War Emperor

Chapter 633: The power of terror

Chapter 633 The Power of Terror

Now Lin Han's strength is obviously a lot more tyrannical than he was in the Tomb of Devouring Devil Emperor. The breath of this supreme dharma image, for the most part, felt a sense of horror at her realm. .

At this time, Master Zhiwen, Fei Yang, Li Boyuan, Feng Yi and others all had their eyes skyrocketed!

They had also heard about Lin Han's acquisition of the Supreme Dharma Image. They came to watch the ceremony today and wanted to see the truth of the news.

At the moment, it seems that it is obviously true, and they are prepared, and they can't help but shake their hearts!

The supreme Dharma Elephant was powerful in the world, and swallowed the Devil Emperor back then. With this hand, countless masters of the right way have been lost after hearing the wind for so many years. It is naturally amazing to reappear in the world.

Under the Supreme Dharma, they also felt a bit of a chill in their backs, and they wanted to come to Lin Hanruo to perform this trick in the same state as them, I am afraid that none of them can resist. The waves behind the Yangtze River pushed the waves forward. In Lin Han, they saw infinite potential.

"Lin Han, today I want to defeat your supreme dharma image in public, and make you a complete defeat!" Gongsun Shuo's face changed slightly when he saw Lin Han’s supreme dharma image. Everyone knew that the four words Supreme Dharma image were too heavy. Enough to crush the confidence of countless experts.

However, he has Gu Lan's fierce spear in his hand, has a devilish nature, and is extremely confident in himself!

Therefore, his long hair is now dancing wildly, and he shouted, even more crazy.

Under the shocking gaze, Lin Han held a black hole hundreds of meters in size with one hand, and glanced at the crazy Gongsun Shuo faintly, but a sneer overflowed from the corner of his mouth. Gu Lan's fierce spear was murderous, but after all, it was just a weapon. Gongsun Shuo didn't have long mastered it, and its true power was limited. His supreme dharma image was a real attack method. Naturally, it was only stronger than the former. weak.

"Swallow it for me!" At the moment, Lin Han gave a deep cry and pushed forward with one hand. The huge black hole opened like an ancient gluttonous mouth, bursting out with an incomparable suction force, and absorbed it towards Gongsun Shuo.

In an instant, the entire square seemed to have set off a big storm, and the originally strong guarding array light was sucked away by the huge black hole at a speed visible to the naked eye. The four formation stone pillars scattered all around the square are also shaking crazily. It seems that this formation is about to be destroyed. If it is not stopped in time and the formation is broken, the huge suction power will probably cause many disciples present. Absorb and advance, forming a huge disaster.

"Quickly, turn on the guardian formation to the highest level!" Upon seeing the great elder, Qiu Yunji couldn't help but his face changed drastically, and hurriedly shouted at the four elders on the stone pillar.

If the black hole really breaks the formation, at least thousands of disciples in the square will be sucked in, and the consequences will be disastrous.

"Yes!" On the stone pillar, the four elders were also serious, and he quickly responded in a deep voice, and then used his life's power to inject the divine power in the body into the stone pillar like a desperate, protecting the formation. stable.

At this point, it is impossible to stop the battle. All they can do is to protect the safety of the square as much as possible. Otherwise, in front of the guests of the Six Great Immortal Islands, the Sky Ranking Challenge will be a joke.

However, this is the case. The four stone pillars are still trembling violently. Obviously, with the strength of the four of them, even if the guardian formation is turned on to the highest level, it is still unrealistic to resist the suction of the Supreme Dharma Elephant.

"I'll help you!" Seeing this, the other elders jumped on the stone pillars one by one, and also hit their own cultivation base on the stone pillars to help them.

In this way, with the help of more than a dozen elders who jumped up one after another, guarding the great formation, finally managed to stabilize...

Many disciples in the square breathed a sigh of relief, and there was a panic in uncertainty. If these elders did not take action, I am afraid they would indeed be robbed!

At this moment, under the action of a dozen elders, the light emitted by the guardian formation is radiant and powerful.

Through the mask, you can see that the ring is already in a mess. Lin Han is holding a huge black hole in one hand, causing the floor on the ring to fall off one after another and be absorbed madly. There is a piece of flying sand and rocks, and the sky is faint. Secretly, the scene was chaotic.

The fierce light emitted by Gongsun Shuo's Gulan's fierce spear had long been absorbed. At this moment, he was full of horror. He put Gulan's fierce spear on his head to resist the huge suction power of Lin Han's devouring magic image. .

If it weren't for Gu Lan's fierce spear, he would freeze his figure, I am afraid he would be sucked in by the huge black hole in the sky immediately!

This is true, the suction from the huge black hole is like a pair of invisible big hands, dragging him little by little, and gradually moving towards the black hole, leaving the soles of his feet on the ground, rubbing a long trace!

Worse still, that huge black hole, even his divine power, is sucking. Every second he passes, the power in his body will weaken by one point. If this continues, I am afraid that it will not take long before he will become a People are sucked to death.

"No, Lin Han, I surrender, you should stop." Finally, under the shadow of death, he completely shook his spirits and hurriedly shouted to the sky.

At this time, Lin Han was also a little excited. The last time he performed the Supreme Dharma Image was unsuccessful. At this moment, its power really did not disappoint him. According to his estimation, even if the person is strong, he will have a green face.

And he just entered the realm of the gods, and he can threaten the strong, which shows the power of this supreme image.

And as his strength increases again, the power of the Supreme Dharma Elephant will become even stronger.

This made him full of confidence and expectation for the future.

Hearing Gongsun Shuo's voice full of anxiety and horror, Lin Han glanced at him, and after frowning, he nodded gently.

This was just a contest, and naturally he couldn't really kill Gongsun Shuo. Since the latter had already conceded, it was indeed time to stop all this.

As soon as he thought of this, Lin Han's heart moved, and he ran the revocation method of the Supreme Dharma Image, and began to slowly remove the huge black hole in his hand!

At the beginning, he was devouring the tomb of the Devil Emperor, his strength was low, and he could not manifest and revoke the Supreme Dharma image at will. Now he has entered the Divine King Realm, and with the blessing of many breaths, he has reached the Eighth Heaven of the Divine King Realm. Elephant, for him, is not too difficult anymore.

After the revocation method of the Supreme Dharma Image was operated, the huge black hole in his palm began to rotate in the opposite direction. With each rotation, the volume will become smaller by one point, and the suction will also decrease!

After more than ten milliseconds, the black hole disappeared completely, and the square was calm again.

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