War Emperor

Chapter 2737: scary banner

Click! All I could see was that after Lin Han's fist collided with the arm of the Sect Master of the Ghost King Sect, the sound of the two bursting out was incomparably loud, like two iron mountains meeting, the sparks bursting out, making the sky and the earth pale.

But as a result, the strength contained in Lin Han's fist was so strong that the Ghost King Sect's arm could not compete at all. He was beaten like firewood in an instant, bending down one after another, blood was flowing, and bones were exposed.

The severe pain came like a tide, causing the Sect Master of the Ghost King Sect to suddenly let out a scream like killing a pig.

The expressions on the faces of many people were instantly frozen, and many people were dumbfounded on the spot. Who would have thought that the skeleton of the Sect Master of the Ghost King Sect was not a match for Lin Han's physical body?

How perverted has Lin Han's body been?

"how so?"

In addition to the pain, the Sect Master of the Ghost King Sect also had an unbelievable look on his face. Not to mention a junior person, even a top hero, if he was not too different from his realm, would be completely impossible to compete with him.

As a result, it was like a heavy hammer, smashing **** his head, making him dizzy.

Although Lin Han successfully broke it, the Ghost King Sect's arm, in fact, received a very strong impact on the arm, and he felt that his arm was a little painful.

The meridians in the body also seemed to have broken a few, which was very uncomfortable.

I have to admit that the skeletal power of the Sect Master of the Ghost King Sect is still extremely powerful.

After panting for a while, Lin Han's heart moved, and the magical medicinal liquid in his body burst out, turning into a lot of pure energy, which surged in his body before healing the pain and the ruptured meridians.

Lin Han was able to achieve this step, naturally because Pangu's blood was too powerful. The current Pangu's blood gave him the feeling that it was really like Pangu's will. Blessing on him gave him a kind of breaking through the heavens and the world. Only my dignity.

This is too far from before.

boom! Seeing that the Sect Master of the Ghost King Sect was injured, a sneer appeared on the corner of Lin Han's mouth, but without any delay, a palm knife moved towards the neck of the Sect Master of the Ghost King Sect, slashing away.

The Sect Master of the Ghost King Sect was too powerful in his heyday, and even if he has taken advantage of it now, he is not too careless.

This is a fierce tiger, he wants to take advantage of his illness and kill him.

The sharp palm pierced through the void just like that, sharper than the Heavenly Sword, and rubbed against the air, making a sharp, breaking wind sound.

The Sect Master of the Ghost King Sect jumped in his heart, knowing that he couldn't be tricked. After witnessing Lin Han's methods, he understood too clearly that although this guy was a human body and his realm was low, the power that burst out from his palms was very powerful. It's exceptionally powerful.

If he was hit, even him would be in great danger.

At the moment, in desperation, he clenched his teeth fiercely, headed backwards, and avoided Lin Han's knife in a dangerous and dangerous way.

In his heart, he was a little surprised. Lin Han's combat experience is indeed very rich. That is to say, he has experienced many battles and has seen many strong winds and waves, so he can dodge away in such a short period of time. All have been recruited.

It was completely impossible to see that Lin Han was the fighting quality a young man should have.

However, at this moment, Lin Han's palm stopped abruptly, turned his palm into a claw, pressed down, and grabbed the face of the Sect Master of the Ghost King Sect again. The fierce bearing contained on the claw, It is also extremely powerful, as if it can knock endless iron and stone into fly ash.

It seemed that his every move was within Lin Han's expectations, and there was no room for him to contend.

The Sect Master of the Ghost King Sect couldn't help but have a look of anger in his eyes. Such an attack, hitting him, was a great shame for him.

Too disrespectful.

After all, he is also a quasi-holy 9th-turn almighty who is famous in the world.

Many people were also surprised that Lin Han's current attack was so old-fashioned that it was indeed a bit of a triumph over the Sect Master of the Ghost King Sect.

For a young man to do this, it feels really dreamy.

"Boy, you angered me today, and I will make you regret it for the rest of your life."

The Sect Master of the Ghost King Sect burst out with an extremely fierce light in his eyes, like a beast that was completely irritated. Let the sky change color, and the sun and moon will shake.

I can only see that a black banner appeared in his Heavenly Spirit Cover, and I couldn't see clearly what material the banner was made of. As soon as it appeared, there was an endless black mist, like some kind of black mist between heaven and earth. The incomparably evil magic weapon was born, and everyone felt a rush of rain coming, and a huge sense of oppression in their spirits, and even some people who were not strong enough directly threw a thud, and knelt down one after another, sweating profusely on their faces. Thriller.

"What item is this?"

Lin Han couldn't help but be taken aback. The powerful bearing on the banner was indeed very strong. He felt like some kind of supreme recovery, and there was an extremely terrifying power that swept over him. Let him feel the great sense of danger.

This is just natural, a kind of temperament that erupts, can be like this, it can be seen that this banner is extraordinary.


At this time, Hong's voice couldn't help ringing in Lin Han's body, and he also realized that this thing was not simple. If Lin Han was hit, he would terribly suffer certain injuries.

In fact, without Hong's reminder, Lin Han knew that this kind of temperament could not be hit on the body. At this moment, his mind moved, his feet glowed, and he showed rapidity, trying to dodge this blow.

puff! It's a pity that Lin Han still took a slow step. This aura was too powerful, and it was as fast as lightning. To the extreme Juyue, it is like hitting the body. The bones, meridians, and viscera in the body are all shaking, as if they are about to shift.

Then, Lin Han was so shaken by that momentum that he flew out and collapsed several mountains not far away.

quiet! The originally noisy surroundings suddenly fell into some silence.

Many people looked stiff and froze in place. Originally, Lin Han was still imposing, and he looked like he was pressing down on the Sect Master of the Ghost King Sect. As a result, the Sect Master of the Ghost King Sect showed his real means and directly knocked Lin Han into the air. All this. It happened so fast that people couldn't react.

Miao'er was also on the side, watching quietly on a beautiful mountain. Seeing this scene at this moment made her delicate and pretty face extremely nervous.

She wanted to rush over quickly and check on Lin Han.

But beforehand, Lin Han had given her a voice transmission, so that no matter what happened, she could not easily show her face.

She just stood there now, ten slender fingers intertwined with each other, and she felt uneasy in her heart.

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