War Emperor

Chapter 621: The strength of the little fat man

The 621st chapter little fat man's strength

"Little fat man, today I will let you know what is meant by regret." Qian Youwei stood there with his hand in his hand, lightly looked at the fat figure of the little fat man, sneered, and then stopped talking nonsense. The palm hit the little fat man at a very fast speed. If a flash of lightning strikes in the blink of an eye, the power of this palm is also very fierce. It rubs against the air and makes a strong sound of breaking wind. The square is blowing. The strong wind caused many people to panic and change their colors.

Obviously, Qian Youwei did not keep his hands, he wanted to solve the little fat man as quickly as possible, and establish his reputation!

However, facing this palm, the little fat man did not rush, his feet were wrong, his body rotated in place, avoiding it, although the action did not look cool at all, but it just made the palm stick. He flew out with his chest diagonally.

Immediately afterwards, the little fat man clenched his fat fist directly and slammed it towards Qian Youwei's face.

There was no abruptness in his movements, as if they had been drilled beforehand, which shocked many people.

Qian Youwei's expression also changed. He didn't expect the little fat man to be so easy. In this punch, he smelled an extremely powerful fluctuation. If he wanted to get hit, even he would not feel good. At the moment, there was no time to think about it. In a hurry, he stopped his body quickly, closed his five fingers with his other hand, squeezed out the fist marks, and hit the fat man's fist with a punch.


A dull voice sounded, and the two attackers were very good, making the void sound like a thunder.

However, Qian Youwei just resisted in a hurry. Naturally, he was not Fatty's opponent in this menacing blow. Therefore, after the two punches collided, Qian Youwei was staggered backwards by a powerful punch and shocked body. After a few steps back, every step fell, there was a light of energy, which exploded under his feet, showing how fierce the strength he had endured!


Seeing this scene, many people began to take a cold breath, and a dullness appeared in their eyes.

This is the ninth-ranked genius in the sky list. He was shocked by an unknown fat man in public, which gave them a really big impact.

As soon as the sole of his foot stepped on the ground, he released the strength from his body. Qian Youwei looked at the ground where he was retreating, and an irritation appeared on his face. This result is also a shame for him. The most important thing is that the little fat man’s power is very fierce. At the moment of the collision, he seemed to hear a pig cry in the opponent's body, like a wild beast awakening. It made him contain a very strong stamina in this punch, and his entire arm was so painful that he couldn't help shaking...

Right now, he shook his aching arm and stared at the little fat man who didn't take a step away not far away. The contempt in his eyes finally disappeared completely and turned into a gloomy expression: "Good boy, It seems that I underestimated you. Next, let you know how great I am!"


When the voice fell, his soles slammed on the ground, and his body rushed over again. This time his aura was even more fierce, displaying all his realm, as if he was coming with an unstoppable momentum, setting off a strong wind.

At the same time, the brilliance of his hand flashed, and there was a purple warrior, shining with extremely surging purple light. Then, with a loud shout, his hands were tightly clenched to warrior, drawing out a terrifying purple. Shine, headed towards the little fat man and slashed off.

Zi Ming half-slashed the moon, an intermediate heaven-killing combat technique!

Zhan Ge is a high-grade divine weapon that is infinitely close to the divine king weapon. Coupled with his mid-level heaven-destroying combat skills, it can be said that apart from the few people ranked higher than him, there is no one in the entire fairy island. His opponent.

Therefore, he was full of confidence in his attack.


However, when the little fat man saw this, he didn't say a word. He put his hands on his chest and began to seal the seal. Following the seal, a violent breath leaked out from his body, blowing his clothes and hunting. , There is a sense of inexplicable sharp demeanor.

"He's going to use advanced heaven-killing combat skills!"

Yan Huo'er, Yue Linglong, and Yao Xuan smiled lightly.

A few days ago, in the Lingwu Hall, they each got a copy of advanced heaven-destroying combat skills. The little fat man got the "Tianhua Seal". It was only a month before they could display it, and they had to Sigh, the talent of the little fat man is also very extraordinary.

It's just that, following Lin Han on weekdays, the light is covered up, so it is not noticed.

Today on this occasion, it is destined to be the time for the little fat man to shine.

"Tianhua Seal!"

Sure enough, as soon as their thoughts fell, the little fat man yelled, and then, his hands were closed, the light suddenly rose, and there was surging. Then endless light began to interweave on his chest, forming a huge blue seal!

This is the Tianhua seal. In that seal, there is a scene of flashing thunder and lightning, and occasionally there are white clouds and blue sky, which looks strange and amazing.

The high-level extinguishing combat technique already contains a trace of the special Taoist rhyme between heaven and earth, and it is normal to have such a sight.


Accompanied by a sharp shout from the little fat man, he held the Tianhua Seal in one hand, and under the eyes of everyone in amazement, he smashed into Qian Youwei's purple fight. As if two energy bombs wanted to meet, in an instant, a fierce energy shock wave erupted there, spreading out layer by layer, spreading over thousands of meters in the blink of an eye, quite spectacular.


At the same time, the entire square was trembling slightly, and some of the people close to them felt the pressure of stagnation, rushing toward their faces, and they felt that their hearts were pinched, and it was difficult to breathe. , Many people even opened the mask to resist the aftermath, looking at the court with a look of shock!

The fluctuation caused by the collision between the two is too strong.

At the moment, everyone stared, staring at it without blinking, wanting to see how it ended.

Because they were all a little surprised to find that under this kind of collision, Qian Youwei's light emitted by the purple fighting spirit is rapidly dying out!

In other words, under this blow, it fell into a disadvantage, it is very likely that it will be defeated.


Sure enough, just as everyone thought, as soon as their thoughts fell, the little fat man's big seal took the upper hand, crushing the money and promising attack into powder, and then rushing to the yellow dragon. It hit Qian Youwei's chest hard.

"Oh no!"

Along with Qian Youwei's scream, his body immediately resembled a ball, and he was hit and flew out with a punch, drawing a beautiful parabola in the air before he fell on the ground fiercely!

And as Qian Youwei's body fell to the ground, in an instant, the surrounding areas that were originally noisy became a bit deadly silent!

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