The night was dim.

In a luxury villa near the mountain and facing the sea.

Mei Qiduo, code named red moon, is wearing a silk dress with suspenders, with wine red wavy long hair, like a lazy cat, gently nestling in her boyfriend Bai Qi's arms.

Tonight is the first day for her to wash her hands.

Since then, she has lived a peaceful life away from the bloodbath.

"Blossoms!" Bai Qi's beautiful eyes are full of affection.

"Well!" Mei Qiduo answers lazily.

Bai Qi kisses her earlobe. Seven flowers tremble sensitively. They slowly close their big beautiful eyes and feel the warmth.

All of a sudden, Mei Qiduo suddenly opened her eyes and looked at Bai Qi's cold face in amazement. Her left chest, a dagger only exposed the handle, and her blood gushed out.

"Duoduo, I'm sorry! It's the organization that won't let you go. They can't let you live without the organization. " Bai Qi doesn't dare to look into her eyes. He gets up to leave.

Mei Qiduo grabs Bai Qi's wrist.

Bai Qi mercilessly opens her hand, seven fingernails scratch his wrist skin, the scratch gradually turns black.

"You..." Bai Qi worried: "where is the antidote?"

Mei Qi duo's hand drooped weakly, her eyes closed slowly.


"Daughter... My poor daughter... Wuwu..."

Thin and weak voice of women, feeble, intermittent came.

Who's crying?

Mei Qiduo wondered that she was an orphan. Who was this strange voice?

As soon as this idea was formed in her brain, she felt her whole body stiff and sore. She felt it with her fingers. Under her body was a hard board. No wonder she was in a panic.

Open your eyes, in front of a yellow, what things touch facial skin.

Mei Qi duo raised her hand and grasped the things on her face. After a careful look, it turned out to be a piece of straw paper.

What's this?

There was no time to think about the problem of straw paper. She inadvertently raised her eyes and saw an ancient woman in shabby clothes on the ground, weeping and rubbing her eyes. It was an ancient woman. She was wearing a soil gray coat with patches on it. Moreover, there was no floor on the ground, which was bare loess ground. Looking up, it turned out to be a shabby adobe house.

Mei Qiduo sat up slowly and saw that she was lying on a simple board.

Mei Xiaolan is heartbroken. She is really a useless mother. Her child is so hungry that she steals things from the village head's house. She is beaten by the village head's wife. She is so hungry that she dies.

"Wu Wu..." she cried sadly, because she was very thin and hungry, and her voice was weak.

Mei Xiaolan raised her head to see her dead daughter sitting up.

"Ah He fell to the ground and fainted.

Mei Qiduo wanted to get out of bed and look at the faint woman. She had a headache, and then she fell back on the board. In the severe headache, many memories of a girl poured into her brain.

This girl is 16 years old, also called Mei Qiduo. From memory, she and her mother lived in this remote village called Liushu village. Because there was only one mu of thin farmland, the land was not good, and they could not grow any crops. The mother and daughter had been eating badly for a long time. Mei Qiduo was 16 years old, and she was only 13 or 14 years old. She was as thin as bean sprouts, and her mother Mei Xiaolan was not so good, Long term no nutrition, skin loss of luster, thin old like an old woman.

In a threatening manner, cuff and kick wife went to the village head's home to steal the village's half black mask. They were seen by the village head's daughter, shouting loudly, and the wife of the head of the village was following up fiercely, when the seven escaped when they were fleeing, they were tripped and tripped by the wife of the village head who was followed by him. Finally, the mother who came to her was kneeling down to court, and the wife of the village chief had spared her.

Mother helped xiaoqiduo home. Later, the poor girl was unconscious in bed for three days and three nights and died.

At the same time, Chi Yue, the gold medallist mercenary of China, was killed by her favorite man. At the age of 26, she even went through the resurrection of Xiao Qiduo.

Think of here, meiqiduo stretched out his arm to see his thin arm, can't help but lament, poor child!

She moved slowly down the board, ready to see her mother.

Footsteps came from outside. The village neighbors heard Mei Xiaolan crying and knew that her daughter was dead. Some good neighbors came to see the excitement.

Three or four aunts in coarse cloth appeared in seven flowers' eyes.




Aunts saw Mei Qiduo standing facing the door, panicked, turned and ran.

Mei Xiaolan woke up and looked at her daughter at the door with loving eyes, "seven flowers!"

"Mother!" Now that you are born again on this poor child, accept her everything!

"Ah Mei Xiaolan quickly agreed, slowly helped the wall to stand up, walked to her daughter, and tears of Joy came out of her eyes.

She hugged her daughter and said, "just wake up, just wake up!"

The mother and daughter huddled and wept in the door, and the villagers were curious to explore. After careful observation, they confirmed that Mei Qiduo was dead and resurrected, not pretending to be a corpse, so they boldly walked slowly into the yard.

"Get out of the way, get out of the way, what are you looking at? What's good to see? " A middle-aged woman pushed away the crowd and appeared in the yard.

Hearing the sound, Mei Xiaolan looked up and wiped away her tears in a hurry. "Aunt Fu, you're here!"

"Aunt Fu!" Mei Qiduo felt that she had no strength.

Aunt Fu, with a basket in her hand and a smile on her face, looked at Mei Xiaolan's mother and daughter, "sister-in-law, his father was going to come and help take care of the children's affairs, bah bah!" She vomited twice, "look at my mouth. He came half way and heard that the child had survived. When he came home, he asked me to give him something to eat. The child was hungry and fainted."

Lift an old cloth over the basket to reveal two turnips and a bowl of flour.

Mei Xiaolan saw the things in the basket, immediately covered it, and pushed it back anxiously. "It can't be used. There's nothing in your family. It's the bottom of the family. We can't have it!"

Aunt Fu pushed the basket into Mei Xiaolan's arms, "isn't it that the child is happy when he wakes up! Dazhuang's father said that he would go to Qincheng to find a job to feed horses when he planted the land, and then life would be better! "

"How can that work?" Mei Xiaolan was anxious to shed tears. "You are all reluctant to eat white flour all the year round. How can we eat it?"

Mei Qiduo felt hungry and dizzy. She leaned weakly against the earth wall and watched her mother and aunt Fu push around.

Finally, aunt Fu defeated Mei Xiaolan, put down her things, scattered the busy villagers and left.

Mei Xiaolan cut the green radish into thin shreds and put it in the pot to boil. Then she carefully made a fifth of the flour in the bowl and stirred it with water to make a batter. Then she put it in the pot and half a pot of shredded radish porridge would be good.

In the original world, pigs could not drink this kind of porridge, but Mei Qiduo ate it with relish.

At this time, it was just the beginning of spring, and every family was short of food. Aunt Fu was able to send these things, which was definitely a huge sum of food. Otherwise, Mei Xiaolan would not be grateful to tears.

Mei Qiduo, who drinks radish porridge, feels warm and seems to have some strength.

Standing in the courtyard, she looked at the surrounding mountains, which surrounded the whole mountain village endlessly. It can be said that the village was in the mountains. She could not help but marvel that it was a good place, except for no food.

Looking at the sun in the sky, just to the west, Mei Qiduo turned to the house and looked at some simple and shabby furniture in the house. Her eyes were looking for it in the shabby adobe house.

"Dor, what are you doing?"

"Mother, do you have any baskets at home?"

"Yes!" Mother went into the side kitchen.

The Mei family has two dilapidated Adobe halls and a small thatched cottage on the side. There is an old iron pot in it, which can be used as a kitchen.

The total size is three rooms.

Mother took out an old basket in the kitchen with an empty rag bag in it.

Seven hands did not take the basket, but grabbed the bag, saw a shovel in the corner, went over and bent over to pick up.

"Dor, you?"

Mother did not understand, she is going out?

"Niang, you wait for me at home. I'll go to see if there are leafy roots or sprouting wild vegetables and get some to eat."

Mei Xiaolan worried with the door, "mother and you go together!"

"No, I'll be back soon!" You can't let her follow, or you will find that you are different from the original, and it's hard to explain at that time.

Mei Qiduo walked along the path into the mountain to the north of the village. To the north of the village, it happened to be the south slope of the mountain. Now it's early spring. If there are sprouting wild vegetables, there will be the south slope of the mountain.

There are people passing by on both sides of the path all the year round, and there is nothing good. After entering the mountain, Mei Qiduo gives up the path and goes into the mountain. Good things are only available where others don't go.

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