War Emperor

Chapter 671: restore

Chapter 671 Recovery

"Not in a hurry for the time being, the seals of the Dead Forest and the Temple of Heavenly Demon are gradually loosening. It seems that the distance is not far from opening. This monarch has received the news. In the refining battlefield, other demon monarchs have rushed over, let's go too. Look at the situation, if there is any damage at this juncture, and the opportunity to miss the palace of the demon, then the gain will not be worth the loss."

Zhu Yin Mojun looked into the distance and said.

The Demon Devourer and the Demon General Liyuan nodded. The Temple of the Demon in the Dead Forest was once the place where the first generation of masters of the Demon Sect fell. There are treasures left by the Demon King and even the Demon Lord.

This pair of monsters in the refining battlefield are treasures and opportunities they dream of. If they get it, maybe they really have a chance to break through the refining battlefield and go to the outside world of flowers and flowers.

It's a pity that many monsters here have paid attention, but none of them succeeded at all. The seal inside is too strong.

In this demon refining battlefield, there are powerhouses of the Demon Lord level, as well as several others. If the Heavenly Demon Temple is opened this time, they are bound to listen to the wind. The Candle Yin Demon Lord must retain his strength to compete with them and gain benefits.

Although Lin Han and the others are just a few righteous juniors, after yesterday's battle, they have to admit that each of these people has some amazing methods. Even if they attack and wipe these people out, it will definitely be for them. There is a huge consumption.

This is really bad for entering the Temple of Heavenly Demon and fighting for chance.

"But I heard that to open the Heavenly Demon Palace, you must gather the Sun and Moon Demon Swords to gather together. The Demon Sword of the Sun was acquired by the people of Penglai Immortal Island a hundred years ago. The Demon Sword of the Moon, but it has been lost. The Demon Sword lacks one of them. If you want to truly open the Heavenly Demon Palace, I am afraid it will not be easy." The Demon Devourer said with a deep groan.

Back then, the first generation of masters on the battlefield of refining demons was afraid that the treasures they left behind could be given away by the righteous people. Therefore, this prohibition was left.

It is a pity that it is precisely because of this prohibition that it is also difficult for their descendants.

"It's okay, the Moon Demon Sword has been found. Some time ago, this lord has sensed the breath of the Moon Demon Sword beside the Tianyang River." Zhu Yin Demon Lord said.

"Will the Demon Sword of the Moon be taken into the bag by other Demon Lords?" The Demon Devourer said excitedly.

When the Sun and Moon Demon Swords are gathered together, the Temple of Heaven Demon will be opened. This is indeed a very exciting event. All the monsters on the refining battlefield will be crazy.

However, if the Demon Sword of the Moon falls into the hands of other Demon Lords, it will not be a good thing for them. No one knows whether that magic sword has any other function besides opening the Heavenly Demon Palace.

"Don't worry, I have sent someone to investigate. If there is a demon lord to investigate in the first time, the aura of the moon sword has disappeared. And near the Tianyin River, there is the aura left by the righteous people. It must be Disciples of the righteous people, let's go." Zhuyin Demon Lord said with a gleam in his eyes.

"These hateful righteous people have been vicious enough to imprison us here for generations, and now they still have to contaminate the treasures left by our predecessors. It is really greedy and asshole." The Devourer will grit his teeth.

It can be said to hate the righteous people.

"It doesn't matter, it's just right that they want to be infected. This time the Heavenly Demon Temple opens, the demon kings in the refining battlefield will all move together. If the righteous people go, our great demon kings will inevitably let them all die without a place to be buried." But Candle Yin Demon said gloomily.

The Demon Devourer and the Demon Li Yuan looked at each other, and both smiled grimly and nodded.

This refining battlefield is the site of their monsters. If all the power is gathered, the juniors of the righteous people will come and die as many as possible.

Now that they are qualified, the juniors who have entered the experience here are considered to be very outstanding geniuses in their respective fairy islands. Killing all of them is also a heavy blow to the seven fairy islands.

Thinking of this, they couldn't help but get up very happily, looking at the distant earth, with an intuition that if the Heavenly Demon Hall in the Dead Forest is opened this time, it will be extremely exciting.

The desolate land is covered with hard rocks and the reddish-brown surface, like soaked in blood, thousands of miles away, reveals a scent of coldness.

There is not too obvious the color of night and day here, the white light in the sky during the day will be a little bit more, making the surrounding scenery more obvious, and overall it is still dull.

On a large ground, there are two groups of people who are practicing cross-legged there, each putting out their cultivation seals, their bodies glowing, absorbing the air of heaven and earth, and replenishing themselves.

The devil energy here is more serious, and it is very difficult for a righteous person to take in aura. However, fortunately, the essence of heaven and earth is interlinked. For those devil qi, they need to carefully temper and remove it, and the remaining power can be absorbed by them.

This way, although it would be a lot of trouble, it was their only way.

These people are naturally Lin Han, Shangguan Xiyun, and Zhengping.

During this night, their breath has recovered a lot, and their body surface fluctuations have become stronger and stronger. Not far away, Zhao Xuanyang, Wu Mingzi, Xue'er, and some abbot Xiandao who have not been seriously injured. The disciples are all protecting the law for them. After all, this demon refining battlefield is dangerous, and it is also extremely dangerous if it is disturbed by monsters during the period of meditation and recovery.

What's more, no one knows whether Zhuyin Demon Lord will order his subordinates to kill again, and they will naturally wait for it.

Fortunately, during this night, there were no subordinates of the Candle Yin Demon Lord, and occasionally a few monsters approached, and they were also some weak monsters such as demons or magicians. They were solved by them. So let this night, It can be considered calm.


The fluctuations on the body surface were slightly disorganized, and Lin Han was the first to wake up, with two rays of light in the bottom of his eyes.

After one night's recovery, he had already consumed all of it and replenished it, and the floating aura that had originally broken through the fifth heaven of the God King Realm had also been completely stabilized.

Obviously yesterday's battle with a demon king, for him, played a lot of tempering effect.

Next, Shangguan Xiyun and Zheng Ping had both woke up one after another, their faces were ruddy, and their eyes were radiant, and they had obviously recovered.

The three of them looked at each other and smiled, just about to be polite, and suddenly a pocket hung around Zhengping's waist vibrated violently, and there were strands of devilish energy that came out, revealing a shadow of evil. color.

"Magic weapon?" Lin Han's expression changed, staring at the pocket hanging around Zhengping's waist, surprised.

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