War Emperor

Chapter 2744: Binger's means

However, although it is very prosperous and prosperous, it is also full of competition and cruelty. Every year, I go there with famous and world-renowned powerhouses, and as a result, I go to a small town at will, and some of these masters kill them in the street and destroy them. Cases are numerous.

It is because there are too many masters there, and every place where cultivators gather, there is a possibility of crouching tiger hiding dragon.

The Palace of the Ice King is Hezhou, a well-known force.

It never occurred to me that the woman in Tsing Yi actually came from the Ice King Palace.

This status is somewhat noble.

The woman named Bing'er, with her blue silk hanging down like a mysterious girl descending to the world, with a pretty face, alluring the country and the city, is immaculate, standing here, like a beautiful landscape, attracting the attention of everyone in the audience.

A pair of star eyes, glanced at Miao'er, a helpless look appeared on her pretty face.

In the eyes of others, she is an unattainable goddess.

But in front of her own sister, she is just a gentle sister.

The younger sister has been playful since she was a child, and likes to wander outside. She has encountered danger several times. In order to protect her, the clan has also sent many experts.

I never thought that this time she sneaked out.

Coupled with some turmoil outside, of course she guessed that she must have come to participate in the hunting conference.

While her sister is playful, she also likes to take risks. She will never miss such a scene where geniuses get together.

Aware of the reproach in Sister Bing'er's eyes, Miao'er couldn't help but feel a little scared. She pursed her rosy lips and didn't speak. In front of her talented sister, she still had no temper.

Although in the eyes of others, her sister is aloof and good-natured, as if she never gets angry, but she clearly knows that if her sister is really uncomfortable and punishes her, her end will be extremely bad.

"This person is Lin Han?"

Bing'er didn't care too much. She turned her beautiful eyes, and suddenly her eyes fell on Lin Han. She smiled sweetly. Han's face changed drastically, and he noticed that an extremely powerful exploratory force was sweeping towards him, all-pervasive, like invisible needles, even his mental power was unstoppable.

"What a strong mental power. This person's mental power has reached at least the late fourth stage." Lin Han was surprised. The ninth stage of mental power is also a very advanced level in the flood. The average powerhouse wants to enter the It is extremely difficult to get in. Only a few days can enter the "Duan" class. At least until now, he has not encountered a genius with stronger mental power than him.

Now, his mental power has only reached the third stage. In the hunting conference, he is already the leader, defeating many geniuses.

This woman's mental power is at least in the late fourth stage, and this is only a preliminary inference, maybe it is higher, which makes Lin Han naturally a little surprised.

He was indeed the first to see someone of the same age with a mental strength so much higher than him.

Under the powerful psychic investigation of the other party, Lin Han felt as if he really wanted to enter his body and probe his secrets.

Generally speaking, cultivators will not probe into other people's bodies at will, which is a behavior that does not respect people.

Binger dared to do this to show her self-confidence. As a genius in Hezhou Ice King Palace, she is not afraid of everything and looks down on the earth. Even the so-called western fringe, the champion of the hunting conference, seems to have nothing in front of her. Second, she also wanted to give Lin Han a disgrace to let her know that her sister was not so close.

Lin Han has a good temperament, and can be regarded as a good-looking person, and his sister, who is at the age of a young girl Huaichun, might be attracted to him. Of course, she must be a little vigilant in her heart.

Sensing that her spiritual power was about to enter Lin Han's body, the corners of Bing'er's rosy mouth couldn't help but curl up slightly, and a smug arc crossed her pretty face.

Although she didn't care about some fame, but in front of so many powerful people, including the attention of the Six Saints, Lin Han suffered a slight loss, and she would have a sense of accomplishment in her heart.

"How can it be so easy to enter my body!"

Understanding Bing'er's thoughts, Lin Han couldn't help but his face sank slightly. He didn't have any bad thoughts about Miao'er. Aroused his inner resistance.

If you just slumped in front of Bing'er, wouldn't you be ridiculed as the so-called champion of the hunting conference?

Zhenyuan Daxian's face will also be a little unbearable.

Immediately, Lin Han's heart moved, and the incomparably powerful mental power in his body immediately surged out like a spring, slowly spreading out around his body, forming a strong mental power constructed from mental power, showing White, although it looks transparent, many people can perceive the strength of this spiritual power.

Some veteran powerhouses couldn't help but nodded slightly and praised in their hearts. In this area of ​​the western edge, Lin Han's ability to cultivate his spiritual power to this stage at this stage is indeed shocking.

Many elderly people who have practiced for countless years are difficult to do.

As for Bing'er, it belongs to another category and has long been out of this area.

"Haha, the third stage of mental power is quite interesting, but it is very difficult to resist my power of exploration."

Seeing Lin Han's wall of mental power floating around her body, Bing'er also smiled slightly, and let out a voice like the sound of heaven. Her charm is really too eye-catching, and every move has an amazing bearing, which makes people fascinated.

There was a hint of mockery in his expression.

The nine stages of spiritual power, the gap between each stage, like heaven and earth, is not a concept at all.

To put it bluntly, it would not be a problem for a person with 4th rank of mental power to defeat a hundred people with 3rd rank of spiritual power.

What's more, he is still in the late stage of the fourth stage of mental power, and the gap between Lin Han and her is too great. For Lin Han's resistance, she feels that he is completely in the arm and has no effect.

Just as she expected, Lin Han's mental power had only just taken shape, and under Bing'er's mental power exploration, it was like invisible steel needles hitting the solid wall, and finally the wall. A lot of holes were pierced through one by one, and the entire wall began to collapse.

The impact force generated by each impact is backlashed on Lin Han's spirit. Therefore, Lin Han's brows are constantly wrinkled, and a little bit of sweat drips down on his forehead. This person's spirit seems to be suffering from some The hammering of the heavy hammer is ordinary, and it is extremely uncomfortable.

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