War Emperor

Chapter 2766: Dayuan River

Maybe, this time the martial arts madman experienced a big defeat, concentrated on cultivation, and recovered some of his previous strength, Lin Han might be in great danger.

But thinking of the tragic experience of Madman Wu, she didn't think about it.

This is also a poor man.

This is not necessary.

"Lin Han, thank you again this time."

Then, she came over, a bright smile raised on her delicate pretty face, and said.

The sunlight poured through the branches and leaves of the dense forest, shining on her graceful body, her hair seemed to be dyed with a layer of gold fringe, coupled with her sweet smile and fair skin, forming a very beautiful in this vast mountain forest If you normally lick blood at the edge of a knife, a practitioner with strong vigor might breathe heavily, like a wild boar in estrus, pressing Mu Qingxue to the ground and ravaging her.

In the barren forest, blood is often bathed, the spirit is extremely tense, and the creatures return to the most wild state. Sometimes the attractiveness of beautiful women to people will be much magnified than usual.

"It's okay, let's go."

Lin Han smiled calmly, and it was the end of the rescue. Since he had agreed to be Mu Qingxue's bodyguard, he naturally couldn't helplessly watch his gold master have an accident.

Besides, Mu Qingxue was quite able to get along with each other during this period of time.

While speaking, Lin Han unfolded the map, looked at the direction, and couldn't help frowning.

"What's wrong?"

Aware that Lin Han's expression was not right, Mu Qingxue came up curiously and asked.

"It's not too far from Luoxia Town. The problem is that in the final journey, we have to cross a river called "Dayuan River". In this river, there is a big monster that is not easy to deal with. ."

Lin Han fixed his eyes on the map and frowned.

It can be seen that there is indeed a river in the place where Luoxia Town is marked on the map. The red mark in the river represents danger, and there are also some remarks: God Kui in the Snow Region, in the early stage of the 6th rank of quasi-sacred strength, the bloodline The power is unparalleled and infinite, and it can even compete with the monsters in the middle stage of the quasi-sacred sixth rank.

Quasi-Saint Rank 6, this is already an extremely powerful realm, and the Xueyu Shenkui's heels are still relatively advanced. Even Lin Han is now, without using the prehistoric sword-casting furnace to suppress the avenue, he wants to compete. easy.

The Great Desolate Sword Stove, as his biggest trump card, unless the opponent's realm is too much higher than him, or he encounters a category beyond his ability to deal with, he doesn't want to use it.

The most important thing in training is to train yourself.

The God Kui in the Snow Region can put pressure on him, but it is not enough to use the Sword Furnace of the Great Wilderness.

I am afraid that even Hong will not agree.

In this way, the meaning of cultivation is lost, which is not a good thing for him.

"Then what?"

Mu Qingxue heard that the God Kui in the Snow Region had reached the sixth rank of the Quasi-Saint, and her pretty face also turned a little pale. This powerful monster might not be a big deal for a master of the Mu family's eighth vein. It's hard to deal with, but for her, it's a little out of reach.

Just hearing it made her tremble in her heart.

"It's okay, let's take a look first."

A look of determination appeared in Lin Han's eyes, since he had already decided to go to Luoxia Town, nothing could stop him.

The source of the bloodline of the Xueyu Shenkui is heard to be a rare medicine. If this Xueyu Shenkui has a little knowledge and let them pass by, it would be fine. If he really does it, he doesn't mind trying to kill this beast. Seize the source and use it to refine medicine.

In this way, Lin Han and Mu Qingxue rushed in the direction of the Great Yuan River.

In the wild mountains and forests, there are many ferocious insects and beasts. Even if there is a map, it is impossible to mark all the numbers and locations of the powerful beasts. Lin Han and Mu Qingxue are still cautious when they are on their way. Even though Lin Han has outstanding mental power, he can sense some monsters in advance. The breath of beasts was avoided, but there were too many dangers, and they were still attacked by many monsters along the way.

There was even one time when Mu Qingxue was almost swallowed by a poisonous spider that was good at concealing aura.

Fortunately, Lin Han reacted quickly enough, and immediately used the sword of spirit to kill the poisonous spider, which was the size of a low mountain, and whose body color was exactly the same as the surrounding trees.

Otherwise, Mu Qingxue would have already become blood food.

With the strength of Mu Qingxue, there is absolutely no chance of life in this ferocious forest.

It is precisely because of Lin Han's repeated beheadings, those unknown and sudden dangers, the young man's handsome face, deep eyes, and sturdy body, in her mind, it seems more and more radiant, she feels. Lin Han is like a mysterious and incomprehensible opposite sex, which is too attractive to women.

Several times, seeing Lin Han's back, she felt a little obsessed.

She really didn't understand how a weak human being, at a young age and with no background, behaved so calmly and experienced in the wild mountains and forests, as if he had long regarded the mountains and forests as his home.

It can also be seen from this that Lin Han must have experienced hardships and bloodshed that ordinary people can't imagine.

Lin Han's past made her even more curious.

She had asked several times where Lin Han came from and what kind of life experience he had, but to these, Lin Han never answered much, just indifferent and silent.

This almost indifferent attitude made her even more curious about Lin Hanqi.

It has been said that when a woman becomes curious about a man, it is the beginning of the woman's fall.

Now she has a slight meaning towards Lin Han.

"Hmph, what's so great, I won't say it if I don't say it, why should I ask you, the lady of the eighth vein of my dignified Mu family."

Mu Qingxue pursed her rosy lips and thought so in her heart.

She has been spoiled since she was a child, and she simply does not allow herself to be disadvantaged in front of other men.

What's more, they are still the same age.

In the following time, Mu Qingxue and Lin Han had less communication, so the two kept silent and kept on their way.

Lin Han was so happy that she and Mu Qingxue had nothing to say, they just wanted to earn 3,000 Prehistoric Stones and go to Hezhou.

After about 20 days, Lin Han and Mu Qingxue finally crossed the vast and wild mountains, and came to the Dayuan River in a messy way.

Mu Qingxue's image was much better than Lin Han's. Although he was a little unclean, he still had a dazzling beauty, like a landscape in the treacherous mountains. charm.

Most of Lin Han's body was covered in animal blood, which was very filthy, and his hair was in tufts, but he didn't care at all.

After experiencing hard work in the wild mountains and forests, if you still care about whether you are clean, you can leave long ago without wasting your life.

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