War Emperor

Chapter 2739: Buddha tree power

After he finished speaking, his arm shook, the flag of the ghost king began to shake, and countless black rivers, like hanging stars, fell from the sky, towards Lin Han, swept away violently, the breath was majestic At the extreme, there is also the scene of the black sun falling, which is terrifying.

At this moment, the void is like a shaking picture scroll, constantly shaking.

Many people were even more so under the powerful breath, their hearts were beating constantly, and they wanted to vomit blood.

Lin Han also noticed that a majestic pressure was swept in, which made his breathing stagnate and felt extremely difficult.

boom! However, for this, he is not afraid. If it is compared to weapons, he will never be afraid of anyone. The most powerful weapons on his body are not too few in the wild.

Boom! After the thought fell, I saw Lin Han spread his hands, and suddenly a large ray of light burst out in his body, like the sun blooming one after another, and four Buddha trees appeared on the surface of his body, each of which was divine and holy. , there is a mighty force to suppress the heavens and the world.

After the four Buddha trees were connected, a 10,000-zhang-sized **** and Buddha light and shadow appeared on the sky. It was dazzling, like it was cast in gold, and it was extremely magnificent. Under that big Buddha, all beings were as small as ants.

There was also a huge and incomparable sound of Sanskrit in the sky, as if there were endless gods and Buddhas singing together, shaking the heavens.

The momentum is too vast, and everyone feels that it is like coming to a kingdom of gods and Buddhas.

"This is the sacred artifact of Lingshan!"

Many people were shocked and praised. Everyone knows that after the collection of the four Buddha trees in Lingshan, the majesty of the holy artifact can burst out. However, they have all been lost for too long. Over the years, there are many strong people who want to find them. There is no way.

Now it was collected by Lin Han, and it also burst out with the grace that a holy artifact should have, which is enviable.

Isn't this guy's blessing too perverted?

hum! Under the mighty Buddha's might, Lin Han slapped it directly, and a huge word Buddha appeared in the sky, and the giant Buddha on the sky also shot with him, punched out a palm, and let the word Buddha appear. The seal is even more dazzling. At first glance, it looks like a golden star falling from the sky, and it has a taste of shaking the heavens and the world.

Many people's scalps are numb. The word "Buddha Seal" is really powerful, and the sacred aura is extremely powerful. They all feel that they are so weak. If they hit them, I am afraid that their bodies will explode in the first time. Open, clean and clean.

At the moment, there are also many people who widen their eyes, wanting to see what kind of sparks will be wiped out from the treasure in the ghost realm and the sacred artifact in Buddhism.

When the Sect Master of the Ghost King Sect saw Lin Han's four Buddha trees, his heart sank. As a wicked person, he certainly understood that the treasures in Buddhism would cause certain oppression to them.

Ordinary wicked people are a little afraid of the treasures in Buddhism, and these are four Buddha trees. Their power is astonishing, and they can be compared to the sacred artifact. He naturally has a certain sense of fear in his heart. Among them, it is so terrifying that even saints must be treated seriously, no one is not afraid.

However, after all, he is the head of a sect. He has seen many winds and waves, but he is not too worried. His realm is still much higher than Lin Han. This is the solid foundation.

Even if Lin Han's four Buddha trees are powerful, he is not a member of the Buddhist family, and he can't really exert the power of the Buddha trees, and the threat to him is not particularly huge.

Thinking of this in his heart, he undoubtedly has a lot of confidence.

At the moment, a wicked laugh made the ghost king banner even more powerful.

Boom! In the end, under the scorching eyes of countless people, the majestic ghost energy and the terrifying golden brilliance finally collided fiercely, just like the meeting of two heavenly rivers, and the agitated divine light was extremely dazzling.

The ghost qi and the Buddha qi are like natural opponents. After the collision, there is a sound of thumping, thumping, melting ice and snow, and a strong scorching smell emanates from the void.

There are even a lot of yellow water flowing down from the air.

Many viewers changed color, this Buddha power is really powerful, and it has suppressed the ghost qi into this way, completely purifying them, you can see that those ghost qi, like a tide, continue to dissipate, Lin Lin The character of Han, the Buddha Seal, is incomparably brave, as if entering a realm of no one, attacking the banner of the ghost king.

The attack of the ghost king's banner, under the Buddha seal of that word, was defeated steadily, and it was no match at all.

"How could this be?" The Sect Master of the Ghost King Sect, saw this scene, his eyelids twitched, his heart was like a basin of cold water, completely freezing.

He originally thought that winning Lin Han by himself should not be a problem, but he never thought that there would be so many twists and turns. Could it be that even his ghost king banner would be defeated?

Looking at the word Buddha seal, he also felt a little gloomy in his heart. Intuitively, the word Buddha seal was like a big mountain, and it had to keep pressing towards him. If it was hit, it would be in great danger.

"Impossible, I absolutely cannot lose."

Perhaps because of his unwillingness, he could not help but grit his teeth fiercely, and a fierce light burst out in his eyes, burning his own blood and blood, so that the power of the ghost king's banner increased again, and he has no choice now. , like a desperate wolf.

If he loses, he will lose all face.

He absolutely does not allow himself to lose.

He is arrogant, if he loses to a younger generation of Lin Han, he will have no face to stand on this land in the future.

It's a pity that Lin Han's word Buddha seal is too strong. The four Buddha trees are like four springs that can be continuously injected into the source of mana, so that the power in the word Buddha seal is extremely abundant, and it seems that it will never be possible. General exhaustion.

The ghost qi of the Ghost King Daqi was still invincible, and it was shaken away at once, and then the word Buddha seal finally came to the front, and slapped the sect master of the Ghost King Sect fiercely.

Click! Under the strength like a million giant mountains, even the bones of the sect master of the ghost king sect are extremely strong, but they still can't bear it, and there is a sound of bones breaking, and then the whole person is shocked Flying out, throwing a dog and eating shit, very embarrassed.

Many people's chins are slightly widened, and their faces are incredible.

This is the Sect Master of the Ghost King Sect, a quasi-sage 9th-turn unparalleled almighty. In this land, there is an existence that calls for wind and rain, and all living beings can only look up to him on weekdays.

Now, under the watchful eyes of the public, being beaten like this?

They were all dumbfounded.

Lin Han's record is unprecedented in this area.

This alone, the Sect Master of the Ghost King Sect, will definitely be ridiculed by others in the future.

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