Spear Killing Formation does have the power to cry out to the gods and the world. It only exists in legends.

"What about this?"

Some people can't help but turn pale, the six gods have no masters, and the name of the ten thousand spear killing formation is so strong that normal people can't break it.

"Lin Han, I heard that your formation skills are good, do you want to try it out?"

At this moment, Chu Xuan suddenly sneered at the corner of his mouth, turned his head to look at Lin Han, and said maliciously.

Hearing this, many people were startled, and it was indeed vaguely heard that Lin Han also has a certain degree of water quality in the formation of the formation, plus the old antique teaching of Hong in his body, maybe it is really possible to break this and make countless people. Divine formation that smells discolored.

"Why me, you can't go by yourself?"

Lin Han cast a sideways glance at Chu Xuan and sneered.

This guy is really aimed at him. He has to be at the forefront of everything, and he has endured a lot of danger before preventing the beast from self-destructing.

Now let him go up, he will naturally not arbitrarily.

Even if he does have a certain chance to break this ten thousand spear killing array.

"This ten thousand spear killing formation is too strong, you have Hong's guidance, what are you afraid of?"

Chu Xuan smiled coldly, then took out a five-million-year-old medicine from his hand, and said indifferently, "If you can break it, how about I give you this five-million-year-old medicine?"

This is to make Lin Han jump into the fire pit.

Many people were stunned. The five million-year-old medicine is a very rare one in the wild.

If you get it, you can increase your own strength.

"No, one plant is too few, all of you here, at least ten plants must be gathered before I will take action."

Lin Han didn't even look at the old medicine, shook his head lightly, and said calmly.

A five million-year-old medicine, although precious, is undoubtedly not enough compared to the credit for breaking the Ten Thousand Spear Killing Array.

Many people's faces became a little unhappy. This guy Lin Han is really a lion. If a normal person can come up with a five-million-year-old medicine, it is already very good, but he wants ten. A piece of wealth, even some unparalleled powerhouses, I am afraid they will be moved.

However, they also understand that it is very important to break the ten thousand spear killing formation, otherwise all the martial arts in it will be missed.

Moreover, Lin Han is too much a threat to everyone. If it can be done like this, it will be a good thing for everyone to eradicate the opponent and rob the opponent of many treasures.

Thinking of this, many people looked at each other in dismay, and finally agreed.

Although it is true that one person can't come up with ten five-million-year-old medicines, but there are too many talented players here. If you put them together, they can be comparable to ten five-million-year-old medicines, which is not difficult.

Under such a combination of medicines, after a while, a small mountain-shaped medicine mountain was piled up beside Lin Han, which was full of brilliance and fragrant aroma. The medicinal materials have different ages of 50,000, 100,000, and hundreds of thousands of years. If they are added together, the effect is indeed comparable to ten old medicines that are five million years old.

That aroma was directly transformed into spiritual energy, like a wisp of spiritual mist, which was constantly floating around, making many people smell it, and their whole body was fluttering and comfortable, as if the soul was about to be lifted up. generally.

So many elixir, many cultivators, have never seen in their life.

There was also a touch of heat in Lin Han's eyes. Although he had magical medicine on his body, the level was too high. If he took too much, it would not be of much benefit to his realm. It might even make his foundation suffer to a certain extent. The influence of , now these elixir, for him, it is the most suitable.

Immediately, with a wave of his palm, a strange force burst out, and he put all these elixir into his storage space, Lin Han then laughed and said to everyone: "Don't worry, this is Leave the ten thousand spears to me."

Many people looked at Lin Han, and there was a faint killing intent and jealousy in their eyes. This guy Lin Han was equivalent to treating everyone as a leek and cutting a wave.

Most of the people who can come here are in their own area, have a lot of fame and pride, and naturally feel uncomfortable.

And they are also jealous of Lin Han's harvest.

Now, they couldn't help but grin in their hearts, looking forward to Lin Han's accidental death when he was breaking through the ten thousand spear formation.

In that case, the treasure on Lin Han's body alone can be shocking.

Lin Han didn't care about the thoughts of the people around him. Before striding towards the stone gate, he saw that the war spears seemed to be carved out of stone, with a thick and simple taste, and each one was stronger than normal people. To be tall, at first glance, it does not have a terrible murderous aura. Only people with a relatively sharp mind can find it.

The mental oppression was also very strong. Lin Han felt like there was an invisible mountain pressing in front of him, making him feel suffocated.

At this time, there was silence all around, and everyone's eyes were focused on Lin Han, wanting to see how he behaved.

hum! Suddenly, just as Lin Han was moving forward, the killing formation of ten thousand spears clearly felt Lin Han's approach. One of the spears vibrated violently, and then made a terrible killing sound, moving towards Lin Han. Han's fierce assassination came, the speed was too fast, faster than lightning, the general trend in it was also majestic, everyone felt a feeling of terrifying waves, as if it could crush the human body, press into pieces.

hiss! Aware of this, many people couldn't help but take a deep breath. This 10,000-spear killing formation is really scary. This time the attack is even more powerful than the previous one. I'm afraid it is even an ordinary quasi-Saint Rank 4 person. Seeing it, it's hard to contend, Lin Han doesn't know what the outcome will be in the face of this level of attack.

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