War Emperor

Chapter 2872: Supernatural power to meet the enemy

Chapter two thousand eight hundred seventy-two supernatural powers meet the enemy

Many people were surprised that this bronze figurine was truly infinite, and the eighteen bronze figurines in it all had some spiritual wisdom. This bronze figurine was obviously the head of the eighteen bronze figurines.

The breath contained in the other party's body is even more majestic, and everyone feels that it is like a sacred mountain standing in front of them, making people feel shivering from their souls.

The golden bronze man was very arrogant, didn't care about Lin Han at all, and looked like an ant.

Under the joint efforts of the eighteen bronze figures, even if Lin Han is extraordinary among the younger generation, it is indeed impossible for him to be an opponent.

"That's not necessarily true." However, Lin Han just smiled coldly. In his eyes, some mysterious symbols flickered, making a pair of deep eyes, like a secret treasure that can see everything in the world. Infinite good fortune, eyes have been staring at, between the bodies of the eighteen bronze figures, where the thin lines are constantly surging, as if they are running along a special law, Lin Han can naturally know, that is exactly the The secret of the eighteen bronze figures, as long as it can be broken, the bronze figure formation is likely to disintegrate.

This is his current confidence.

But this kind of penetration is not easy, even if his current Soul Eater has been turned to an extremely powerful level by him, it will take some time.

When he spoke, Lin Han took a deep breath, and the divine light surging all over his body, finally condensed into ten portals on his body, just like ten ancient gates, each exuding a majestic and shocking smell. It was as if ten demon gods were guarding Lin Han.

Many people were a little shocked. Lin Han's weather in the ten-elephant time and space was really terrifying. After his appearance, there were many sounds of blowing conch shells and drums of gods, as if some kind of terrifying thing appeared in the sky. The situation is constantly changing, and the electric light is flickering, as if the end is coming.

Lin Han is like the ten ancient gates, exuding light gates of various colors to set off, also like a **** from ancient times, full of domineering and unparalleled taste, divine power is awe-inspiring, and his style is peerless.

The green sword **** disciple couldn't help but have a look of admiration in his eyes. Yesterday, he was defeated by this terrifying magical power. Even his proud Aoyue swordsmanship could not break through Lin Han's ten portals, not only In this way, the power emanating from the ten portals is also extremely powerful. Now that he sees it again, there is a sense of fear in his heart for no reason.

It can make the arrogant and equally dazzling Qingjian gods have such thoughts, and Lin Han's ten elephants in time and space can be seen.

"It's a bit of a doorman, boy, no wonder you have the confidence to break into the bronze formation. However, no matter how extraordinary this supernatural power is, your realm is too low to last for long. When your supernatural power declines, it will be the moment when you are defeated. "The tall bronze man holding a big axe looked at the ten portals on Lin Han's body with a serious look in his eyes. He also had a glimpse of experience in his heart. Before the very ancient years, those young sect masters who came to the battle. The characters are all within the Sunset Cloud Sect, and it has only appeared in many years for one of the Son of Heaven's Chosen, who is astonishing and brilliant.

They have all seen the means of those characters, but even so, it is the first time that Lin Han can display such magical powers.

Lin Han is really a human being, and his realm is only about the sixth rank.

The mysterious and world-shaking level of divine powers is endless, and there is a trace of very ancient aura in it, as if it came from the hands of some terrifying artifact.

This breath is the Prehistoric Sword Furnace. When helping Lin Han to condense this magical power, a trace of the original aura of the Prehistoric Sword Furnace was injected into it. The vastness of the world can still shine and heat, with infinite potential.

This is the real metamorphosis of the Ten Elephants Time and Space, but not all magical powers can make the sword casting furnace like this.

Moreover, Lin Han's "raw materials" for condensing this magical power are also amazing. They are the source power of the world and the universe, plus a trace of the source breath of the sword-casting furnace in the wild, the two are like turning corruption into magic. will be like this.

Lin Han is also very confident about his own ten elephants, and with the Qingping sword, it should not be a problem to resist the eighteen bronze figures for a while.

"Then let's come and learn, what's so special about your magical power." The tall bronze man looked at these ten portals with radiant brilliance and different weather, and a war effort burst out in his eyes, and he shouted loudly. He let out a deep drink, and then, with a loud bang, his body erupted with dazzling rays of light, killing Lin Han, as did the remaining seventeen bronze figurines. It feels like the space is like a roaring sea, constantly rising and falling, with beams of brilliance splashing, accompanied by various laws and profound meanings, which has the meaning of wanting to destroy the sky and destroy the earth.


However, within the ten magnificent portals, there was a sound like Hong Zhong Dalu, and then, a golden pagoda rushed out of the golden portal, and collided with one of the bronze figures holding a giant sword. , a divine sword rushed out from the green portal, and confronted a bronze man holding a divine whip. A large blue wind blade rushed out from the blue portal, and bombarded with the bronze man holding a mace... every portal Inside, they all rushed out with different weapons and fought against different bronze figures, shining brightly.

What makes people stunned is that under this kind of bombardment, Lin Han's Ten Elephants Time and Space did not fall into the disadvantage, and he resisted all twelve of the bronze figurines. As for the remaining six bronze figurines, it was It was blocked by Lin Han's Qingping sword, which spontaneously exuded an amazing sword energy.

For a time, the battle situation there was extremely fierce, with all kinds of amazing aftermath, as if it could destroy everything.

Everyone sighed, no matter what, Lin Han was able to rely on his own strength to fight the eighteen bronze figurines to this point. This is already an extremely amazing record. Even if he really lost today, he died in the bronze figurine. Under the formation, his legend will also be circulated within the Sunset Cloud Sect.

"What is he doing, he's still there, staring at the eighteen bronze figures?" Immediately afterwards, someone looked at Lin Han and couldn't help but be a little stunned. Now Lin Han is standing there, like an old monk entering the meditation, no movement He didn't move, his eyes were just staring at the eighteen bronze figures, which made people puzzled. At this time, if he also made a move, it would be more beneficial to his situation.

"No, when you look at his eyes, there are actually eighteen bronze figures that are constantly changing." At this moment, someone with sharp eyes noticed Lin Han's dark and deep eyes, and was a little shocked.

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