War Emperor

Chapter 2747: Ghost King Ring

Aware of the faint sense of pain in her arm, Miss Bing'er frowned slightly. Miao'er was in the clan and always obeyed her words, but she rarely refuted her, and looking at Miaoer's attitude, There is quite a lot of meaning to be anxious with her, and she is naturally a little unhappy in her heart.

The heart is more determined, and the determination to let Lin Han stay away from Miao'er.

Lin Han is a broom star. Wherever he goes, there will be many strong people staring at him, trying to seize his treasure.

With Lin Han's current combat power, he has no ability to protect himself in the flood.

Her attitude towards Lin Han was still very firm.

Lin Han ignored her. At this time, some of the powerhouses of the Ghost King Sect had already flown over to treat the dying Sect Master.

The sect master is their spiritual support, and it must not be just abolished. Now the injury has just begun. If some magical healing medicine is used, maybe one or two can be rescued.

If the sect master is really abolished seven successful powers, the blow to the ghost king sect is difficult to estimate.

Therefore, in that area, many experts from the Ghost King Sect were busy rushing about, some feeding medicine pills, some feeding Shenquan, some delivering mana, and the amazing medicinal fragrance continued to spread, colorful. The ray of light flickered, and in this area that was originally full of chills, the scene was a little different.

Lin Han glanced at it and then retracted his gaze. He also understood that in his current state, it was a dream to really kill the Sect Master of the Ghost King Sect.

However, when he turned his palm, a smile appeared, only to see that in his palm, there was a pitch-black ring, cast from an unknown iron block, with a sense of staleness, and the ring was also engraved with the words Some special runes of ghosts make the whole ring look gloomy, like some kind of supreme token in ghosts, with a special majesty.

"Is that the Sect Master's storage ring?"

There were also some people in the Ghost King Sect who were paying attention to Lin Han. After seeing the ring in Lin Han's palm, their expressions instantly changed and they said angrily.

The ring is called the Ghost King Ring, and it is not a very powerful magic weapon in itself, but it is the token of the past sect masters of their Ghost King Sect, and only the sect master can wear it.

It houses the life-long collection of the contemporary suzerain, which is extremely valuable.

In general, this is the biggest treasure house of the Ghost King Sect, and there can be no surprises.

Now that Lin Han has passed the Sect Master's ring, this naturally makes them angry.

hiss! Many people can't help but take a deep breath when they see this scene. The life-long collection of a quasi-sage nine-turn great master, you don't have to think about it, it must be extremely rich. Maybe there are a lot of things, all in This piece of land, the existence that can set off a **** storm, was obtained by Lin Han like this. The collection of this game is really huge.

"Boy, hand over the ring!"

Some masters of the Ghost King Sect couldn't just watch Lin Han take away the ring. This was a huge shame for the Ghost King Sect. At the moment, they couldn't help bursting out with a strong ghostly energy, like one by one from hell. The old ghost who climbed out shouted towards Lin Hanhan.

And strode forward, with murderous aura, a lot, if Lin Han didn't take it out, he would definitely die.

Lin Han smiled sarcastically, he didn't take them seriously at all, even the Sect Master of the Ghost King Sect was damaged in his hands. Although these guys were the mainstay of the Ghost King Sect, he was not in his eyes.

Even if he is very weak now, it is not so easy for normal people to oppress him.

Immediately, he flicked his fingers, and a cluster of blue-green flames appeared at his fingertips, his face was indifferent, without any fluctuation, and he shouted: "Who dares to come up?

die! "

The azure flame in his hand is the seedling of the fire of chaos. Everyone has seen it before. It is because of the carelessness of the sect master of the ghost king that he was burned under the seedling of the fire of chaos, burning a lot of origin. , Now that Lin Han is sacrificed again, it is more like a trump card, and many people have a chill on their backs, as if they have encountered something extremely terrifying.

The powerhouses of the Ghost King Sect also trembled, and there was a thick dread in their eyes. The chaotic fire seedlings, even their sect masters who were powerful in the sky, could not resist them. They were naturally afraid, and the swaying seemed weak. But under the flames like a deadly poisonous snake, they all sensed a sense of fear from their souls.

It seemed that as long as Lin Han really threw them out, they would all be burnt like ashes.

"I don't believe that this kid has suffered such a heavy backlash in the previous battle, and now he can still erupt with power!"

The old man with the Ghost King Sect gritted his teeth fiercely and said savagely.

Although the ghost king sect belongs to the lineage of ghosts, most of the creatures are in the form of skeletons, but to this stage of cultivation, changing their appearance is only a matter of thought, and there are many members of the ghost king sect who are human-like.

The old man's eyes were gloomy and his face was ashen, as if he had been coated with a layer of powder, which was a little terrifying.

He is a high-ranking elder in the Ghost King Sect.

The members of the Ghost King Sect nodded their heads. Lin Han's current state is indeed too bad.

They also didn't believe that Lin Han could still activate the seedlings of the Fire of Chaos.

Previously, the time limit for the suppression of the Great Desolate Sword Furnace had already arrived.

Lin Han's sense of threat to them has greatly weakened.


For their distrust of them, Lin Lengmo snorted, and within the sky, the majestic spiritual power, like a river pouring down, madly spread out between his eyebrows, slowly squirming, and around him, unexpectedly Condensed a "spiritual body", the appearance is exactly the same as him, but the aura emanating from the whole body belongs to the spiritual power, it seems to be a strong person in the spiritual power, standing there, tall and tall, heroic.

"Spiritual body?"

Many people are stunned. This is a Dharma body that can only be condensed when the spiritual power reaches a very high level. When it is inconvenient to move, the spiritual body can replace the body to fight.

In general, only the spiritual powerhouses in the central region of the Great Desolation have such means.

On the western fringe, very few people can do this.

Lin Han was so young, and he had already condensed the legendary spiritual body, which made everyone feel amazing again.

Not far away, Miss Bing'er saw Lin Han's spiritual body, her beautiful eyes narrowed slightly, and a hint of surprise flashed in her heart. Spiritual body, this magical power is indeed advanced. Normally, it requires four levels of spiritual power to condense, Lin Hancai It's just that the peak of the third stage of mental power is still a long way from the fourth stage, but it has been successful.

Such cases are rare, even in the Ice King Palace, where there are many geniuses and strange people.

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