War Emperor

Chapter 2808: martial arts

Chapter 2808 Wushu

Otherwise, Ye Yunfeng was really angry, and he wouldn't be able to eat and walk around.

Wang Hong blushed a little, and finally, biting his teeth fiercely, he said solemnly: "If you want to become a god, in addition to lifting the holy mountain of god, there is also the martial arts test, I want to be with him. Duel and see how much he weighs."

Hearing this, everyone was silent for a while, Lin Han's performance was indeed outstanding, and everyone wanted to see how his true combat power was.

If there is only one item of talent and chance, and the strength is too stretched, it is indeed a bit inappropriate to become a **** disciple.

Just because Lin Han is too evil, there are still a lot of people who don't want him to become a disciple.

Ye Yunfeng frowned and looked at Lin Han involuntarily.

Lin Han smiled lightly, looked at Wang Hong and said, "If you want to duel with me, I'm afraid it's not enough, so let's change to someone stronger."

Wang Hong's realm, he can see at a glance, the quasi-sage six saints, close to the realm of the later stage, among the millions of disciples of the Luoxia Sect, maybe not bad.

But compared to him, it is still worse.

The most intuitive way to become a **** disciple is to defeat a **** disciple, but he felt that it would be most appropriate to come directly to a **** disciple and fight him.

Although he had no interest at all in becoming a disciple, but the matter had come to this point, if he backed down, it would only embarrass Ye Yunfeng.

Ye Yunfeng brought him back to the Luoxia Sect, and by chance, he obtained the Luoxia Magical Art.

For him, this is also a kind of kindness in disguise.

Of course he couldn't let Ye Yunfeng lose face.


Hearing Lin Han's words, many people took a breath of cold air again. Even if this guy's chances are abnormal enough, there is still a question mark about his true strength.

Wang Hong was already considered to be the top group of disciples under the gods. Ninety-nine percent of the disciples in the Luoxia Sect were not opponents.

He looks down on him so much, is his strength really so abnormal?

"Boy, you..." The anger on Wang Hong's face was also more intense. His grandfather was the reason for a supreme elder in the sect, and his real hidden method was the same as his. Compared with the strong, he is also stronger, and he can play in an all-round way, even some **** disciples at the bottom would not dare to despise him.

Lin Han was so contemptuous that he was completely annoyed.

At that moment, his teeth creaked, his face twisted with anger, and he grinned: "I am not qualified, then you will naturally know, I just hope that when you are beaten by me, you will still be able to survive. So tough!"


Almost without waiting for Ye Yunfeng to agree, he arched his body, his spine bone, like a crawling dragon attacking, his entire body suddenly charged towards Lin Han.

Now, he is almost angered, and his reason is overwhelmed, and he will not pay much attention to it at all.

After coming to the front, his five fingers became claws, and he directly grabbed Lin Han's face. The sharp breath contained in his fingers was extremely powerful, as if it could tear apart nine days.

The temperature in the nearby area dropped suddenly.

Many people shook their faces and took a few steps back.

The magical power that Wang Hong displayed was called "Cracking Mountain Claws", and it was a very famous one among the many combat skills of the Sunset Cloud Sect.

After using it, the five fingers are like divine weapons, all-powerful and invincible. Seeing to tear apart everything, Wang Hong has been practicing for many years and has already reached the realm of transformation.

Right now, using it directly is really giving people a very strong sense of oppression.


However, next, a scene that made everyone change color appeared, only to see that facing Wang Hong's aggressive claw, Lin Han just looked indifferent, with a faint smile on the corner of his mouth, until the claw was only three inches away from his face. At the time of distance, Lin Han did not slow down, stretched out his palm, turned it into a palm knife, and slashed at Wang Hong's five fingers.

Lin Han also did it casually, but his palm, which was no different from a short knife, rubbed against the air, and even made a sharp wind and **** sound.

Everyone's expressions changed. Everyone knew that in a bare-handed battle, Wang Hong's mountain-splitting claws were very powerful. Lin Han did not use weapons to resist, but also used his own flesh and blood. This made people a little surprised. Come on, this is totally asking for trouble.

"Haha, boy, I thought, how capable you are, you are also a fool who doesn't understand anything." Wang Hong was also stunned for a moment, and then burst into laughter. There should be some expensive weapons. Whether his mountain-splitting claws can be taken down with one blow is still unknown.

As a result, Lin Han did not use any weapons, but used his palms to harden him.

This is pure stupidity.

His split mountain claws are extremely strong, and Lin Han's palm, cut on it, can't have any effect at all. On the contrary, his five fingers can pierce Lin Han's face directly, and directly pierce five big **** holes. He has already After calculating Lin Han's ending, his heart was naturally happy.

Some geniuses of the Sunset Cloud Sect at the same level as Wang Hong couldn't help but sneer.

Obviously, it is also seen that Lin Han will inevitably suffer a lot in the future.

Just coming here, it's like crushing them and becoming a god.

In their hearts, they were also extremely resentful. Lin Han had this end, and it was also for them to be very happy to see it.


However, just when they thought about it like this, the next scene made their faces suddenly stiff before they raised all the sneers.

I could see that Lin Han's palm knife hit Wang Hong's five fingers, and there was no harm to the five fingers that were surrounded by strong divine power. On the contrary, the end of Lin Han's palm knife flashed away. After passing away, there is a sharp cold light that erupts, like a divine weapon that can cut through everything in the world, and nothing is indestructible.

After the two collided, Wang Hong's fingers immediately made a sound of bone cracking. Next, under the sight of many horrors, Wang Hong's five fingers immediately bent down, and the mighty divine power lingered on them, like earth. Like a chicken and a dog, it is vulnerable and collapses directly.


The sudden pain made Wang Hong stunned for a while, then his body tensed up suddenly, and he let out a scream like a slaughtering pig.

His five fingers and bones were smashed to pieces all at once, blood was continuously sprayed along the cut flesh, and the severe pain, like a tide, hit his brain, making his face become, Pale as paper, his forehead was covered in sweat, and his lips were trembling.


And this scene also caused a huge commotion all around.

A look of surprise appeared in the eyes of many people.

Wang Hong's mountain-splitting claws, after training, the five fingers are as strong as iron, and the ordinary magic weapons and sharp blades may not be opponents and will be directly torn apart.

Lin Han's palm knife is only flesh and blood. Under the hard shock, he defeated the well-known Split Mountain Claw. This shock to them is really not small.

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