War Emperor

Chapter 668: Broken bones

Chapter 668 Broken Bone

And as every crack spreads and splits, the screams of the Candle Yin Demon will become more high-pitched and miserable. This is his real bone, the pain is more painful than scraping the bone with a knife. When the Devil Bone Shield reached the point where it was about to disintegrate, the already painful voice of the Demon Lord Candle Yin was a little hoarse and weak, reaching the edge of being unable to bear it, and the black whirlwind on the surface of the body became a little dim. It looks much weaker than before.

At this time, through the black whirlwind, I was finally able to see the appearance of Zhuyin Demon Lord. It was a slender middle-aged man with a pale face and deep eye sockets as if there was no sunshine all year round, revealing a gloomy atmosphere. Sensation. Now he is very weak, his face is covered with big beads of sweat, and even his pale lips can't stop trembling, it is obvious that the fragmentation of the devil bone shield made him like this.

At this moment, his scarlet eyes stared at Lin Han through the much weaker whirlwind on his body, like a devil, with a strong killing intent. After a long silence, his teeth tightened. Grinding, a voice full of murderous intent erupted from the teeth: "If I don't shave you alive today, I will die in vain!"

A dignified demon king, on the battlefield of demon refining, had suffered such a big loss in the hands of an eighteen-year-old boy, which made him feel unbearable.

At the moment he roared, and a suction burst out of his body. The big hand that had penetrated down to contain 90% of his body's strength against Shangguan Xiyun and Zhengping was actually withdrawn by him and returned to his body again. The black light radiating from his body became more surging.

The big hand was withdrawn, and both Shangguan Xiyun and Zhengping couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, as if a mountain was removed from the top of their heads, almost making them a little collapsed.

Although the mask that they gathered together is very strong and has not been broken, under this stalemate, the consumption of divine power in their bodies is also a huge load. Every minute and every second feels that there is a huge amount in their body. The energy is fading, and if this continues, they can't hold on to defeat, it's just a matter of time. Now that Lin Han forced the Candle Yin Demon to withdraw his palm, it was also a relief for them.

Fortunately in his heart, Shangguan Xiyun calmed down, raised his head to look at the sky, withdrew his palm strength, the strength returned, and the breath became powerful again. Demon Lord Candle Yin could not help but change his pretty face, facing Lin in mid-air. Han reminded loudly: "Be careful!"

She was very nervous. When this attack was launched, before the winner was determined, the behavior of forcibly withdrawing and returning to her body was very dangerous. A carelessness would cause backlash to the meridians in the body and cause serious internal injuries, so generally Under the circumstances, no one would do this. Zhuyin Demon Lord did not hesitate to deal with Lin Han at this risk, which shows how strong his intention to kill Lin Han is. Now she was naturally worried. After all, a figure in the realm of respect was mad, and it was too simple to kill a person who did not even reach the realm of human respect.

"Boy, today I want you to die without a place to bury you."


The black mist was surging, and after the Candle Yin Demon Lord retracted the attack, a large amount of magic light suddenly appeared all over his body, which appeared to be magical and strong.

If you look closely, you can see that there are subtle energy shocks in his chest that sparkle with strange light. Obviously, this forcibly retreating attack caused a certain amount of backlash in his body, but he still forcibly resisted this backlash and prepared to kill Lin Han to vent his hatred.


After the roar fell, he took a large black mist, as if carrying a black ocean, Han rushed over, and then stretched out his big hand and opened his five fingers, like a devil, he would grab Lin Han to pieces!

"Be careful, Lin Han donor!"

At this time, not only Shangguan Xiyun but even Zhengping couldn't help but look anxious and issued a reminder.

This blow was too strong, if Lin Han couldn't resist it, he would almost certainly die today.

Because of the previous fight, they all used some means that they couldn't use as a last resort, which consumed too much, and within a short time they would not have the slightest combat power. Therefore, there is no way for Zhu Yin Demon Lord to kill Xiang Lin Han so aggressively, they can only watch it, and they are extremely anxious.

However, under this situation, Lin Han looked at the murderous Demon Lord Candle Yin rushing towards him, but did not show the slightest panic, and even a slight sneer appeared at the corner of his mouth.

If the Demon Lord of Candle Yin is in a truly intact state of heyday, he is naturally far from an opponent, but after a series of toss, the latter has been injured again and again, not at the peak long ago, let alone a piece of the opponent’s bone is still exposed Outside, the threat posed by Zhuyin Demon Lord, he did not have the capital to resist.

"Blast!" Finally, when the Candle Yin Demon Lord was about to rush towards him, Lin Han's left hand was pointing like a sword, and he was still colliding not far away. The devil bone shield's sea dragon air pointed and waved on his fingers. Use a force of manipulation to increase your strength.


Along with a cold drink, the Qi of the Sea Dragon roared again, the blue light of the whole body became more flaming, and a collision, the devil bone shield that had been cracked and collapsed, finally looked like the last one to overwhelm the camel It was like a straw, and after a violent tremor, it exploded in the horrified eyes of the Demon Devourer and the Demon Li Yuan, and turned into a sky of debris, disappearing and invisible!

Previously the bones were broken and did not really explode. Now that they are completely broken, the pain will naturally increase. Therefore, even the Candle Yin Devil could not help but let out another scream, the whole person Suddenly, his body stopped in the void, and then he held his chest, his face was painful.

The previous demon bone shield was condensed from a rib on his chest. Now it is no less than a rib exploded in his chest. Naturally, the pain is not what ordinary people can imagine, and he can't even speak.

Now that the Candle Yin Devil is full of flaws, how can Lin Han let go of such an excellent opportunity to severely damage him?

Therefore, seeing the painful candle Yin Demon commander in front of him, Lin Han couldn't help but sneered. Then he spread his palm, and slammed his palm towards the former, and within his palm, there was a large black mist erupting. Coming out, in his palm, a great circle was condensed and was spinning.

"This is the Supreme Dharma Elephant, swallowing the sky and the earth!" Seeing the black circle in Lin Han's palm, Zhao Xuanyang couldn't help but change his face immediately, and lost his voice in shock.

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