This night can be said to make fenglingjue unforgettable in this life, and the most important thing is that after this time, fenglingjue's impression must be super deep, certainly will not commit a second time, not only because of this so-called punishment. More importantly, Fengling knows. If there is a second time. Then I will never be close to meiqiduo.

Because she won't give people a second chance, there is absolutely no exception.

"Ha ha... You said that if your subordinates knew that you said that to yourself, your eyes would not fall off." Meiqiduo is very happy lying on the bed, said, but also while directing fenglingjue to pinch her shoulder and so on.

Fengling Jue's mouth showed a helpless smile. She was laughed at by the people below. It wasn't the little woman who did it. At this time, she said, "it wasn't you who did it." Feng lingjue's tone was full of helplessness, but her bony fingers were still holding Mei Qiduo's slender shoulders rhythmically.

She seems to be losing weight again.

"Are you too tired recently?" Feng Ling absolutely light ask a way.

"Well!" Mei Qiduo is being pinched by Feng lingjue very comfortable. Just when she is sleepy, she hears Feng lingjue ask like this. She says casually: "no, I just don't have any appetite recently." In fact, it's not. I'm really busy recently, and recently the grape and fish pond are just on the right track.

I just don't want to worry about it.

Feng Ling Jue heard Mei Qiduo say that, naturally, she didn't believe it. Naturally, she was very helpless. This little woman really made him worry all the time.

"You!" Feng Ling Jue's tone is full of helplessness.

"I'm going to Beijing after a while. What do you think?" Mei Qiduo said lazily.

Feng Ling Jue suddenly heard Mei Qiduo say so, the action in the hand stopped, and then continued the previous action, as if the action just now was just a pause, there was no meaning at all.

Feng Ling absolutely changed a side to continue to give Mei seven flower to pinch a shoulder, but didn't say any words.

"Why don't you talk?" Mei Qiduo didn't hear Feng lingjue's speech. She looked a little.

Feng Ling Jue said, "when are you going to enter the capital? I'll pick you up. " The voice is very light, the tone is still light.

Mei Qi duo's expression is tiny a meal, the corner of the mouth is tiny to start to put on a very cloudy smile, full of deep meaning say: "if I entered the capital, there should be some may be more sad?"

For example, Gu family, Wen family, and Miss Wen family.

"Don't worry, I'll take care of it."

"Well, since you've said that, it's up to you." Mei Qiduo said faintly, "go on!" Then he closed his eyes.

Feng Ling Jue sees Mei Qiduo, who plays tricks like this. She looks tender even though she is helpless. This little woman really likes revenge. Then he agreed to continue to be punished.

Plum seven corners of the mouth slightly a hook, if those people know that the first Prince of the bright moon actually pinch his shoulder, don't know how to think in the heart.

Especially the miss of the Wen family, Mei Qiduo guessed that the look on her face must be very wonderful.


Fenglingjue didn't stay for a long time. At dawn, fenglingjue had already left. But when I go back, I will tell Qinglan and qiangu to protect meiqiduo. There is no order from meiqiduo. I don't need to report anything to him.

But he knew that Mei Qiduo had no patience with them. Since it was for the little woman's safety, he naturally hoped that he would keep them by his side. After she came to Beijing, he would transfer back qiangu.

When qiangu heard fenglingjue say this, he was reluctant, but when he saw the dark awn flowing in fenglingjue's eyes, even if he was reluctant, he could only accept it. After all, it was the master's order.

Green LAN is to hear Feng Ling absolute so to say, in the heart clear, seeming is and the girl already made up. Naturally, I would like to.

Moreover, Qinglan always feels that the girl may come to Beijing soon, especially one day. When she talks about the Wen family, the girl's tone is full of evil, no temperature, and cold.

"I left so soon." Mei Qi Duo is very not elegant stretch, mouth lazy smile, face is also with a soft look.

"Master, are you up?" Qiuju asked outside the door.

"Well, come in." Mei Qiduo said lazily.

When Qiuju came in with the water, she saw a lazy face inside the plum seven flower house, with a faint smile on her face, not like a few days ago.

"Master, you look in a good mood today?" A few days ago, the look on their faces was very black. As servants, they didn't dare to ask any more questions for fear of touching the boss.

"Well, how do you see that?" Mei seven flowers hear autumn chrysanthemum so ask, light ask a way.

Is it too obvious that people around you can see the pleasure.

"I'm always waiting for my master every day, so I can see whether he is happy or not." Qiuju finish or face or a face of pride, look with coquettish.

When Mei Qiduo saw Qiuju like this, a smile appeared at the corner of her mouth. It has been half a year since these maids came to Mei's house. In the past half a year, these maids have regained the prettiness that girls should have. What's more, the four of them have their own characteristics and strengths.

The most important thing is that these people are the servant girls who serve her closely. Some people in the Mei family want to curry favor with them. Naturally, they are like fish in water.

However, Mei Qiduo knew that they also knew how to be proper, so Mei didn't pay attention to this.

"You're the only one who talks."

"Hey, hey... Isn't this the owner you care about?"

The displeasure on the owner's face a few days ago was so obvious that they didn't dare to get close. Now, it's really terrible for the owner to get angry. Even Qinglan didn't dare to approach.

Mei Qiduo heard Qiuju say this, her eyes flashed a smile, and her face was full of a gentle smile.

There's nothing wrong with that.

After Mei Qiduo washes, she goes to Mei Xiaolan's room to have breakfast with her.

Mei Xiaolan is very happy to see Mei Qiduo coming. After all, Mei Qiduo doesn't have much time to eat with her. She is very happy to see Mei Qiduo willing to come to eat with her.

"Duo'er, sit down quickly, mother Qin. Hurry up and get some food that duo'er likes." Mei Xiaolan naturally felt that Mei Qiduo's breath today was different from that of a few days ago. A few days ago, the whole body was full of the breath of no strangers. Today is more normal.

"Niang, no, these are OK." Mei Qiduo is very helpless. Every time she accompanies Mei Xiaolan to dinner, the table is full of what she likes to eat, and it must be until she can no longer support it. Mei Qiduo just lets her go. Now when you think about it, Mei Qiduo feels terrible.

"Look at you. You've lost weight these days." Mei Xiaolan automatically ignores Mei Qiduo's words and looks at Mei Qiduo kindly in her eyes.

"No, I think I'm fat." Mei Qi duo whispered.

"Nonsense, eat quickly. After that, I'm asking mammy Qin to stew some tonic for you, but I want to make a good tonic." Mei Xiaolan still said to herself.

Mei Qiduo is speechless, but her heart is filled with unspeakable warmth. After all, such concern is real. From her heart, she will not refuse Mei Xiaolan's concern.

"I know, I know." Meiqiduo said helplessly.

At this time, Xue Wan hurried in, his face full of anxiety.

"The old slave has seen his master and his wife." Xue Wan made a salute to Mei Qiduo and Mei Xiaolan, and said respectfully.

Mei Qiduo heard Xue Wan's voice, looked up at him and asked faintly, "Uncle Xue, what's the matter?"

"A young master came outside the door and said that he was..." he looked up at Mei Qiduo carefully, and then continued: "he said that he wanted to find his master."

"Young master? Who is it? " Mei Qiduo stops her chopsticks and frowns slightly. At this time, someone comes to look for her.

"It's a young man in red." Xue Wan saw the look on Mei Qiduo's face, and his tone became more and more cautious. The childe's breath was very frightening. At a glance, he was not a good man. Xue Wan was very worried. The childe was looking for his master, and he didn't know what was the matter?

"Red clothes?" Mei Qiduo's mind, Zhihong suddenly flashed a person's face, that person is very like wearing red, and that person to tell the truth, she really don't like it.

After all, the same kind is not very fond of the same kind.

"Yes, and..." Xue Wan was interrupted by Mei Qiduo when he wanted to say something.

"I see." Meiqiduo seems to have the answer in her heart. At this time, her face is dignified. If it's really that damned monster, she can't restrain her anger.

Mei Xiaolan naturally noticed the expression on Mei Qiduo's face, and her tone was very worried: "Duo Er, is it a bad person?"

"Niang, no, don't worry." Mei Qiduo comforts Mei Xiaolan. Naturally, she won't tell Mei Xiaolan that the person who comes is the leader of the ruthless Pavilion and a murderous devil.

Mei Xiaolan was relieved when she heard Mei Qiduo say this, "that's good. Go quickly, otherwise people will be in a hurry."

"Well." Mei Qiduo nodded and then followed Xue wan to the door.

Sure enough, when he was outside the door, he saw Zhan merciless's eye-catching carriage stop outside his house, and then his two bodyguards stood on the side like two door gods, without any expression on their faces.

Mei Qi duo's face is full of displeasure. Sure enough, it's really this demon.

"I don't know what you are doing here?" Mei Qiduo asked in a very bad tone.

"Miss may doesn't seem to welcome me very much." Zhan ruthlessly heard Mei Qiduo's tone, which was full of dislike and unhappiness. A charming smile was aroused at the corners of his mouth, and his tone was full of laughter.

"If only the Lord knew."

It's strange that I welcome him. It's a foolish interest to let a person with ulterior motives come to my home. I'm not a Virgin Mary.

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