When Qinglan comes back, Mei Qiduo is ready to rest. She sees Qinglan standing outside with a cold face. Mei Qiduo looks at Qinglan and knows that Qinglan knows something. She slightly raises her eyebrows and doesn't ask in the slightest voice: "Du is ready to start."

Qinglan suddenly thought of what he heard just now, his face a little bit unnatural, but still very cold said: "yes, Du found someone together."

"Well, Du doesn't have that ability." Plum seven flowers still light say.

Even if Du really has that ability, he won't be stupid enough to do it in the house, and he certainly won't do it himself. After all, if people know at this time that a concubine in the king's house has killed her so wantonly, even if Mr. Wang wants to keep Du dead, he won't necessarily keep her.

After all, killing people pays for their lives, especially this Du family is still a concubine. Not only that, Mr. Wang will also be involved. In this way, Mr. Wang's official career is completely over.

Men may really love you, but once it comes to his career or interests, they turn their faces no slower than women.

"What is the girl going to do?" Qinglan asked.

"Naturally, the mantis catches cicadas, and the Yellow sparrow is behind." Mei Qiduo's mouth showed a cold smile, but she never wanted to save Wang Xiaocui. She told her about Du's stealing Qing just to attract the people who have to pay attention to her business. She is not a Virgin Mary. She knows that Wang Xiaocui's peeping people have to save her.

How can it be? She's used to being a good person.

"You keep staring. When Du really does it, we're doing it." He naturally wants to watch a play well. After all, he won't miss a rare play. Mei Qiduo suddenly thinks of something, "let qiangu go together one day."

Qinglan Leng for a while, and then should say: "yes, I will tell him tomorrow."

"Well, he's had enough rest these days. It's time for him to come out and do something." Mei Qi duo's tone is light, but inexplicably with a sense of coldness all over the sky, making life cold.


Since that day Du got Liang Chao's guarantee, he has been very comfortable these days. He thinks that Wang Xiaocui, the little bitch, is about to disappear in front of him, and the dead woman lying in the hospital bed is about to go to hell.

From now on, I am the wife of the Wang family, and I can step on those who have mocked me before, especially my life will be better in the future. Du thought in his heart, and the smile on his face became more and more joyful.

Yesterday, Liang Chao brought a letter and said that everything was ready. He waited for Wang Xiaocui to leave the palace. Once the little bitch left the palace, what happened depends on her fate, whether she was born or dead, but she was resigned to fate.

She has already thought about the reasons for letting that little bitch go out of the house. Now Mrs. Wang is very ill, and she is getting more and more serious. She wants to go to Xiangguo Temple to pray for her. But because she is pregnant with a child, she can't go in person. Naturally, she wants to let the first lady of the Wang family go.

If Wang Xiaocui doesn't go, I don't know what the world thinks of her. Her reputation is completely destroyed. After all, Haoyue takes filial piety as the heaven. Even the emperor is a very filial person.

At that time, I'm more sure that I'll let Wang Xiaocui lose her reputation. Then I'll blow the pillow and find a reason to send that little bitch to Chuang Tzu. At that time, I won't let myself do it at will.

"Let's go to the front yard to see the master." Du said faintly.

"Yes." The jade bead face of close servant girl takes smiling face to answer a way“ Be careful, madam

"How can I be so delicate? When I was pregnant with Yan'er before, it's not better than now." Du casually said some digressions, but he sneered in his heart. When he gave birth to Wang Yuyan, Mrs. Wang was powerful at that time. Now he is still half dead in bed.

"It's hard to compare with the past. Now, madam is a young master with master in mind. Naturally, she should be very careful."

"You're the only one who talks." Du said with a smile. Although I said that, there was no dissatisfaction in the tone.

Yuzhu answered with a smile, "what the maidservant said is the truth. Even the master will ask his wife. This is not to envy others." Naturally, this other person is Mrs. Wang who is lying on the hospital bed now.

Du's eyes flickered slightly, pretended to be careless and said: "madam, I don't know what can be cured for this disease. It's very effective to hear people say that the signature of Xiangguo Temple. It's also good to say something to the master one day and pray for blessings."

"Madame is kind-hearted." Jade Bead quickly flatters to say.

With a soft smile on his face, Du stroked his stomach, and his face was full of the glory of being a mother. "It's good to accumulate virtue for the child in my stomach."

When they said this, they went to the door of Master Wang's study in the front yard. When Yuzhu saw Master Wang's close friend standing at the door, she quickly went over and asked, "Wang Er, is master in there? Madam, come and see the master. "

Wang Er was also a smart man. Seeing Du Shi, he said respectfully: "Madam Hui, the master is in now. Do you want to give a small notice?" The tone was flattering.

Du's eyes flashed slightly and said softly, "no, since the master is busy, forget it. When the master is not busy, you're asking people to say."

It's full of knowledge and understanding.

When Wang Er heard Du's saying this, just as he was about to say yes, the voice of Lord Wang came from inside.

"Who's out there?"

Hearing this, Wang Eryi quickly and respectfully replied: "back to the master, it's the lady who has come."

"Let the lady in."

"Yes." Wang Er quickly opened the door and said respectfully to Du Shi, "please, madam."

Du nodded and then went in. As soon as I went in, I saw Mr. Wang frowning tightly and sitting on the chair with a deep face. His voice was very soft and he asked, "what's the matter with Mr. Wang? Why do you frown so tightly? "

Seeing Du's question, Master Wang said angrily, "it's not that bitch yet. I really don't dare to her. Hum." Had it not been for years of love, I would have quit her. Now I dare to threaten him.

When Du heard the slut in Master Wang's mouth, he naturally knew who it was and gave a sneer, but he still had a soft smile on his face and said softly, "don't be angry, master. Anger is bad for your health. Now my sister's health is bad, so it's not intentional."

When Master Wang heard Du's voice, his face became better, but his tone was still angry and he said, "hum, just her body, when will it be better?"

Du's body gracefully walked over, slender fingers gently pressed on the shoulder of Master Wang, "also, I don't know when the disease will be cured?" The tone was full of worry.

Master Wang took Du's hand and patted it. His voice was full of joy and he said, "if only they were as intimate as you." His face is full of smiles and his eyes are full of tenderness.

"It's my duty to share my worries for the master."

Master Wang heard Du say so, quickly pulled her to his front, "you don't care about these things, you now the most important thing is your own body, the body is important, quickly give the master a big fat boy." Touching Du's slightly raised stomach with his hand, his eyes were full of expectation.

I really didn't expect that at this age, Du was actually pregnant. I had been over by the doctor for a long time and said that this baby might be my son. I'm finally going to have a son, and it's still the woman in front of me.

His mood is naturally very pleasant.

Du's tiny Du wears mouth to say: "master this words say of concubine body don't like to listen to, in case if be a wench, master don't like." His face was full of grievances, and his eyes were full of confusion.

"Hahaha..." Master Wang laughed and hurriedly said, "I like girls, just like Yan'er."

Master Wang's words are not joking. After all, Du is a woman he really likes. Naturally, he is also really happy with her baby.

"Master, I have something to discuss with you."

"What's the matter?" When Master Wang heard Du's saying this, he looked a little, and then he would return to normal immediately. He said carelessly.

"Well, I wanted to go to Xiangguo Temple to pray, but it's not very convenient because I'm pregnant now. I want to let the eldest lady and Yan'er go to Xiangguo Temple to pray together." Du knew that if Wang Xiaocui was only asked to go to Xiangguo Temple, she would be doubted if something happened on the way. But if her daughter also went, no one would doubt her even if something happened to Wang Xiaocui.

Sure enough, when Master Wang heard Du's saying this, he just frowned slightly. Then he asked, "how can I pray at this time?" Although it's not an eventful time now, Master Wang still dare not take it lightly. After all, there have been robbers robbing people in the mansion before.

Fortunately, no one knows, otherwise I still don't know how to look at his residence, which makes the robbers come and go freely.

Du's heart naturally knew that Master Wang would ask like this. He still had a soft smile on his mouth and said slowly: "there are two main reasons. First, he wanted to let the two young ladies go to Xiangguo Temple to pray for his sister. Second, I was a little selfish. I wanted to bless the children in my belly."

"Alas, you have a good heart." Master Wang was more and more relieved when he heard what Du said.

"Yes, sir." Du's tone was full of joy.

"Naturally, it's a good thing to go to Xiangguo Temple to pray for blessings. If people know, they will say that the young ladies of my Chengfu family are the best." Master Wang will not refuse such favorable things.

"I also think it's good, but..." Du's voice slightly stopped, and his face was full of embarrassment.

"Just what?"

"There is no problem with Yan'er, but I don't know how to go there."

"Well, if you are a child, pray for your mother. You can't go there, you can't make people laugh at us. " Master Wang gave a cold hum. I still remember that the villain dared to speak to me like this. If the villain didn't know this, don't blame him for not giving that bitch face.

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