Since Wang Xiaocui came back with Qinglan last time, she hasn't heard from Mei Qiduo these days. Sure enough, she hasn't seen Wang Yuyan come back since that day. Wang Xiaocui is proud of herself and worried about the insects that entered her skin last time.

Since that day, Wang Xiaocui has been having nightmares. Every time, she dreams that countless insects are drilled out of her body. When she wakes up again, her forehead is full of sweat and her eyes are full of panic. She looks at her arm and finds that her skin is white without any wounds.

Wang Xiaocui spent every day in such a panic.

But what makes Wang Xiaocui happy is that Du's family has been hit hard because she knows that Wang Yuyan didn't come back. Now she is lying in bed. Wang Xiaocui naturally knows who did Wang YuYan's work, but she naturally won't tell Du. After all, she is also eager for her mother and daughter to die.

"Are you up, miss?" Cuihong asked cautiously. Since she didn't do well what the young lady told her last time, she became more and more fierce after she came back.

"Well, get up." Wang Xiaocui light said, self-care to do up. The expression has a faint deep meaning.

Cuihong hears Wang Xiaocui say this and comes in with water to serve Wang Xiaocui.

"By the way, how is aunt?" Wang Xiaocui asked faintly,

Cuihong a listen, look a meal, then carefully said: "aunt is still the same, two miss things seem to hit her very big." After that, she looked up at Wang Xiaocui, especially when she saw the smile on Wang Xiaocui's face.

When did the young lady have such a look? It's frightening and frightening.

"Since my aunt is like this, I always go to see her." Wang Xiaocui smiled vaguely at the corners of her mouth.

Cuihong's hand was a meal. She didn't dare to look at Wang Xiaocui's look at this time, especially at this time, Wang Xiaocui's look was full of evil.

At this time, Du Shi sat on the bed with a decadent face and full of despair in her eyes. She couldn't understand how the planned things had become like this, especially when she sent a letter to Liang Chao these days, but there was still no reply.

Du's face staring at his protruding stomach, her heart suddenly is very scared, that day saw Wang Xiaocui that bitch unexpectedly intact back, her heart is always with an inexplicable fear.

Especially when the day to send that little bitch back to the person, that kind of eyes, let a person panic.

I really don't know where that little bitch knew this kind of person from, and he had such a frightful and cold look.

"Madam, have something to eat. You haven't eaten all day. The young master in your stomach may not be able to bear it!" Yuzhu came in with a bowl and comforted Du. Especially today, the master has sent people to look for the body of the second young lady under the cave cliff.

Yuzhu looks at Du Shi lying on the bed. It's only a short day. It was gorgeous and charming, but Du Shi has become haggard. Yuzhu knows in her heart that the death of the second young lady is a blow to Du Shi.

Du light looked at the bowl inside the jade bead hand, light said: "I can't eat." He looks very crispy and seems to disappear in the next second.

Seeing Du's look at this time, Yuzhu couldn't help but feel distressed. She became more and more authoritative and said, "madam, take care of yourself! You still have a young master in your stomach

Du's stupidly looking at his stomach, suddenly tears flow out, the voice is choked and said: "Yuzhu, how can my Yan'er disappear like this, what can I do?" The voice is miserable and desperate. When others hear it, they can't help feeling sad for it.

When Yuzhu heard Du's sad voice, she felt more and more uncomfortable. She was about to say something, but her words choked in her throat and didn't say anything.

When Wang Xiaocui came to the door of Du's yard, she just heard Du's voice of sadness and despair. She was full of sarcasm in her heart and eyes. Who was she going to show at this time? Why did Wang Yuyan die? She knows better than anyone, doesn't she?

After all, Wang Yuyan is her substitute.

"Aunt, take good care of yourself. After all, you are the only son with your father." Clearly very concerned about the words, but it is full of infinite irony, especially when it said the only son, the tone is full of disdain and ridicule.

When Du heard Wang Xiaocui's words, he gave a meal in his heart, and then glanced at Wang Xiaocui faintly. He didn't say anything, but his face obviously didn't welcome her.

When she saw Wang Xiaocui saying this, Yuzhu's face was slightly chilly. She was afraid that Wang Xiaocui had any intention to Du. Just about to say something, Wang Xiaocui said it first.

"Yuzhu, you go out. I'll persuade my aunt. After all, how can this pregnant man not eat?" Then she went to Yuzhu and took the bowl in her hand.

"Miss, this..." Yuzhu heard Wang Xiaocui's words as soon as she wanted to refuse.

"What? Are you worried that I will do any harm to my aunt? " The eyes were full of cold, especially the look was very sinister.

"I dare not." When Yuzhu saw the look on Wang Xiaocui's face, she was very afraid, and her hand with the bowl unconsciously released.

Wang Xiaocui took the bowl and showed a very satisfied smile on her face. She slowly walked to Du's bedside and slowly stirred the bird's nest in the bowl with a spoon. She had a gentle smile on her face. Even the corners of her mouth also aroused a gentle smile. Her voice was very soft and said, "aunt, this thing still needs to eat. After all, the second sister should worry about you."

Du heard Wang Xiaocui say so, his face became very ferocious for a moment, looking at Wang Xiaocui's eyes are full of hate, want to eat Wang Xiaocui general.

The slut obviously did it on purpose. Bitch, why didn't this little bitch die.

Wang Xiaocui didn't seem to see the ferocious look on Du's face. She still said softly, "aunt, you should take good care of yourself."

Keep fit and watch how you die.

Du's eyes are still full of hate, almost gnashing his teeth said: "Yan'er is how to die, you are not the most clear? What are you doing here? "

Wang Xiaocui heard Du say so, and a smile of irony rippled from the corner of her mouth.

When Du saw the sarcastic smile on Wang Xiaocui's face, he wanted to catch the flower's face immediately. But Du was pregnant at this time and didn't eat another day. Naturally, he didn't have much strength.

If it wasn't for the ginseng hanging, it's estimated that the baby in her stomach would have flowed.

"Cuihong, Yuzhu, you go out first. I have something to say to my aunt alone." Wang Xiaocui put the bowl down on the table and said faintly. Signal Cuihong and Yuzhu to go out.

Cuihong naturally dared not disobey Wang Xiaocui's order, but Yuzhu looked very nervous and looked at Du.

"Don't worry, your aunt won't lose a hair. Go out." At the end, the voice was full of evil and evil, and the expression became very cold.

Yuzhu nodded in a hurry and went out. It seemed that she would suffocate and make people hard to breathe.

When did the first lady look like this.

Du's expression once again restored to the original appearance, light asked: "what's the matter with you?" At this time, Du's face is so light, and his heart is full of hatred for Wang Xiaocui.

Wang Xiaocui sat on the table and looked at her white fingers. "In fact, there's nothing wrong? Just came to see my aunt. After all, what happened to the second sister. " Wang Xiaocui repeatedly said that there was nothing wrong, but once again reminded du that Wang Yuyan was dead.

Sure enough, Du's face was ferocious when he heard Wang Xiaocui talk like this. Then he became very indifferent and said in a faint voice, "that's her life. I can't blame anyone."

The nail under Du's quilt stabbed into her palm.

"Alas! I wish I thought so, but ah! Some people are not so lucky. It is said that the person is still the only child. Aunt, you are so sad. Is that family even more sad? " Wang Xiaocui tone is very sorry, seems to be really sad for the family.

Du's eyes suddenly shrunk, his face suddenly became very dignified, "what do you mean?"

"Oh, I didn't even tell my aunt about it?" Wang Xiaocui chuckled, looked at Du's with a sarcastic look, and then said: "that * * and the second sister met the mountain bandit. Thanks to the chivalrous man who saved me, but the mountain bandit was not so lucky."

Du's face suddenly became very pale. Naturally, she knew who the bandit was. But when she heard Wang Xiaocui say that, Liang Chao had no way to live? So... What should I do now?

Naturally, I can't count on Liang Chao. Now it seems that I can only hold master Wang firmly.

After all, Master Wang has some sincerity for himself, and he is very sorry that he has just lost his daughter. As long as he makes good use of it, he is sure to kill Wang Xiaocui's mother and daughter.

Before Du's heart was ready, he heard Wang Xiaocui's next words, which completely frightened Du.

"But there's nothing to worry about, but it's said that the mountain bandit has a fine wife who is a concubine. It's said that she is still pregnant now? Aunt, you say, this concubine is not afraid to be found, but she is going to be immersed in a pig cage Wang Xiaocui said to herself that she didn't seem to know who she was.

Du's face suddenly became very pale and looked extremely frightened. When he looked at Wang Xiaocui, his eyes were full of panic and ruthlessness, and his heart was also very panic. It seems that Wang Xiaocui, a little bitch, has known this thing.

But she didn't understand why the little bitch knew it and didn't tell Master Wang?

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