War Emperor

Chapter 2756: crumble

The big blue snake also grinned, feeling that Lin Han was too conceited, and would definitely be melted into blood by its poisonous gas.

boom! However, in the next moment, the scene that made him stunned appeared, only to see that Lin Han's body was slightly shaken, and a powerful aura burst out immediately. Those fierce and incomparably poisonous qi didn't even get close to him, so he was directly isolated. And open.

Lin Han's body seemed to have an invisible aura, blocking everything.

The big blue snake was dumbfounded for a moment, with a sluggish expression on his face, he couldn't believe his eyes, how powerful and abnormal its poisonous gas was, even a sturdy magic weapon could melt, and Lin Han's body could actually resist. Come down, effortlessly.

This blow to it, like a divine sword, inserted into his heart, making it extremely uncomfortable.

The girl in purple was also immediately stunned, and her pretty face was full of funny colors.

She is even a little suspicious now, is it hell.

Lin Han has long hair without wind, and his tall and handsome body is tall and straight like a javelin. Standing there at this moment, he exudes a sense of intimidating charm. This is different from the previous experience in the mountains and forests, which made him look a little sloppy. , the ordinary appearance is very different.

Swish! Lin Han didn't care about the surprise of the big blue snake. Since he had already decided to take action, he would naturally not be polite. The next moment, under the look of the big blue snake's pupils, Lin Han's body disappeared out of thin air, as if it had never been seen before. Appeared in general, and came to the top of the blue snake.

Then, I saw that Lin Han descended from the sky like a god, bursting with dazzling divine light, and stepped on the head of the big blue snake with one foot.

Above the soles of the feet, the power that rises is so powerful that even a magnificent mountain range can be razed to the ground and turned into fly ash in an instant.

The big blue snake naturally felt a terrifying sense of danger, and he felt fear and fear in his heart. He did not expect that Lin Han's speed would be so perverted. Down, it felt as small as an ant, and it was like a dragon attacking, and he could only meet the fate of death.

It couldn't help but have a sullen look in its heart. It's really unreasonable. He is also an overlord in the mountains and forests. He is extremely powerful. How can a human being be suppressed like this? The combat power, the human heel is so low, the chance of a master appearing is too slim.

What's more, he is still so young.

If he is really stronger than himself, then his talent is among human beings, like a peerless evildoer.

Waiting for a genius, is that so easy to see?

Except for Hezhou, human civilization developed more advanced than other places before it could be born.

However, it is also very rare.

Those characters are almost legendary, and it never believes that it can see it.

boom! At the moment, its teeth slammed violently, as if it had exhausted all the Taoism in its body, and the whole body burned with raging black flames. Since its entire body was straight in an instant, it seemed to be a black pillar standing on the ground. The whole head has become extremely sharp, with a sense of detachment that pierces the sky and witnesses the universe.

At this moment, the cyan big snake's bearing is much stronger than before.

It was burning its own way, unleashing a tyrannical blow to crush Lin Han.

boom! Unfortunately, under Lin Han's ferocious footsteps, even if the big blue snake has tried its best, it seems so insignificant. The footsteps fall, as if carrying the power of the sky, suppressing all things, destroying everything, and the space is instantly cracked. The cracks are extremely thick, and accompanied by bursts of void lightning, it is extremely scary.

what! A shrill scream spit out from the mouth of the big blue snake. Under the fierce power of Lin Han's feet, its counterattack didn't play any role at all. The entire huge body immediately looked like a mountain peak. It disintegrated, cracked open, and there were a lot of blood, like a fountain, splashing out.

Internal organs, bones, and pieces of meat kept falling.

The body of the big blue snake disintegrated directly.

Every piece of flesh and blood is huge, falling from the air, like a pile of boulders, smashing the ground with potholes and rumbling sounds.

The purple-clothed girl opened her mouth wide, as if she could swallow an egg. This big blue snake is already a very powerful monster. It can call the wind and call the rain within at least 100,000 miles, and it is difficult to find an opponent. It's a dreamy feeling to step to death.

The feeling that Lin Han gave her now was really like the taste of a young goddess, tall, tall and straight, unfathomable, and breathtaking.

The clear lines on the face and the deep eyes also seem to contain many past events.

"Okay, give me the Heart Yang Pill."

Lin Han didn't care about the thoughts of the purple-clothed girl, just glanced at the miserable corpse of the blue snake, then withdrew his gaze, descended from the sky, and said indifferently to the purple-clothed girl.

The purple-clothed girl just reacted smartly. At this moment, for some reason, she was stared at by Lin Han's calm and deep eyes, her heart trembled a little, and her pretty face was a little hot.

I just feel that Lin Han's sense of charm has changed a lot now.

Even in the environment where she lives, those geniuses who are truly famous in all directions may not give her this feeling.

At this time, if someone sees the girl in purple in embarrassment, they will be surprised and close their mouths. You must know that this girl in purple has always been a fearless, charming master, and she is not too concerned about any genius. At this moment, it is surprising to see such a rare shyness towards a young man who is unfamiliar with Lin Han.

The girl in purple responded quickly and didn't dare to shirk. Lin Han gave people the feeling that in the calm, there was still a touch of indifference, like a peerless murderer who is used to life and death and kills without blinking an eye. If he agrees to the other party's affairs If not, the consequences will be unimaginable.

Although she didn't understand, how could Lin Han, a young man, feel this way, but she was also a little afraid of Lin Han's temperament.


There was a flash of pain in the eyes of the girl in purple. This heart nourishing pill was also very precious to her. Before, she just said it casually to confuse Lin Han. Now that she really took it out, she still had some blood in her heart. of.

However, thinking of her own identity, she still had a hint of cunning in her heart.

Although Yangxin Pill is valuable, as long as she acts like a spoiled child and pleases the old men in the clan, it is not particularly difficult for her to get another one.

On the contrary, now that Lin Han was in her mind, she became more interested.

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