War Emperor

Chapter 2776: disintegration attack

Those rotten flesh all spit out sword lights, killing Lin Han, densely packed, and the offensive is incomparably terrifying. Compared with before, it is much stronger. Many people have numb scalps and a burst of surprise. Who would have thought that the God of Snow Kui, there is actually such an attack, turning his body into thousands.

Lin Han's color changed a little. With this, the God Kui in the Snow Region has indeed become much stronger, and he is a little bit overwhelmed.

Immediately, a brilliance flashed in his hand, and a sharp black divine sword appeared, slashing horizontally and vertically, slashing out countless sword lights, and colliding with those swords. The attainments above the swordsmanship are also very powerful, and the sword light that erupts from every gesture is extremely powerful.

In the void, there was a sound of swords colliding with each other, as if countless divine weapons and sharp blades were meeting each other.

The splendid sparks erupted one after another, just like the continuous blooming of fireworks, dangerous and intimidating.

In the end, after thousands of collisions, Lin Han was forced to go backwards again and again, but the light radiating from the countless rotten flesh was much dimmed. Obviously, Xueyu Shenkui displayed such a The trick is a suicidal method. Even if it can suppress Lin Han, it will probably be finished by itself.

Although Lin Han was going backwards, seeing that Lin Han was not seriously injured, many people watching couldn't help but be amazed.

This guy Lin Han is really perverted, the **** Kui in the snow region, he can't help it even if he fights his life.

"I don't believe it, I can't kill you."

Xueyu Shenkui's voice is full of madness. If you don't kill Lin Han, it will really be finished. Only by killing the other party to seize its origin will it have a chance. It is so arrogant that it is absolutely impossible to allow it. Died at the hands of a human.

shhhhhh! At the moment, the countless rotten flesh and the sword light that burst out are even more terrifying.

Among them, the burning has the spirit of the **** Kui in the snow, with a smell of not killing the enemy and swearing to never give up.

Lin Han gradually lost his patience. Does this guy really think that he can't deal with him?

He just didn't want to use too many trump cards.

Now he doesn't care so much anymore.

boom! The next moment, Lin Han's thoughts moved, and countless divine lights burst out in his body, like a volcano erupting, illuminating the sky and the earth, Pangu's blood energy was cast out by him, and a huge phantom appeared behind him, like The ancient gods who opened up the world, like blessings on him, have an air of contempt for the heavens and the world, overlooking the ancient and modern years.

This phantom was used by Lin Han to cover up Pangu's appearance. Otherwise, if others saw him, his identity as a descendant of Pangu would be exposed. Now he doesn't want others to know this. After all, he is away from home. It's good to be able to hide something.

Others do not know their true means, he has more opportunities.

Boom! But even though Pangu's appearance was concealed, the bearing that swept across the nine heavens was also unobstructed, as if Lin Han had been blessed by a terrifying existence that was beyond imagination, and he had a sense of arbitrariness and invincibility.

The current Lin Han is no different from a real **** descending to earth.

Countless people were horrified when they saw this scene.

No one can believe that a human being can burst out with such power, which gives them the feeling that they are like a giant **** who opened up the world and wants to rule the earth.

In their minds, Lin Han's figure suddenly became extremely sublime, like the sun in the sky, making the world only look up.

Mu Qingxue also opened her mouth in surprise.

Even if she had a certain understanding of Lin Han, she never thought that Lin Han would be so perverted. Oh my God, is this still the young man who doesn't talk much on weekdays and is a little deep?

At this moment, the light that blooms can simply amaze the years.

Her heart is constantly being impacted, as if there is some kind of emotion, which is being touched madly.

Before, she thought that the Qingguan man's bearing was very good and fascinating, but now it seems that even if the Qingguan man gave her the feeling, it was far inferior to Lin Han'e.

She felt that Lin Han was the most dazzling person she had ever seen.

The slender figure and extraordinary bearing were deeply imprinted in her mind.

hiss! The man in Qingguan was lying on the ground. After this period of recovery, the injuries in his body were almost recovered. Seeing Lin Han's outburst of bearing at the moment, he couldn't help but take a deep breath, his eyes crawling. With a touch of shock, is Lin Han so powerful?

Before Lin Han pressed and beat the Xueyu Shenkui, it was not as powerful as the impact on him at this moment.

It turned out that Lin Han was more terrifying than he knew.

What kind of person is the other party, with the body of a human being, it is already incredible to cultivate to this stage.

The hidden means are still so extraordinary.

At this moment, he has a kind of urge to scold his mother, his face is red and his neck is thick.

"Master, don't make him an enemy for the time being. With our strength, we are not his opponent at all."

Seeing the unwillingness of the Qingguan man, one of the guards stepped forward and smiled cautiously.

If it was before, he wouldn't believe it if he was killed, he would say such a thing.

Before and after Lin Han, the contrast between them was too great.

Qingguan man, although he is an extremely talented young man among the Tianyi clan, he is not the most outstanding junior in the Tianyi clan. Some young masters are even more terrifying, but they rarely appear in the public eye among.

The Tianyi clan can be in this land, and the great power of all directions, so many years, the background is naturally not covered.

"Damn, how could I not know, don't worry, if you mess with me, he will never have a good time"

The Qingguan man was very unhappy at first, but when he heard the guard's words, he was even more angry. At the moment, he slapped the guard's face fiercely, cursed angrily, and then stared at Lin Han, His eyes were extremely gloomy, like a vicious poisonous snake, and he thought so fiercely in his heart.

He is indeed not Lin Han's opponent.

With his background, the energy that can be mobilized is extremely scary.

A young human in the forest cold area with an absolutely limited background.

He wanted to kill Lin Han, it was too simple.

In the prehistoric times, talent, footsteps, and opportunities are of course important, but the most important one is the background.

Whoever has a big enough background, the more power left and right, the smoother the growth will naturally be.

Otherwise, even if it is against the sky, it is not uncommon for people to be killed in history.

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