Fenglingjue takes meiqiduo back to fumanlou. Fenglingjue doesn't say anything, but as soon as she comes in, she puts meiqiduo on the bed.

"Feng... Feng lingjue, are you finished, Hun... HMM..." Mei Qiduo had some silly eyes for a while. How could this evil spirit be like estrus? It's such a bird suffering.

The blue eyes of Fengling Jue are no longer cold, but deep with a strong jade look, it seems to be able to burn people in general, especially at this time tightly holding the people in their hearts, lips tightly containing the pink lips of plum seven flowers, the jade look in the eyes is more and more strong.

When the people below gradually began to appear confused eyes, face is also with intoxicating red halo, Fengling Jue just let go of Mei Qiduo's lips, voice with a faint, there is a kind of crime of abstinence.

"Don't swear."

Mei Qiduo came back to his senses and said, "I don't want to talk about you...".

Fenglingjue once again kisses meiqiduo's lips. This time, it's just like a dragonfly skimming water, and soon let meiqiduo go. Light says: "if say again, I don't mind to come again." The danger in the eyes is self-evident.

Mei Qiduo stares at the people who are pressing on her body, and her eyes are full of unhappiness. This demon is not really in estrus, is it because of the stimulation just now.


"Shhh... Be talked about. Be quiet." Fengling Jue's good-looking fingers pressed on Mei Qiduo's lips to stop Mei Qiduo's next words, then stuck her face tightly on Mei Qiduo's neck and held Mei Qiduo tightly with both hands.

Mei Qiduo's body trembled slightly, but she felt the hot breath of her neck, and the arms holding her tightly, as if to melt her into her body. The most important thing is that Mei Qiduo actually felt something.

In the heart incomparable regret, although I don't mind on her, but now this body is only 17 years old, in modern times is a minor! It's just that Mei Qiduo can't accept it!

Today is really not suitable to provoke fenglingjue.

"That... That... You must calm down, or you will regret it." Mei seven flower have some incoherent of say, after finish saying, in the heart secretly spurned oneself one mouthful.

Bah, why do you say this? Is this just a suicide? It's amazing.

"Ha ha... I certainly don't regret it, and I will be very happy." Feng Ling Jue laughs, but with a dull voice, it's more sexy, especially the last two words. What's more, it's incomparably mixed with soft and sad.

"I'll make you die ugly." Mei seven flower quite some gnash teeth of say.

"Ah... Dor, I'm a normal man." So sooner or later, I will be "tortured" to death by you. It's better to give him a knife.

Mei Qiduo rolled his eyes. "Of course I know you are a normal man." If you're not normal, I don't like you?

"So don't challenge my bottom line." Feng Ling Jue's tone is full of threats, and her hand quietly reaches into Mei Qiduo's skirt, which means it's obvious.

Mei Qiduo naturally feels Feng lingjue's hands. When she is about to move, she is suppressed by Feng lingjue. Feng lingjue's hands touch the skin on both sides of her waist with a burning breath, which brings her a shivering feeling. It's not very hot, but it makes Mei Qiduo feel hot all over, and her forehead is gradually covered with thin sweat.

Feng lingjue looked at the white face of the person under him, and gradually began to glow with a delicate blush. His forehead was covered with a thin layer of sweat, especially the lips he had kissed, which became more and more beautiful and made his jade hope stronger in his heart.

Every cell of the whole body is full of her jade hope. That kind of jade hope is so powerful that Fengling can't suppress it gradually.

Feng lingjue thought like this and began to act like this. Feng lingjue once again kisses the delicate lip that he has been kissing many times. It seems that he doesn't feel enough. It seems that he is deeply fascinated. The hand that goes into Mei Qiduo's clothes seems to caress it consciously, especially the delicate skin in his hand, It is to let the temperature of Feng Ling Jue body more and more hot.

It seems to burn two people.

Just when Feng Ling Jue was about to meet Mei Qi duo's chest, Mei Qi duo, who had been gradually addicted to it, suddenly woke up. All the confusion in her eyes faded away, and she was full of unhappiness. I don't know where the strength comes from. I just push Feng Ling away. Hurriedly wrapped his clothes tightly, and then glared at Feng lingjue.

Feng Ling Jue was pushed away by Mei Qiduo, but she was lying on the bed with a helpless and dissatisfied face, and a part of it was still high. His face was full of frustration.

"Before I become the richest man in the world, you can't touch me. No, you can't get close to me." Mei Qiduo was very vigilant and said that she was afraid that the estrous bird in front of her would rush over again and beat again. She said that she would not be like the meat on the chopping board at that time.

"Sooner or later, I will be tortured to death by you." The tone is full of frustration, Feng Ling Jue's eyes are full of helplessness, I'm afraid that only the woman named Mei Qiduo in the world can make him feel so helpless.

Mei Qiduo heard Feng lingjue say this and muttered in a soft voice: "where is it?"

Feng Ling Jue, who is very clear-sighted, naturally hears what Mei Qiduo is saying. She pulls Mei Qiduo close to her arms, and then approaches Mei Qiduo tightly with her body, so that she can feel for herself whether his words are true or not.

Mei Qiduo naturally felt it, "go away, that thing is pushing me. It's really disgusting." Meiqiduo's tone is full of disgust.

Fengling Jue is very sad and can't laugh. Is this really something he can control? Who let her tease him all the time tonight? If it's still normal, it's strange. But at this time he can only still bear, tone is full of helpless said: "you quiet a little, don't want to know Wang Xiaocui things."

I quickly changed the topic for fear that I would lose control if I was like this.

Sure enough, Mei Qiduo said, regardless of it, and said excitedly: "don't you know? Say it quickly? "

"I've met Wang Xiaocui before." I knew this thing unintentionally. Before, because of the ruthless war, I had people stare at his movements, but I didn't expect him to see Wang Xiaocui.

Ruthless war? He's got to be everywhere. But... What did he go to see her for? Mei Qiduo frowned slightly. As soon as she wanted to ask why Zhan ruthlessly went to see Wang Xiaocui, she heard a faint voice from behind.

"Zhan merciless knows that Wang Xiaocui had a problem with you before, and then he wants Wang Xiaohou to bring you some trouble, so that I can come forward. It's just stupid." At the end of the speech, her voice was full of disdain, ruthlessness or arrogance. She thought that her success today must be due to her own reasons, but she ignored the woman herself.

Mei Qiduo seemed to hear a joke and laughed, "are you too stupid to believe Wang Xiaocui. Ha ha... "It seems that I heard some great jokes and kept laughing.

"And Wang Xiaocui also hopes that the Wang family will end." Feng Ling absolutely light continues to say, just holding the arm of plum seven flower more and more tight.

"Because of Du?"

"No, it's just that his father is going to marry her to an old man." Fengling has some impatience. She always talks about these annoying things. Now she comes here and naturally hopes to spend more time with Mei Qiduo. After all, the situation in the capital is more and more tense. She has to go to the capital to stare at her anyway.

"Tut tut... Mr. Wang is very smart." He is not only smart, but also a son of a bitch. Mei Qiduo can't help scolding the three character Scripture in his heart. Master Wang certainly doesn't know that his concubine has already stolen Qing and is ready to kill him.

Mei Qiduo has a fox like smile on the corner of her mouth. Her eyes are full of schadenfreude. She can't like Master Wang. If Wang Xiaocui knows about this, she will have no time to find her trouble.

It's not her virgin. She just can't stand a junior.

"What do you want to do?" Feng Ling Jue saw the fox like smile on Mei Qi duo's face, and knew that this little woman must be planning something again. She was very helpless.

Mei Qiduo turned and looked at Feng lingjue. Her eyes were full of sly smile, and her face was also with a mysterious smile. With a trace of excitement, she said: "what do you think Wang Xiaocui would do if she knew that Du stole Qing?"

You'll fight, won't you?

Fengling eyes clear, he knew that this little woman will not be so kind, eyes are full of helpless doting and gentle.

"Let Qinglan do it." Feng Ling Jue close to Mei Qi duo's ear said softly.

"Well, it's natural." Qinglan's Kung Fu is good. It's easy to do such a thing.

The more Mei Qiduo thought about it, the more she thought it was a good idea, and she could watch the play. It was not too good. When she just wanted to close her eyes and have a good rest, she suddenly wanted to talk with Du. When she said the people above, Mei Qiduo fiercely did it and looked at Feng lingjue with wide eyes. "Feng lingjue, are you hiding something from me?"

The more I think about it, the more wrong it is. The man says clearly that it's more and more tight. Mei Qiduo always feels that he has ignored something. Now it seems that he is.

Fengling Jue's eyes are full of helplessness. Can't this woman be a little stupid? "Well, this time it's not just Wang Xiaocui who has moved his hands and feet. It's estimated that Gu's family will have hands and feet soon." That's why he came here this time.

Mei Qi duo's eyes flashed clear, sure enough, full of displeasure said: "I'm just a businessman, is it because of you, take care of the family just want to move." In the eyes is full of danger, it seems that Feng Ling absolutely say a word, she is about to rush up to bite in general.

"It's not entirely. It's mainly about taking care of the family and wanting a share." Looking at the business of fumanlou now so good, thinking of a piece of it, how can they like their wish.

Mei Qiduo heard Feng lingjue say that, and a cold and bloodthirsty smile came to her mouth. She had a big appetite for her family. She even wanted to share her business. If she opened a winery in the future, the huge profits would be even greater. What's the safe life there.

I'm not a good person. Since they want to share a piece of the cake, I'll let them off.

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