War Emperor

Chapter 2817: Cang Ye

Chapter two thousand eight hundred and seventeen

At this moment, there is also a touch of excitement in his heart.

This is really drowsy, and someone sent a pillow.

Originally, with his talent, even if he possessed the Luoxia Divine Art, it was impractical to cultivate to a certain level and enhance his combat power in just a few days.

To reach this level of divine power, it takes a very long time to comprehend some.

Before, in the holy mountain of gods, he only had a preliminary understanding, and it was still far from being able to truly help him increase his combat power.

Now, with this ray of light, he feels that the chance will increase a lot.

Immediately, he stretched out his hand to pick up the Xiaguang Stone, but, as if thinking of something, his palm was stiff in the air, he smiled awkwardly at Ye Yunfeng, and said, "Senior Ye, you have already helped me a lot, we two just met today, You gave me such a treasure, it seems..."

Lin Han was a little embarrassed for being rare, but he could also vaguely perceive that this ray of light was so rare, it must be of great value.

It is indeed unreasonable to accept such a precious gift from others for nothing.

"Hehe, you're welcome, you were introduced by me to Luoxia Sect. It's normal to give you some help. Besides, this thing is really useless for me, so you can take it." Ye Yunfeng smiled lightly, his eyes Kindness, he really appreciates Lin Han very much. If he can, he is willing to cultivate it no matter how much he pays.

This is also an investment. When Lin Han grows up in the future, it will be of great benefit to Luoxia Sect and him.

Lin Han felt a little helpless in his heart. In fact, he had no intention of participating in the Luoxia Sect. Ye Yunfeng was so enthusiastic about him, which made him a little hard to shirk.

However, it is still too early to say these, and it is not too late to mention it after the birthday banquet.

He only had plans in his heart, and he wanted to repay Ye Yunfeng when it was a big deal in the future.

Naturally, Ye Yunfeng didn't know what Lin Han was thinking, so he turned around and said, "By the way, for the birthday banquet competition in a few days, in addition to Mu Long and other geniuses from Hezhou, you should also pay attention to Wang Xiao."

"Wang Xiao?" Lin Han raised his eyebrows slightly.

Ye Yunfeng nodded solemnly, and said solemnly, "This Wang Xiao is the supreme elder of the Sunset Cloud Sect, with a noble background, and there are naturally many disciples who want to take refuge in and curry favor with him. Let those **** disciples do something to you, and your danger will be even greater on the birthday banquet competition."

"There is one person among them, you should pay special attention to, his name is Cang Jue, he is a powerful figure among the sixty-four divine disciples, and he has a tendency to be the number one of the younger generation of Luoxia Sect. Within the Sunset Cloud Sect, there are very few people who would be his opponents." Ye Yunfeng narrowed his eyes and said.

Among the millions of Luoxia Sect's disciples, Cang Zhe's talent was indeed unique, with infinite potential.

Possessing middle-grade high-grade heels, and even a trace of it can enter the realm of high-grade, and is incomparably powerful.

You must know that high-grade heels are high-quality heels in ancient and modern times, such as Minghe Patriarch, Kong Xuan, Zhenyuan Daxian, etc. Looking at the entire prehistoric period, people who can achieve high-quality heels are rare.

This person, who can achieve a high-quality heel, can be seen as terrifying.

Maybe in the future, it can really reach the point of fame.

Many ancient great emperors are only high-ranking heels.

The best heels belong to the legend, except for the Six Saints, no one seems to have heard of it.

And even so, the Six Saints only achieved this step with the help of Hongmeng Purple Qi.

Being in the wild, it means class and potential, which is very important.

Some cultivators, even if they go against the sky and can't keep up with their feet, can't break free from the comfort of fate.

"Mid-grade high-grade heels are a little short of being able to enter top-grade?" Lin Han was a little surprised when he heard this. Don't look at the fact that after he absorbed Pangu's blood, he claimed to be able to reach top-grade heels, but in fact, that was just saying His potential in the future, strictly speaking, his current footsteps are only mid-level and lower-level at most.

In the prehistoric times, the low-grade heels, the middle-grade heels, the high-grade heels, and the top-grade heels are like four worlds.

Each level is completely different from the life of the foot in the future.

For example, a cultivator with low grades and feet, throughout his life, the ceiling may be the Great Luo Jinxian.

People with middle grades and feet can achieve quasi-sage.

As for the top grade heels, there is a chance to reach the level of a great emperor or a saint.

The best heels belong to the legend.

He was originally a human being, and he was inferior to a low-ranking person. He belonged to the lowest level in the Great Desolation, and his potential was limited.

After absorbing the blood of Pangu, being able to be promoted to the lower level of the middle grade is already very unbelievable.

Countless cultivators dare not even dream that their heels can improve so much.

And Pangu's blood is like an unparalleled treasure, hidden in his flesh and blood.

His absorption and refining of Pangu's blood energy is still very limited. If he absorbs all the blood energy in the future, maybe he has a chance to step into the legendary high-quality heel.

But Lin Han is no doubt far from that realm now.

Among these four grades, each is divided into three grades: lower, middle, and high, and the gap between each small grade is also very large.

The so-called Cang Ju is a middle-grade high-grade heel, and even the top-grade heel has a trace, which is more than two small grades higher than him.

This is indeed impossible to generalize.

Lin Han also felt a pressure.

However, Ye Yunfeng's next words made Lin Han's heart a little heavier, saying: "In addition, Cang Ye's realm has also reached the peak of the quasi-sage six saints, and with the middle-grade high-level heels, he is almost an invincible existence in this realm. , even if the average person who has entered the Quasi-Saint Rank 7 is not as good as him, he can compete, if Cang Bing deals with you, he will be your biggest enemy in the birthday banquet competition."

In Ye Yunfeng's words, there were some sighs.

As far as he knew, Cang Ye also had a false love for Zhuyue, and even threatened to break anyone's leg if he dared to walk into Yueyue. Over the years, Yueyue has been single, except for her own high heart. Arrogant, ordinary men do not enter her eyes, Cang Bang's warning is also very deterrent.

In addition, Wang Xiao originally had a feeling of pointing towards Cang Ye, and the latter obeyed him. In this birthday banquet competition, against Lin Han, Lin Han was naturally in danger.

"I see. I will act according to the opportunity." Lin Han nodded silently. In this way, he was in a very dangerous situation in the birthday banquet competition. Mu Long, Yuchi Si, Taibai Haonan, Jin Jinmo Several people are not vegetarians, they are really surrounded by enemies.

He couldn't help but have a headache, and he was just here to make soy sauce.

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