War Emperor

Chapter 693: Goodbye

Chapter 693 Goodbye

Lin Han was overjoyed, holding Shangguan Xiyun's delicate hand, and said: "I..."

Shangguan Xiyun broke free gently, sighed leisurely, turned around, and whispered: "Let's go, then... beware of problems with Zhao Xuanyang and other juniors and sisters in the evening."

Lin Han saw that Shangguan Xiyun was still separated from herself because of her identity and background, and there was only a sigh, nodding slightly disappointed. What finally assured him was that Xi Yun stopped worrying about Xiaocao.

Next, they continued on the road!

The fifty-mile range is nothing to them. After about an hour or so, they arrived at their destination.

I saw that there was a mountain in front of it, not tall, very low, like a dragon, lying on the ground, looking extraordinary!

It is already in the depths of the dead forest, the old vines and trees are more primitive!

On a road up the mountain, there is a group of young people guarding there, wearing black clothes and embroidered with weird emblems on their chests, they belong to the Wufa Immortal Island.

"Who, this is occupied by my Wufa Immortal Island, outsiders are forbidden to approach it." Lin Han and Shangguan Xiyun had just arrived here, and those disciples stopped them and said.

Lin Han clasped his fist and said: "I am Lin Han, the fairy island of Yingzhou, and the saintly girl, Shangguan Xiyun, came to find a disciple named Xiaocao. She asked me to find him."

"Lin Han?" When those people heard this, they all couldn't help but cast a slightly surprised look. Since Lin Han came overseas, all the thrilling deeds have been famous all over the world. The disciples of the seven immortal islands are all To this slightly legendary character, like Lei Guaner.

"It turned out to be Senior Brother Lin Han and Senior Sister Shangguan, please." One of the disciples, obviously aware of the matter, also clasped his fists and made a gesture of request.

Lin Han and Shangguan Xiyun looked at each other and then walked along the trail to the mountains. The mountain ridge is not too big. After about four or five minutes of walking, I came to the ridge, and my view became wider!


Suddenly just as Lin Han stepped onto the ridge, a figure covered in black mist came to the front like a ghost, stretched out a slender jade hand, and nodded towards Lin Han's Sky Spirit Cover.

The sudden scene shocked Lin Han. The speed of people coming was so fast that he almost couldn't react. Right now, he quickly made a head mistake and made the jade finger stick to his forehead and pierce it.

This move is the "second to none" of Wufaxiandao's move. It is very sharp. If it weren't for Lin Han's battle-tested and amazing reaction ability, I'm afraid he would be hurt by this person if he meets him!

Moreover, even though the figure was wrapped in black mist, from the point of view of the jade finger, he was obviously a woman.

Seeing that Lin Han was in danger, Shangguan Xiyun spread her palm and sacrificed the colorful divine sword, but after thinking about it, she stood still and watched!

The disciples of Yingzhou Xiandao and Wufa Xiandao competed. Naturally, she couldn't fall into the reputation of Xiandao with two rivals and one. What's more, it was somewhat intriguing that someone would attack Lin Han when they came up.

"Huh!" The man saw a shot missed, and a woman's clear and delicate voice came from the black fog, and then his arm sank, his body rotated, and the other palm slapped Lin Han's dantian quickly. .

This move is called "room for maneuver", and it is an unexpected move. When it is spinning, the enemy can't expect it, and the other palm is used to play it, which is extremely tricky.

Rao was Lin Han who came along and experienced many battles. He didn't expect that the attack would be so tricky. He secretly muttered: "Outsiders are all Taoists. Not only does Witchcraft Immortal Island act secretively, but it also has such unique attacking moves. !"

At the moment, Lin Han let out a deep sigh, and at the moment of no time, he clenched his fingers into a fist and hit the man's palm!

The palms of both hands are also white as jade, like works of art, very beautiful, but the strength contained in the palms is very majestic. At the moment of the collision, Lin Han sank his shoulders and felt the power of mountains and seas. Strike!

"This is the "sacred witch strength" of the witchcraft fairy island, the supreme exercise technique known as the seven great immortal islands. There are very few disciples who can reach the sixth level, but this person has reached the seventh level." Lin Han was surprised and remembered. In the past in the fairy island, I heard some information about Wufa fairy island. Shenwujin's rank is similar to that of Yingzhou Xiandao's Taiji magical skills. This person has such a high level of attainments, really amazing.

He noticed that there was a majestic and cold witchcraft power in the opponent's palm, which entered his body along the meridians, causing his internal organs to become cold.

The power of witchcraft is very gloomy and cold. If it can't resist it, it is very likely that he will turn into an ice sculpture from the inside out!

At the moment, Lin Han took a deep breath, and the Chaos Good Fortune Secret Art immediately circulated within the meridians, and the cold air pressure was released. Then, with a movement of his mind, he transformed the blue energy of the Chaos Good Fortune Art into his fists. There was a severe collision with the power of Wu Shenjin.


A loud noise spread.

The fierce strength made Lin Han and the man come back a few steps, but Lin Han only backed three steps, but the man went back three and a half steps.

Lin Han said: "It's worthy of being a witch god, your Excellency is a great skill!"

"Huh, the Chaos Good Fortune Secret Art is also well-deserved." The figure wrapped in the black mist also snorted coldly, taking a halfway back than Lin Han, his tone a little unwilling.

"Are you...really Xiaocao?" Lin Han's heart shook when he heard this voice. This voice was indeed familiar with Xiaocao, but it had a cold color.

"It's rare that Young Master Lin Han, I still remember someone named Xiaocao." The man smiled, somewhat mocking.

Then, the black mist dissipated, revealing her face, she was charming and petite, indeed it was Xiaocao. It's just that she now doesn't have the petite feeling of the past, her pretty face is cold, giving people a kind of indifference that is thousands of miles away.

"Sure enough, it's you." Lin Han looked overjoyed. Although he was only sympathetic to Xiaocao, he was naturally happy when he met an old person overseas.

What's more, more than a year ago, Xiaocao slapped himself in the palm of his hand and almost died. Now he is unharmed, and his strength has become so much stronger. He is also happy for it.

"Master Lin Han, the former Xiaocao is dead, don't let yourself be mistaken." However, as Lin Han just took two steps, Xiaocao's face was gloomy and he drank.

Lin Han's footsteps suddenly stiffened, only to feel that the other's beautiful cheeks were a little strange and said, "Xiaocao, what's the matter? Why are you..."

Xiaocao smiled worldly, staring at him and said: "How long have you been overseas?"

"More than a year." Lin Han answered truthfully.

"Do you know the current situation in Hongzhou mainland?" Xiaocao said.

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