Xue Wan stood looking at Mei Qiduo sitting on the chair, with a heavy face and even some uneasiness in his eyes, full of desire to talk and stop.

"Uncle Xue, if you have anything to say, don't hold it back." Mei Qiduo had seen Xue Yiwan's face saying something for a long time. He knew what he was going to say, but if he didn't make it clear, Xue Wan might have been like this for the next few days.

"Master, is that childe..." Xue Wan said half, after the thing did not say again, just eyes is very uneasy looking at Mei Qiduo.

"Uncle Xue, I know what you are worried about. It's OK. You tell me to go down. Without my order, no one is allowed to go near the childe's room. If anyone violates it, he will be thrown out of the Mei family. " Mei Qiduo said that at the end of the day, her voice was full of cold, without the slightest temperature.

Xue Wan was shocked. For the first time, he heard Mei Qiduo say that he would throw people out like this. "Yes, I'll tell you to go down."

"Well, in addition, the rules of the family should be well re taught. I don't want that to happen for the second time." When Mei Qiduo thought of the previous scene, her eyes were still flashing. She knew that the damned fox was very charming,

"Yes." Xue Wan thought of what happened before and said solemnly, after all, he was obsessed with looking at the young master before. I was the first time I saw such a young man.

"That's good. Let's do it first."

Xue Wan heard Mei Qiduo say this and asked her to respectfully leave. Mei Qiduo saw Xue Wan's back and looked dignified on her face.

Zhan merciless now says that Fengling will never be here. There must be some attempt, and this attempt must be very important. Zhan merciless surely thinks that Fengling will definitely put this thing with her, which is the most important thing.

What does Zhan merciless hope to get from her? And this thing was given to her by Fengling Jue.

Suddenly, Mei Qiduo flashed something in her mind. She touched the things in her clothes with her hands. Her eyes were deep. She took it out several times and saw it, especially what was flowing in it. It was full of charming luster. The most important thing is that Mei Qiduo always subconsciously feels that this thing seems to be very important.

But Fengling never asked her for it, so she kept it. That's because Fengling never remembered. But now the situation has changed. Fengling has remembered. Why doesn't he go back?

It seems that I should ask fenglingjue about the function of this thing after a period of time.

"What? The ruthless cabinet owner also has a habit of peeping. " Meiqiduo tone is very sarcastic said, eyes looking out of the window flashing a faint light.

Zhan merciless heard Mei Qiduo's voice, and a charming smile came out from the corner of his mouth. There was no embarrassment of being caught and eavesdropping on his face. He was very calm“ Miss Mei's feeling is very keen. " The action of walking in is very elegant, but it also has a deep-rooted charm.

"I'm flattered." Mei Qiduo said faintly, then looked at Zhan ruthlessly with deep eyes, and said in a cold voice: "I don't know what's the matter with you? Is there anything missing? "

"No." Zhan merciless doesn't seem to mind Mei Qiduo's indifferent voice at all. When he comes to the chair opposite Mei Qiduo, he naturally sits down. Then he lazily holds his chin with one, and a pair of narrow fox eyes look at Mei Qiduo with a charming smile.

"I don't know why the LORD came here?" Asked Mei Qiduo.

War heartless voice is very languid to say: "I am just curious, what kind of woman can be unexpectedly by Feng Ling Jue that guy up heart feeling." Compared with curiosity, I want to defeat Feng lingjue. If Feng lingjue knows that the woman she likes is loved by others, what's the look on her face?

Feng Ling Jue never cares about her so-called fiancee. After all, Feng Ling Jue never cares about her so-called fiancee. Sooner or later, Gu and Wen will end up in Feng Ling Jue's hands.

So in any case, Fengling will never marry the woman of Wen family.

It's just that on the way there was a plum seven flowers killed, and it made fenglingjue excited. Naturally, I want to come and have a good exploration. Since there are not many people who can make fenglingjue emotional, with fenglingjue's personality, maybe this woman will have that thing.

It has to be said that Zhan merciless knows Feng lingjue very well, but he doesn't know that Mei Qiduo is not an ordinary woman.

"So you see it now, OK?" Mei Qiduo asked in a light tone, without any ups and downs, just like Obsidian eyes are full of cold light, without any temperature.

"No, it's much worse than the woman in the Wen family." After all, the appearance of the woman in the Wen family is OK, and her identity matches that of fenglingjue. Although the woman in front of her is very conspicuous, her facial features are too common, and she can only be said to be pretty. If it wasn't for fenglingjue, she would not have seen more.

However, although the woman's facial features are very common, but that pair of dark eyes like a cold pool, there is no emotion, cold and heartless, cold and bloodthirsty, it is hard to forget.

"Oh," Mei Qiduo turned a white eye in her heart. The fox is really annoying. "If you want to say this, you can go." Zhan merciless's words are right. After all, the woman in Wen's family has been educated, but she is not bad either.

What's more, the Wen family still owes him an account, so he naturally wants to find the Wen family.

Zhan merciless saw Mei Qiduo's face without any change. There was a deep flash in her eyes and a charming smile in the corner of her mouth. "Miss Mei didn't seem to mind that Fengling had a fiancee at all. You know, you're not in charge of your own business

"So?" Mei Qiduo's voice still has no change, and there is still no emotion in his ruthless eyes.

"So, Miss Mei, do you think fenglingjue will marry you?" War ruthless mouth hook a malicious smile, I do not know why I want to see in front of this face of a calm woman, face a different expression.

Mei Qiduo almost didn't laugh when she heard Zhan merciless. To tell the truth, she can't live without Fengling. Besides, it's not about whether he wants to marry Fengling or not, and whether she wants to marry. So Zhan merciless said these words, in her eyes, there is no obstacle at all.

"Lord Zhan, I am very curious that you have said so much." Mei Qiduo looks at Zhan merciless's face, which is so delicate that women will be envious. A teasing smile comes from the corner of her mouth. Her cold and unshakable eyes are all teasing.

When Zhan ruthlessly saw Mei Qiduo's face with a teasing smile, he didn't know why a bad situation suddenly flashed in his heart. He always felt that the words spoken from this woman must not be good. I've seen it since the last time.

However, I want to see what this woman will say this time?

"Curious about what?"

Mei Qiduo stirred up an evil smile, her eyes were also flashing with a smile, and her voice said faintly: "the pavilion master is so concerned about fenglingjue. Does the pavilion master really like fenglingjue in his heart, otherwise how can he care about him so much? What do you think

Zhan merciless heard Mei Qiduo say this, his eyes flashed a little clear, and he secretly said that it was true. Especially after hearing Mei Qiduo say this sentence, he felt that this woman was really interesting.

After all, she is the only one who can make fun of him and fenglingjue.

"Am I right? After all, the relationship between the pavilion Lord and fenglingjue will inevitably be misunderstood, but... "Mei Qiduo paused when she said this, looking at the same war ruthlessly," but I think the pavilion Lord must not like fenglingjue, so he is so jealous. " The tone is full of ridicule, especially when looking at Zhan mercilessly.

Zhan merciless with a charming smile slightly a draw, this woman actually said so, although he and Feng lingjue really hate each other, but he is jealous of him, it's a joke.

Just for a moment, Zhan's ruthless face returned to the charming smile before, with the same charming smile in his eyes, "Miss Mei doesn't seem to like me very much?" It's not the first time that I feel this woman's deep alienation and indifference towards herself.

"I see it." Mei seven don't have the slightest cover up to fight mercilessly don't like, very is frankly said.

"Oh, why?" War heartless hear plum seven flower even don't want to cover up, Mou light tiny flash.

"There's no reason to like or hate someone, but there's no reason." There's no reason to hate this kind of thing. Besides, there's too much darkness in the fox's eyes. Sometimes Mei Qiduo thinks of herself when she looks at the merciless war.

The darkness in the eyes is too deep, such a person will fall into the devil's way if he is not careful.

Today's Mei Qiduo doesn't want to live those dark lives any more. Naturally, when she sees the merciless war, she doesn't have any good feelings in her heart.

After all, they are both of the same kind. Since they are of the same kind, how can they like each other?

Zhan merciless look slightly a Leng, especially hear Mei Qiduo such explanation of time, then the corners of the mouth hook up a smile, eyes is flashing cold.

No reason?

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