War Emperor

Chapter 637: Alchemy battlefield

The 637th chapter refining battlefield

"The youth of the four seas is supreme, I will definitely become." Lin Han whispered to himself, there are too many reasons for him to get this title, he will never give up.

Counting time, the chaotic chart in his mind has appeared for more than two years. The first emperor told him that within three years, if he could not get the illustration of the opening of the sky, he would open the power of the gods in the Emperor Genting Tiangong. The chaotic chart, when it takes shape, is the day he died.

Now the chaotic chart is not far from forming, like a knife hanging around his neck, it will kill him at any time!

For him to become the supreme youth of the world, get the book of Kaitian!

"Very well, come with me." Gongsun Wuji looked at the firm expression on Lin Han's face, smiled slightly, and then turned and flew in one direction.

"Where to go?" Lin Han said in a daze.

"Go to a special place. There are still two months before the Seven Great Immortal Island Tournament. With your current strength, there is still a certain gap from the true top disciple of Penglai Fairy Island. In these two months, I want to do the final training for you, so that when I arrive, I will be more confident that you will win the Seven Immortal Island Tournament Championship." Gongsun Wuji said.

Lin Han raised his brows, and a hint of curiosity appeared in his eyes. At the moment, when he moved his body, he flew over.

He also wanted to see what the final training of the island owner was referring to. From the perspective of the island owner, this training must be no small thing.

Flying in the fairy island of Yingzhou all the way, looking down at the magnificent spiritual soil in the fairy island, Lin Han couldn't help but sigh.

A year ago, he was a kid who had just walked out of the mainland of Hongzhou and had just entered Fairy Island. He was also the most ordinary and lowest-level disciple of wood chopping.

In just over a year, he has become the number one in the top ranking list. There are tens of millions of disciples in Immortal Island, the big brothers who worship together, and are famous all over the world. Looking back, it really feels like a world away.

"Swish swish..."

At this moment, Lin Han was stunned. He saw some of the verdant peaks of Xiandao. Several disciples flew over and rushed in front of them.

Those disciples, he is no stranger, actually Shangguan Xiyun, Zhao Xuanyang, Wu Mingzi, Li Ligang, Xueer and others. The leader is the Great Elder Qiu Yunji!

"Haha, I've seen the island owner!" Finally, the group of people stopped on a mountain about ten miles ahead. Qiu Yunji took Shangguan Xiyun and the others, and all saluted Gongsun Wuji.

Lin Han was puzzled and thought to himself, "It seems that the island owner called them."

Sure enough, Island Master Gongsun smiled slightly and said: "The time is almost up, let's go.

In this way, the owner of Gongsun Island walked into the mountain peak, followed by a group of people. Lin Han looked at the mountain peak. This is a barren mountain that belongs to the extreme south of Xiandao Island. It is about to leave the scope of Xiandao Island, and it looks a little wild. There are thorns and weeds all around. I don’t know what the island owner brought them here.

Then, Lin Han's gaze unconsciously touched Shangguan Xiyun, and couldn't help but tremble.

Shangguan Xiyun fluttered her long eyelashes and moved her gaze over, instead of looking at Lin Han, she seemed to be deliberately avoiding something.

Lin Han's conversation with Gongsun Island Master today roughly understood the reason, sighed in his heart, and decided to himself, it seemed that he had a chance, he wanted to have a good talk with Shangguan Xiyun.

In his opinion, perhaps it was because Shangguan Xiyun's background was too extraordinary and didn't want to put too much pressure on him, so he kept a certain distance from him.

In this way, the group walked for about ten minutes, and finally saw a strange scene in front of the barren mountain. In front, there are four incomplete stone steles standing on top of a mountain, and some strange runes are carved on the steles, so that the four stone steles stand there with a strange feeling.

"This is..." Lin Han looked at the four steles, startled. In his perception, he could vaguely feel that the space in the center of the four stone steles was slightly rippling, as if there was a cave in the sky.

These four stone steles, standing here, look like a teleportation array.

Zhao Xuanyang, Wu Mingzi, Li Ligang, Xue'er and others were also looking curiously, and obviously they all had the same idea with Lin Han.

"You are right, this is indeed a teleportation formation, but the place of teleportation is very dangerous." Gongsun Wuji looked at their expressions and smiled faintly.

"Where?" Shangguan Xiyun couldn't help but blinked her eyelashes, wondering.

"This place is the place where our seven immortal islands are jointly guarded. It is called the "Devil Refining Battlefield". In a previous battle, our sages from the seven immortal islands sealed a group of monsters in a special space. Within, those monsters spontaneously multiplied and thrived, forming a special environment. However, those monsters were not enough to affect the Seven Immortal Islands, so we didn't rush to kill them all. We saved this space and used it. Come to sharpen the disciples, let them enter and strengthen themselves, so that they will not be unfamiliar when they fight against the real elite figures of the magic door." Gongsun Wuji smiled.

At the same time, he explained that there are two kinds of demons between heaven and earth. One is the man of the devil and the evil-hearted generation, and the other is the pure "devil", which evolved from some violent auras between the heaven and the earth and was born. Compared with human power, it is stronger, but there is no human treacherous, cunning, and there is no real sense of strength and weakness between the two.

In this refining battlefield, the sealed demon is the latter!

Their life span is generally longer than that of human beings, and their ability to reproduce is very fast, so they can survive in that special space.

"So that's the case." Lin Han and others nodded in relief after hearing this.

"Of course you need to pay attention to a few points when you enter it. First, although those monsters are not enough to affect the Seven Immortal Islands, for you disciples, there are still great challenges and difficulties, and they are cruel and bloodthirsty. Kill people when you see them. Therefore, after you go in, you must be careful at all times. When encountering powerful monsters, don't blindly fight to avoid casualties." Gongsun Wuji sighed lightly, refining the battlefield, generally speaking. It won't be opened easily because the environment inside is too cruel. In the past, the death of the disciples of Fairy Island was not uncommon.

Whether it is Lin Han or Shangguan Xiyun, or Zhao Xuanyang, Wu Mingzi, Li Ligang, Xue'er and others, they are all true elite disciples of Xiandao. To Xiandao, death is a huge loss.

At the moment the Seven Great Immortal Island Tournament Conference is about to be held, and there is still a big gap between them and the top-ranked authentic disciples of Penglai Immortal Island. If they do not practice hard, it will be difficult to grow in a short time. Therefore, he had no choice but to be cruel and find them to try.

Zhao Xuanyang and the others all nodded. They knew that the island owner knew the righteousness. Although he never showed anything on the surface, Gongsun Shuo's death was a big blow to him.

This time, Xiandao was so insulted by Penglai Xiandao that everyone couldn't swallow this breath. The owner of the island took a dangerous move, hoping that they could get a good ranking and defeat more disciples of Penglai Xiandao. It was normal.

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