Charm came out just to see a happy face of LAN song, eyes flashed a trace of deep, heart sink.

"Lan Ge, how did you come back?" Isn't she on a mission? Why did you come back so soon.

"The task has been completed. I heard that the master has come back, so come and have a look." LAN GE's eyes flashed a light smile, and his face was also with a happy smile. It seemed that he was about to see his beloved.

Be careful with infinite tenderness.

Enchantment see LAN song this appearance, the heart more and more sink, in the eyes flash a deep, looking at LAN song's eyes is also with a touch of meditation, good-looking lips tightly pursed.

LAN song saw the charm looking at her like this and asked: "charm, how can you look at me like this?"

"Lange, you know, it's better not to think about the things you shouldn't think about." Charming tone with severe, especially in the eyes with a full warning, LAN song like master, she has always known, master as elegant and peerless person, must be a lot of women adore.

It's normal for women to admire men, but they are master's Secret guards and subordinates. If master knows that Lan Ge admires him, even if he doesn't die, he will be abandoned by master.

No matter how much time and money they have spent on training, once they find that their subordinates have any feelings for their master, no matter who they are, they will be given up.

Even if you don't die, you will become a loser.

LAN song heard the spirit say so, in the heart a surprised, the look on the face for a moment become very unnatural, but still very calm asked: "what are you talking about, I don't understand."

She lifted her hair, her lips sparked a charming radian, and said faintly, "you will understand, but don't regret it at that time." Then he walked away.

I really can't see my identity clearly. The delusion is daydreaming.

There are some people in the world who like daydreaming.

LAN Ge looks at Mei's back and bites her lower lip tightly. A touch of resentment flashed in her eyes. She and Mei are all selected by the same group of Mei masters. But why, Mei is already one of the six evil spirits, but she is one of the thirty-two shadows. When she sees that person for the first time, her heart can't hold anyone, But the first day into the dark Wei.

The dark guard should not have any feelings for the master.

Violator, death.

I think that since I can't tell the love of that person aboveboard, I'll be by his side, guarding him, bleeding the last drop of blood for him, forgetting how many nights I practiced martial arts and how many times I escaped from death, all because of the persistent love in my heart.

Now, for the first time, he was so exposed and so ruthlessly revealed the secret in his heart.

LAN song adjusted her breath, and then her eyes returned to the original cool appearance. As long as she behaved as usual in front of the master, there should be no problem.

After following the master for such a long time, LAN Ge feels that she still knows a little about him.

The heart of the feelings hard to suppress down, so that they look as usual, a deep breath, and then knocked on the door.

"Who?" Feng Ling Jue's elegant and indifferent voice came out.

LAN song's heart seems to miss a beat in general, Leng for a while, hurriedly back: "back to the master, LAN song to see."

I haven't seen the master for half a year. She is not qualified to inquire about the whereabouts of the master, and she is not qualified to know the whereabouts of the master. When I returned to Dongfeng Building today, I heard that the master came back. Her heart can't wait to urge her to come.

"Come in." The voice is still light, indifferent and traceless.

LAN Ge pushes the door and goes in. Sure enough, she sees Feng lingjue, who is languidly leaning on the concubine's couch. Her hair is tied with a hair band. With a sound of black cloud brocade, Feng lingjue looks very cool and elegant, as if it is elegant to the bone.

All are moving and all are attractive.

"What's the matter?" Feng Ling absolutely eyes did not see LAN song, is still looking at the hands of the books, light asked.

When LAN Ge saw Feng lingjue, she felt very sour. But when she heard Feng lingjue's voice, she immediately responded and knelt down and said, "the things that master told me before have been finished. Please have a look." Then he took something out of his arms and put it on his hands.

"Well, I see." Show Ye Jin with eyes.

The night brocade walks to the front of LAN song to take over and hand it to Feng Ling Jue, and puts it in front of Feng Ling Jue. Feng Ling Jue just glances at it casually.

"Go down."

"Yes, I'm leaving."

LAN song leaves from the room. When she closes the door, she puts down the mouthful in her heart. She knows that she is only a subordinate in front of Feng lingjue, so she can only say the task, not anything irrelevant. Otherwise, her careful secret will be discovered.

Even if I haven't seen my master for half a year, he is still so elegant and gentle, but she knows how heartless he is. Elegance and gentleness are just the surface of the master.

Although she knows that the master has the so-called fiancee, in her heart, how can that woman be worthy of the master? What's more, the master won't marry that woman at all.

She knows that her identity is not worthy of the master, but as long as she can watch the master by his side, it is enough for her to protect the master.

Although it is so thinking, but LAN GE's heart is inexplicable sour, inexplicable suffocation.


In the next few days, the atmosphere in the capital remained as usual, and it was very peaceful. No information about the hijacking of the imperial court officials was revealed, and a new chief appeared in huamanlou, the largest family planning institute in the capital.

It is said that life is enchanting and charming. Every move is amorous feelings. The most important thing is that today is Huakui's first appearance on the stage. It's also her birthday.

After hearing this news, all the noble princes in the capital came to huamanlou to see the real face of Huakui.

Twelve gentle townships in the capital are the most beautiful but full of flowers.

Huamanlou is one of the most prosperous auspicious hutongs in the West Street of Beijing. It is said that huamanlou is magnificent. Moreover, all kinds of beauties in the colorful buildings are not only beautiful, but also extremely intelligent. They have seen the world. The dignitaries in the capital are also willing to come and hold a show. It's no problem to say that it's a daily struggle for money.

At this time, the huaman building was full of guests, and the hall with swaying bead curtains was filled with Childe brothers from famous families in the capital. Everyone wanted to see the real face of the first Huakui.

Whether it is as enchanting and charming as hearsay.

A young man in blue sitting in the middle looked only in his early twenties, and his face was handsome, but the dark blue at the bottom of his eyes was very disgusting. At first glance, he knew that it was caused by excessive indulgence, and his eyes were full of greed. Shaking the folding fan with one hand, she said eagerly, "miss mei'er, why don't you come out and tell us to wait here?"

There were two young women standing beside him, one in a thin pink dress and the other in a purple dress. When he heard the young master in blue say this, he immediately said in a delicate voice, "sister mei'er is dressing up at this time. Mr. Gu said like this, but as long as sister mei'er is alone in his heart, it's really groundless to call my heart."

"But no, Mr. Gu really hurt the anger of the family." A pair of jade arms wrapped around the man and seemed to fall into the man's arms at any time.

This young man in green is Gu An, the grandson of the Chinese uncle in Beijing. Gu An is the only grandson in Gu's family. He usually lives like a baby egg in Gu's family. Moreover, he walks horizontally in Beijing. No matter who is in charge of Gu's family, he doesn't dare to offend him.

If we say that Gu Guogong and the current owner of Gu's family are all the pillars of the imperial court, but Gu An is a dandy and has a good reputation.

As long as she is a little bit of a beautiful lady in Beijing, she is despised by Gu An. A few years ago, it was even reported that a lady in your family hanged herself because she couldn't stand Gu An's frivolity. Although she was in front of the emperor, in the end, Gu's family just got a lax supervision, but the family disappeared in Beijing.

Everyone knows that Jingzhong is now in the hands of Gu family. Who dares to say anything to some people unless they don't want to die.

Gu An came here tonight, naturally thinking of seeing mei'er's real face in huamanlou, and he was sure to get mei'er's first page.

Gu An pulled the pink gauze skirt woman into her arms, gave her a kiss on her white cheek, and said with a tone of teasing: "I love you the most. Isn't that curious about what Meier looks like?" With that, he reached into the woman's skirt.

In exchange for pink gauze skirt women's coquettish laughter.

At this time, I heard a clear voice from upstairs: "girl mei'er is here."

At that moment, the surroundings immediately became boiling. Gu An had put his hands into the pink gauze skirt and quickly opened his eyes and looked upstairs.

I only saw a woman in red gauze dress slowly appeared in front of me. She was wearing a thin red gauze skirt, winding to the ground, wearing red gauze. Her black hair was very casual, tied loosely behind her head with a red ribbon. As she walked, the fragrance floated and the hair lingered. There is no ornament on the hand with the skin like cream, but a pair of small and exquisite feet like white jade.

Inadvertently, it is hard to bear the itching.

Because she was veiled, people couldn't see her face clearly, but when they saw the enchanting and graceful figure, they could imagine what a beautiful face was under the veil. They didn't come forward to catch the veil.

Mei'er's eyebrows and eyes lightly swept the look in everyone's eyes, and her red lips drew a charming smile. When she came to the middle of the stage, her body moved slowly.

Her body is enchanting and moving, and there seems to be a secret floating around her, especially her charming eyes.

It's addictive at a glance.

After a dance, mei'er walked slowly to the public. Her voice was like a silver bell. It was very pleasant, but it seemed to have the same charm. She slowly extended her white jade arm and gently lifted the veil on her face.

All of a sudden, everyone took a cool breath.

It's like this.

In particular, the red and enchanting peach blossoms on the forehead are as if they were alive, lifelike and enchanting. A pair of eyes slightly pick up, dense out of a charm, red lips with a lazy smile.

Even if it is so quiet standing there, people's heart has been hooked away. Gu An looked at mei'er's face and whispered, "it's a natural thing. If you get it, you'll be happy. Mei'er, I'll make it.

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