War Emperor

Chapter 2785: Refining and refining prehistoric stone

Thousands of years of ice crystals?

Hearing these words, Mu Long was startled and a little surprised, but he also understood that the ice crystal stone of thousands of years is extremely precious and rare, even his father, it is not easy to get it.

This thing is fate.

Lin Han, a human with no background, is indeed not easy to get this thing.

At the moment, he took a deep look at Lin Han, but didn't say anything.

Turn away.

However, when he was about to reach the end of the corridor, he said indifferently: "I hope you can stay away from Mu Qingxue, some people are not something you can imagine as a poor boy."

After only one day of contact, he could see that Mu Qingxue seemed to have a special affection for Lin Han.

Talking to Lin Han often has never happened before other men.

If Lin Han is a talented person with an extraordinary background and outstanding strength, that's fine.

Human beings and feet are really despised in the wild.

Mu Qingxue was the pearl of their Mu family's eighth vein, and the heart of their father.

He didn't want his sister to have anything to do with such a person.

Otherwise, it would be a big shame for the entire Mu family's eighth vein.

After he finished speaking, he left here without waiting for Lin Han to reply.

Lin Han looked at the background where he disappeared, smiled lightly, and didn't care at all. He didn't care what Mu Qingxue treated him, but he didn't think about it at all.

Then, he opened the door and entered the practice.

The room is fairly clean, with tables, chairs, teacups, beds, everything, and it's not extravagant at all.

Lin Han sat on the soft bed, waved his palm, and suddenly a large amount of spiritual light spread around him, only to see that it was a piece of spiritual stone, and each piece of spiritual stone exuded a crystal luster, like a Like stars, they are suspended around Lin Han.

It is Honghuang Stone! A full three thousand.

The energy contained in these 3,000 prehistoric stones is an astonishing number.

Now that Lin Han is finally free, he naturally wants to refine it.

He squeezed out the cultivation seal in his hand, and his body was like a whale swallowing a cow, madly absorbing the energy in those prehistoric rocks, and many prehistoric rocks suddenly had a majestic prehistoric aura, like a stream, toward the As Lin Han gathered away, Lin Han's body began to glow gradually, and after a while, it was like a **** descended to earth, illuminating the entire room with colorful colors.

"I don't know if I can break through to Quasi-Saint 5th Rank 1 today.

Lin Han muttered in his heart.

During these years of traveling, Lin Han has been greatly enhanced in both combat experience and tempering of his temperament due to his frequent battles with ferocious beasts in the great mountains.

Now that it has broken through to the Quasi-Saint Rank 5, it is indeed only a little short.

He also understands that just this thread, the time required is a very long number.

In the flood, time is the least valuable thing.

It may take tens of thousands of years for many people to break through a small realm.

This is equivalent to promoting Lin Han to a big realm, which is even more difficult.

If the opportunity is not enough, even his talent, it takes tens of thousands of years, it is normal.

Three thousand prehistoric stones are undoubtedly good items for him to take shortcuts.

boom! boom! boom! boom! With the continuous absorption, the blood energy in Lin Han's body began to surge wildly, like a turbulent river, violently surging. After a while, it came to a critical point. At this moment, Lin Han's head had an amazing glow of light blooming. It came out as if it contained a small sun, which was extremely dazzling.

After this mighty situation lasted for a while, it seemed as if he had finally broken through some kind of shackles, and the breath in Lin Han's body suddenly burst open the dam like a flood, pouring thousands of miles into a new realm.

In the room, all the rays of light are transpiring, fairy lights are shining in all directions, colorful mist is permeating, and there are many visions of birds and flowers.

If others see it, they will be surprised.

This is the sign of breaking through to the Quasi-Holy 5th Rank.

From the peak of the Quasi-Saint Rank 4 to the Quasi-Saint Rank 5, even if there are 3,000 prehistoric stones, it is extremely difficult for normal people to break through. After all, the energy contained in the 3,000 prehistoric stones It was so amazing that it would take a long time to absorb it, but Lin Han could absorb it all overnight, and his body could withstand it perfectly, which was amazing.

This step was possible because Lin Han's physique was too strong.

After being tempered by Pangu's heart and blood, Lin Han's body function has reached a level that is beyond the reach of normal living beings.

Now that Lin Han has broken through to the fifth rank of Quasi-Saint, his heart is also a little shaken.

At this point, the energy in his body was integrated and entered a new realm. He felt as if there was endless divine power in his body. With a random thought, the sound of landslides and tsunamis could be heard in every cell, as if containing Going through countless worlds and mobilizing the power of many great worlds, it can send out terrifying combat power.

Once this kind of momentum is released, it is enough to crush ordinary people.

"Finally broke through 1

Lin Han grinned and felt contented for a while. In terms of divine power alone, he felt that he was at least ten times stronger than before.

Now he is completely incomparable with the quasi-Saint Rank 4 peak.

"It's time to swallow the Wild Dragon Pill."

Then, Lin Han's eyes flashed, his palm turned over again, and a glowing elixir appeared in his palm. It was a baby's fist-sized elixir like a gem, surrounded by a lot of light and rain, like a certain It looks like a splendid divine stone. If you look carefully, there are also small dragons entwined around it. It looks beautiful and has an extraordinary atmosphere.

Lin Han stared at Barbarian Dragon Pill, and there was a touch of heat in his heart.

This kind of elixir is rare in the wild, and there are too few people who dare to use it. Among them, the ferocious and domineering savage dragon energy is like the violent energy that destroys the dead and can tear a person's body to shreds.

Even the power of blood, an extremely powerful race, is unbearable.

In history, the number of barbarian dragon pills was not too small, but most of them died from the violent barbarian dragon's aura.

Barbarian Dragon Pill will make people feel terrified and terrified.

Lin Han didn't have to worry, his physique was guarded by Pangu's coercion, and he was not afraid of anyone in the same realm.

All living beings in the entire prehistoric world are envious.

If swallowing a Barbarian Dragon Pill could affect him after being tempered by Pangu's blood energy, then Pangu's blood energy would be too unreal.

At the moment, Lin Han opened his mouth. When the medicinal pill was swallowed and taken directly, he felt that after the medicinal pill entered his mouth, it turned into an extremely strong medicinal liquid and entered his stomach along the throat, which was slightly viscous and spicy. Pungent, indescribable in words.

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