War Emperor

Chapter 2804: reason

Chapter 2804 Reasons

Lin Han's heart really moved, and he was a little hot. He also coveted the Xiaguang Avenue. After all, each of the three thousand avenues has infinite wonders. Any one can be deduced to the extreme. The more one, the more powerful If there is no strong man, he will despise himself for such means.

Then, as if thinking of something, he frowned and said, "But why didn't the seniors pass on this divine art to the descendants of the Luoxia Sect? I'm afraid it's not just because of Zhenyuan Daxian."

The Luoxia Divine Art is so powerful, it is of great significance to the Luoxia Sect, and it is of course strange that it is not passed on to future generations, but to an outsider.

"Luoxia Divine Art, I spent my whole life creating, I want to find an outstanding descendant for it, and truly carry it forward, so as not to fall into its prestige, among the descendants of the Luoxia Sect, there may also be some geniuses. , but I know that I haven't reached that level..." Great Immortal Luoxia sighed and said leisurely.

Sometimes a sect is not the longer the inheritance, the stronger it is.

After all, most of the sects are the first ancestors who are more powerful, and the later sect masters are mediocre in aptitude.

There are only very few, among the sects, the strong come out in large numbers, the wizards are ups and downs, and the more powerful forces.

He accepted seven apprentices at that time, and there was no suitable successor.

So, it was not passed on.

The most important thing is that when he was alive, he had a big festival with one of the six saints.

That sage was also very coveted for his Luoxia magic.

He was afraid of bringing disaster to future generations.

In the past so many years, Lin Han has a certain relationship with Zhenyuan Daxian behind his back, so he has some self-protection skills.

Otherwise, for the sake of Lin Han's safety, it would be difficult for him to teach it.

And after seeing Lin Han, he could see Lin Han's amazing potential.

This is a genius that has been rare in millions of years, and his aptitude is even higher than that of him at the beginning.

This is a peerless jade, and Lin Han is very suitable.

After Lin Han heard this, he nodded relievedly. At the moment, he cupped his hands and bowed to the old man earnestly, saying, "If that's the case, then I would like to thank the seniors for teaching me."

At the end, Lin Han grinned, revealing a row of white teeth.

He is also very happy to get a unique skill like this.

The old man nodded, but he didn't shirk. Anyway, his remnants of thoughts, in a few hundred years, will almost disappear in heaven and earth. During this period, it can be passed on to Lin Han, which can be regarded as a blessing for him.

Immediately, he pointed a finger and hovered in front of him, and the many words immediately rushed towards Lin Han like a stream of water, and then turned into a golden light and entered Lin Han's eyebrows.

Lin Han closed his eyes and carefully comprehended, and suddenly he felt that in his mind, there seemed to be countless voices of Hong Zhong and Da Lu, each of which was a kind of Taoist sound, extremely mysterious.

Deep in Lin Han's mind, it was as if an invisible barrier had been opened, making him feel empowered.

At Lin Hantian's spiritual cover, there were even many rays of light blooming, as if he was comprehending the most terrifying secret technique in the world, and there were many golden lotuses blooming.

About ten minutes later, Lin Han slowly opened his eyes.

A bright light flashed in his eyes.

"You have a preliminary understanding?" Seeing that Lin Han woke up so quickly, the old man was stunned and said in disbelief.

His Luoxia Divine Art is profound and profound, and it is extremely mysterious. If an ordinary powerhouse can obtain it, he will not be able to make progress without a hundred years of time.

Lin Han only watched it for ten minutes, as if he had already grasped it initially, which naturally made him feel incredible.

Even with Lin Han's talent, he was already highly regarded, and he never thought that he would be so perverted.

You know, this is the secret method about the Three Thousand Avenues.

One of the most mysterious magic in the world.

It's so easy to get started.

However, Lin Han's words made his heart tremble wildly. Lin Han smiled lightly, his face was rosy, as if he was a little high-spirited.

Great Immortal Luoxia, her mouth was wide open, as if she could stuff an egg.

If Lin Han hadn't admitted it himself, he would never have believed it.

Immediately, he frowned and said solemnly, "Young man, it's a good thing to be talented, but don't talk too much. It's so easy to comprehend such a superb skill. You give me a try."

He suddenly felt that there might be some problems with Lin Han's character.

Lying is not a good thing.

He even had some regrets in his heart, and it was a bit hasty to pass on what he had learned all his life to Lin Han.

If Lin Han did something that ruined his reputation and became his heir, even after his death, under Jiuquan, it would be difficult for him to rest his eyes.

Just when a sternness appeared in his eyes, the next moment, Lin Han's performance made him stunned again, his whole body seemed to be struck by lightning, and it was difficult to move.

I can see that Lin Han flipped his palm and smiled slightly. In this special small world, countless rays of light immediately gathered towards Lin Han's palm, forming an incomparably dazzling god. The ring is even brighter than the sun in the sky, colorful, immortal, and extremely dazzling.

Great Immortal Luoxia was completely dumbfounded. This is the first level of Luoxia's magic art, "Gathering Qi into a Ring". Don't think it's very simple. In fact, you need to have a certain understanding of the Xiaguang Avenue. To do it, I don't know how much time it will take. Lin Han not only watched for ten minutes to understand the meaning of his magic, but also practiced the first level by the way.

He just had the urge to go to hell.

Is this guy really that perverted?

Rao had seen countless geniuses before his death, and he had never seen such an outrageous one.

If it goes on like this, will Lin Han's future achievements still be achieved?

However, he was still full of puzzles. He felt that the understanding of normal prehistoric creatures could not achieve such a step against the sky. There must be a special reason for this. At the moment, a dazzling light erupted in his eyes, staring at the image of Lin Han. It was like encountering a new continent, and asked in a burning tone: "How did you do it? Say it!"

Perhaps because of his nervousness, his tone became a little trembling.

The eyes also became extremely sharp, looking a little scary.

"It's nothing, because of some special reasons, I had some contact with Xiaguang Avenue before, so I got started so quickly." Seeing the serious appearance of Luoxia Daxian, Lin Han was stunned, a little frightened, and then chuckled lightly.

He was able to do this, first of all because his body was transformed by the blood of Pangu, and his understanding, skills, and aptitude had undergone earth-shattering changes.

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