Meiqiduo looked at a group of people about to go out, light mouth said: "wait."

Mei's aunt heard Mei Qiduo open her mouth, and there was a flash of light in her eyes. It seemed that she was a girl after all. If she went out like this today, she would say to the outside that Mei Qiduo's reputation was ruined? Seeing how she would get married later, Aunt Mei looked proud and said with disdain: "how? Anything else? "

Mei Qiduo looks at Mei's aunt and knows what she's thinking. It's just that today's Mei Qiduo is no longer the original Mei Qiduo. If you want to say that fame is still a threat to the former Mei Qiduo, but it's not any problem at all for today's Mei Qiduo.

"If you want to come and go, doesn't it seem that the Mei family is bullying me?" Mei Qiduo came out and looked at the people coldly, especially when she saw Aunt Mei's cousin, her eyes were full of deep silence.

Sure enough, when they heard Mei Qiduo say this, they trembled in their hearts. They came here without a word of greeting, and they still wanted to get some benefits. Now they didn't get the benefits, but they got into a mess. Now I hear Mei Qiduo say that it's hard to say if I can walk out of Mei's house?

"You... You want that?" Aunt Mei's cousin didn't expect Mei Qiduo to say so. She said gnashing her teeth. Mei Qiduo's family is Mei Qiduo's people. Now there are boys on the door of the courtyard. If Mei Qiduo gives an order, don't tell her old bones here.

"In fact, I didn't want to do anything, but now I'm in a bad mood, and I need to vent. Moreover, if your daughter-in-law hurts me, it's natural that I have to pay a little price." Meiqiduo is very leisurely said, it seems that there is nothing wrong with saying so.

Liu heard Mei Qiduo say so, swelling also with Mei Qiduo fan palm traces, eyes are very fierce looking at Mei Qiduo, sharp cry: "those two little bitches are servants, I..."


Before Liu's words were finished, Mei Qiduo slapped her again. When they heard the voice, they couldn't help but be frightened.

Mei Qi duo looked at her white hand and said faintly, "my people, only I can bully them. If other people dare to move their hair, I will kill them."

Although the voice is very light, it is with a shivering cold.

Liu could not help shivering when he heard the coldness in Mei Qiduo's tone, especially when he was slapped by Mei Qiduo. Now his face is like being burned. He also wanted to revenge, but as long as he saw Mei Qiduo's cold eyes, his body suddenly could not move.

"Xialan, Qiushuang, you go, twenty slaps, not one less."

Xialan and Qiushuang had heard Liu's saying that with a dark look, but when they heard Mei Qiduo's saying that, they felt warm in their hearts. It was obvious that the owner wanted to stand out for them. It was worth their suffering even if they had such a good owner. But after all, it's the owner's relative.

"Master, let's forget it." Xia LAN has some worries. Although the owner gives them two advantages, they are the relatives of the owner after all. If they are seen by someone who wants to, they may not be able to say that the owner is not?

"Why, you don't even listen to me." Meiqiduo light said, meiqiduo of course know what these two girls are worried about, but she did not retreat, because know, even if today do not do these, her reputation will not be better.

Since it's already such a result, why don't you vent it well.

"Yes, master"

Xia LAN and Qiu Shuang heard Mei Qiduo say this and said quickly. Then they went to Liu's side and one of them held her arm to prevent her from moving. Then Xia LAN let go of her hand and slapped her as if she was not going to die.

"Pa pa pa..." one after another, in the courtyard of Mei's family, it suddenly appeared to be extraordinarily infiltrating.

Aunt Mei's cousin is stupid, even those women are stupid, because they have nothing to do with Mei's family. This time I came to see what benefits I can get. Now it seems that I can't get any benefits.

Xialan after twenty slaps, autumn frost let go of Liu, two people go to meiqiduo's side again. Liu's face, which was swollen like a pancake, collapsed on the ground without any reaction. When he heard Mei Qiduo's voice, he reacted.

Mei Qiduo is very satisfied with xialan and Qiushuang. A pleasant smile appears at the corner of her mouth and she asks, "how about it?"

"It's good. It's just... It's just a pain in the hand." Xialan some shy said, slapped 20, his hands are red.

Sure enough, my hand is painful at the same time.

"Cheap..." the character was interrupted before it was spoken.

"Why, I want to come again." Mei Qiduo said faintly.

Liu heard Mei Qiduo say so, quickly stopped his mouth, his face is still in general pain with fire, if again, isn't it fatal?

Aunt Mei saw the look on Liu's face. Her face was black and blue. Her angry body trembled. She pointed to Mei Qiduo and said, "you... You..." Aunt Mei was angry and didn't say anything.

Mei Qiduo took out two silver tickets from her arms, "didn't you come to my house to ask for money? Since I beat your daughter-in-law and my servant girl beat your daughter-in-law, I naturally want to make up for it. It's two hundred Liang. Take it to buy medicine. "

Mei Qiduo hands it to Xia LAN. Xia LAN takes it and puts it into Mei Biao's arms. It's just that her dark eyes are full of sarcastic attitude and disdainful expression, which makes Mei Biao want to say no, but when she sees the silver note in her arms, she just can't say it.

It's very quiet in the yard, because of Mei Qiduo's action, and because Mei Qiduo is so generous.

Especially the people behind greedily looked at the silver note in the arms of Aunt Mei's watch. It was two hundred taels of silver, that is, it was beaten more than 20 times. That's so much silver.

Mei Qiduo saw people's eyes and said faintly: "who else wants silver? My silver is not so easy to take, if there are people who want, I don't mind loosening the bones. "Then I looked at my nails leisurely, with a faint evil spirit.

When people see Mei Qiduo's coming, your face changes. Liu was slapped by Mei Qiduo several times before, and the corners of his mouth are bleeding. If you fight for a long time, won't it be fatal?

"I'll put it here today. It's easy for my family to get in, but it's not easy to get out." He looked at the crowd with a cold smile and said, "today is OK. If it's like this next time, don't blame me for being rude. Xue Wan, see you off."

A group of ladies came in arrogantly, but when they went out, they were really frustrated. Liu's face was like a pig's head, and Chen San limped.

A group of people left Mei Qiduo's house.

Because of this, people in Liushu village sometimes see Mei Qiduo with a trace of fear.


It's half a month since the last incident. Because of this incident, Mei Qiduo is more helpless than angry at Mei Xiaolan. He can be kind, but kindness depends on people. For example, aunt Fu's family, but what kind of person is Chen San? He even dares to be presumptuous in front of him.

Mei Qiduo is really angry this time. She wants to air Mei Xiaolan.

Of course, Mei Xiaolan knew that Mei Qiduo was angry this time. She was very sad and worried. Now she was the only relative left, but after this incident, Aunt Mei was afraid to hate herself.

Although I think the aunt's family is very powerful, Mei Xiaolan thinks it's not relatives after all!

But that day Mei Qiduo came to her and said, "is it the daughter or the so-called relative who is more important?"

Mei Xiaolan heard Mei Qiduo ask her this. She looked numb and flustered. Her eyes didn't have the slightest focus, as if she would faint at any time.

After Mei Qiduo saw Mei Xiaolan with such an expression, she didn't say anything more. She just took a faint look at Mei Xiaolan when she went out.

The eyes are full of unspeakable disappointment, and what seems to disappear

On this day, Mei Xiaolan cooked a table of food and wanted to wait for Mei Qiduo to come back to eat together, but now Mei Qiduo is hiding from Mei Xiaolan and naturally refuses.

Mei Xiaolan was very pale when she heard this. She asked mother Qin in a frightened tone: "mother Qin, do you say... Am I wrong?"

Mammy Qin sighed in her heart. She couldn't understand how much she was carrying. Her boss was obviously angry. She was angry that she couldn't see people clearly. No matter who was in the house, whether it was the village head's daughter-in-law or the Chen Sany family last time. But seeing Mei Xiaolan's pale face, he quickly comforted her and said, "madam, now my boss is developing his family business. The key is that if there is a little bit of Chaduo, it may be all life-threatening! And it's not that the slaves are talkative. Those people are not good at first sight. Why is it that they are divorced from their masters? Let the owner feel cold? "

Mei Xiaolan heard that mother Qin said, her face was paler and more fragile. She knew in her heart that if her family were still as poor as before, she would not come to the door. But her heart is still very happy.

After all, my relatives are Mei Qiduo and aunt.

Now some people say that her appearance will not only separate her daughter from herself, but also kill her daughter.

And her daughter also asked her, is she important or relatives important

Of course, the daughter is more important. Now that Mei's family can have such a beautiful life, it's all duo'er's hard work. Now that she looks like this, doesn't it make duo'er feel cold? Don't you mean to push dor out?

So thinking, Mei Xiaolan's heart automatically made a choice.

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