War Emperor

Chapter 2822: The strong gather

Chapter 2822 The strong gather

They gritted their teeth because of jealousy.

Lin Han ignored it and smiled at Mu Qingxue. Although Mu Qingxue didn't come to him these few days, he could vaguely guess the reason for Mu Long, which was not related to Mu Qingxue. In any relationship, the other party sees him and can be so close, which also makes him a little comfortable.

In this world, there are not many people who are willing to associate with you regardless of a person's background.

Then, Lin Han turned his eyes to Mu Long, and sure enough, the latter frowned at Mu Qingxue's gesture of greeting him, a little unpleasant.

However, on the surface, he didn't say anything, just when he walked to Lin Han's side, he smiled slightly and said indifferently: "If I were you, if I were you, I might quit today, knowing that I can't do it, but I will do it. , sometimes not brave but reckless."

Mu Qingxue looked at Lin Han, but her beautiful eyes flickered for a moment. She realized that she hadn't seen Lin Han in the past few days. Lin Han's complexion seemed much better. A little more elegant.

She didn't know that this was precisely because of Lin Han's cultivation, Luoxia's magical power, and the performance of his strength.

Hearing Mu Long's words, Lin Han just smiled lightly and said, "Thank you for reminding me!"

After speaking, he turned around and walked ahead.

He also knew that Mu Long didn't want to see him, so there was no need to lick his face and come together with them.

Seeing this, Mu Qingxue couldn't help but pouted her rosy mouth, a little displeased, and glanced at Mu Long beside her with resentment in her eyes. She also understood that it was Mu Long's reason that made Lin Han keep a little bit with him. distance.

Mu Long didn't care about Mu Qingxue's eyes, just looked at Lin Hanqi's long back, a faint cold light flashed across his eyes.

Since he had kindly reminded Lin Han, Lin Han still didn't take it seriously, which naturally made him a little uncomfortable.

He made up his mind that if there is a chance to fight against Lin Han in this birthday banquet competition, he would not mind giving Lin Han a good lesson. In this way, maybe, the little sister will not be so concerned about Lin Han anymore. Bar.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but have a look of anticipation in his heart.

During this period of time, he had been troubled all the time. Mu Qingxue had special thoughts on Lin Han, and he suddenly felt that this was indeed a good solution.

The corners of his mouth evoked a dangerous arc.

Lin Han walked for about half an hour, and finally came to the main peak of the Sunset Cloud Sect.

It can be seen that this main peak is extremely tall, with a diameter of forty or fifty miles, towering into the sky, like an ancient giant, standing under the sky, the majestic momentum, the intangible permeation, people are in awe, can't bear it. Live in admiration.

Inside the mountain, there are many buildings, lush vegetation and strong spiritual energy, making everything look like a painting.

Lin Han followed the bluestone slab and the casted stairs all the way up. When he reached the top of the mountain, his sight suddenly became brighter. This was a huge square. At this moment, the square was already surrounded by many people watching. Disciple guest.

In the middle of the square, there are many low tables. On the low tables, there are many delicious wines and delicacies, and rare spiritual fruits. Only some powerful people are qualified to be on the low tables, and the others are are assigned to ordinary seats.

Lin Han glanced at him and found that there were many middle-aged men sitting on the low table and listening to the whispers around them.

"The eighth master of the Mu family, Mu Yunxiao is here."

At this moment, a bell rang, and someone shouted loudly, causing the square to fall into a slight boil.

"The eighth vein master?" Lin Han was startled, isn't this the father of Mu Long, Mu Qingxue and the others?

When he turned his eyes, he found that on the stairs not far away, a group of people came out, and the first person was a middle-aged man in brocade clothes, slightly elegant, with a touch of spring breeze hanging on the corner of his mouth Smile, but the momentum in the body is very unfathomable.

"Father..." Seeing this man, Mu Qingxue immediately flashed a bright light in her beautiful eyes, ran over, and smiled tenderly.

Mu Long and others also approached.

Mu Yunxiao patted Mu Qingxue's head with a smile, and then turned to Feng Shenwu at the first seat, cupped his hands and smiled, "Sect Master Feng, congratulations on your 10,000-year birthday."

For someone like Sect Master Feng, even if he is the master of the Mu family's eighth vein, he should be treated seriously.

Moreover, he came here in person this time, and he also asked for the other party.

"Master Mu Mai can come, it really makes my Luoxia Sect glow with brilliance, you are polite, please take a seat." Fengshenwu smiled lightly, stood up, and smiled at Mu Yunxiao as well.

His identity, strictly speaking, is on the same level as the real head of the Mu family.

Mu Yunxiao is only the master of the pulse, a little lower than him.

However, they are all at the same level, so naturally he will not neglect.

This Mu Yunxiao, among the Mu family's eight pulse masters, is a relatively strong one, which should not be underestimated.

Mu Yunxiao smiled and led Mu Qingxue, Mu Long and the others to sit in front of a low table.

"Taibai family, Taibai flew here."

At this time, another loud voice sounded.

The sixth brother of the patriarch of the Taibai family came, the father of Taibai Haonan.

He is also a well-known figure in the vast territory of Hezhou, which is run by the Taibai family.

"The Yuchi family, Yuchi is here."

"Golden family, golden nine arrives."

Next, the sound kept ringing.

Every time the guests who came to congratulate appeared, there was a lot of commotion in the square.

You must know that most of them are among the top ten families in Hezhou. For ordinary cultivators, they are big figures.

It's kind of frustrating that it's coming together like this.

Seeing this scene, Lin Han couldn't help but sigh.

Compared to this, the so-called grand events he attended before were really a bit unpopular.

This is the real high specification.

Almost all of them are powerful figures, and the energy behind them is also very scary.

If these people are angry, it is enough to cause a **** storm in the vast land of Hezhou.

At the moment, Lin Han is more eager to go to Hezhou and participate in the five sects than the Sword Conference.

Looking at the leopard in the tube, you can also see how many experts are gathered in Hezhou, and the strong are all over the place.

Only there can he be better motivated and grown.

"I don't know if the people from the five major sects will come." Lin Han suddenly frowned and pondered slightly.

He was also a little curious about the five sects of Hezhou.

However, on second thought, he shook his head.

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