War Emperor

Chapter 2788: spirit beasts appear

The young man's whole body was violent, and he originally wanted to take action and fight against Lin Han.

Hearing Mu Long's words, his body moved, but he remained silent.

In front of others, he is absolutely domineering, but in front of second brother Mulong, he is naturally a little afraid.

Mu Long's strength was completely incomparable to him.

Mu Long chuckled lightly, looked at Lin Han and said, "You are very good. If you want to stay in my Mu family all the time, I can arrange a good errand for you, and the treatment is very good."

The other guards had a look of envy in their eyes.

Being able to be favored by Young Master Mulong, Lin Han is also the first.

Lin Han shook his head and politely refused.

To him, the Mu family was just a passing visitor.

Mu Long smiled, but did not force it.

He also understands that it is difficult for someone with good talent like Lin Han to stay in one place all the time.

Boom! While they were talking, suddenly the earth in the distance began to tremble, as if some beast was traveling, and then a commotion spread in Luoxia Town.

"what happened?"

Many people are a little bewildered.

At the end of the street, some mortals rushed towards this place, panicked and exclaimed: "No, the nine-eyed beast has come to Luoxia Sect to commit sins."

boom! Hearing these words, Lin Han turned his eyes, and as expected, at the end of the earth, a huge beast appeared, like a mountain, incomparably steed, and looked like a lion, but it had nine eyes that gleamed. It seems to be able to penetrate the sky, fascinate people's minds, and make people dread.

The tail, like a crocodile, is sturdy and long, and the space between swings is a little rippling. It can be seen what kind of huge energy it contains in its body, and it can tear the world apart with a random movement.

It spewed a huge fireball from its mouth, and it burned within the Sunset Cloud Sect, and many buildings were set ablaze.

Some people just died tragically.

Seeing this, Lin Han's face sank. This nine-eyed beast is said to be an auspicious beast. Why is it so bloodthirsty, even some innocent people do it.

"Nine-eyed beast, you are so daring to appear here."

A loud shout spread, only to see a figure with a glowing body appearing, rising into the sky, like a god, standing in front of the Jiutian Tongtian Beast.

It was Yu Chi Si.

He is slightly tall, wearing a purple shirt, with extraordinary martial arts, and holding a long spear in his hand, the sharp point of the spear, swallowing a fierce cold light, it seems that with a single blow, this world can be pierced.

In the other direction, Taibai Haonan, white clothes fluttering and flying, handsome and handsome, a pair of eyes are shining, as if they can illuminate the sun, moon and stars.

Jin Huang Mo was holding a golden sword, like a **** of war, standing on a hill not far away.

The three masters have gathered.

The entire Sunset Cloud Sect instantly became tense.

Mu Long also flew over and surrounded the nine-eyed beast in the middle.

This is a competition between them. After winning the Nine-Eyed Tongtian Beast, they can show affection to the Sect Master of the Luoxia Sect. This is very important to them.

"A group of ants, just the four of you want to stop me?"

The nine-eyed heavenly beast stands on the spot, with an unmoving bearing like a mountain, like a god, a terrifying aura, a mad and mighty Quartet, very domineering.

It stared at Yuchisi, Taibai Haonan, Jinjinmo, and Mulong with contempt in its eyes.

These people, in the eyes of others, may be the masters among the young people.

But the deterrent to it is not very big.

It has been cultivating Taoism for many years, even if it was subdued by the Sect Master of Luoxia Sect back then, with that vision, normal young people are simply not enough to be taken seriously by it.

"I don't know whether to live or die, escape from the Sunset Cloud Sect, yet dare to be so arrogant, I will take you down today and hand it over to the Sect Master of the Sunset Cloud Sect."

Yuchi Si sneered, he was very direct, the long spear in his hand exuded amazing brilliance, and a spear aimed at the nine-eyed beast was stabbed in the past, the terrifying light immediately swept the world like a landslide and a tsunami, sweeping the heavens and the earth. The shock, a fierce cold wind, raged for nine days.

The clouds in the sky are changing.

This blow made the world pale.

The nine-eyed heavenly beast smiled sarcastically, flicked its tail, and a majestic force burst out. With a bang, the spear light immediately exploded.

Then, the nine-eyed celestial beast rushed forward, and its mighty force, like a mountain, wanted to smash Yuchi Si to death.

Yu Chi Si's expression changed, and he hurried away.

The body of the nine-eyed penetrating beast directly smashed a mountain not far away, causing the smoke and dust to rise, and the scenery was terrifying.

Many people's scalps are numb, and the power of the nine-eyed beast is too strong. The power contained in this hit is simply an astronomical figure.

Lin Han also felt a chill in his heart. Originally, he thought that Yuchisi and the others were strong enough, but now it seems that if they fight alone, they will hardly be the opponent of the Nine-Eyed Beast.

After all, the nine-eyed beast has lived for too long.

"Let's do it together."

Jin Jinmo and Taibai Haonan sighed and attacked the Nine-eyed Heavenly Beast together with Yuchisi. They also understood that this evil beast was difficult to deal with, and if they were defeated one by one, their situation would be in danger.

Mu Long only nodded and flew into the battle.

The next moment, in the sky, endless divine light erupted, like several gods fighting over the nine heavens.

There is like a small catastrophe, all kinds of energy riots, and the scene is terrifying.

Many people were shocked. These four young masters shot together, and the momentum was really terrifying. The average middle-aged powerhouse is probably not an opponent.

The means of each of them are astonishing.

However, the nine-eyed heavenly beast is also very powerful. Even under the siege of the four young powerhouses, it has not fallen behind. The nine eyes on the head are like nine energy sources, constantly blazing out terrifying The divine light ripped apart the world, and the four attacks were all resolved.

Moreover, the nine-eyed heavenly beast opened and closed its mouth, and terrifying flames spit out, which seemed to destroy all things, making the four masters extremely fearful.

"Haha, the four of you are not my opponents at all, so get out of here."

The nine-eyed celestial beast laughed loudly, full of high-spirited spirit, and seemed to be invincible.

The four of Yuchi Si didn't say a word, and they all showed some of their true abilities. Suddenly, the strength of the attack increased more than ten times in an instant, and the terrifying aura was once again mighty, and the sky and the earth were all covered by the terrifying Daoguang. Covering, such an attack, seems to destroy this world.

Everyone was shocked. Obviously, before the four of them, each had a ghost, and none of them showed their true strength.

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