According to Mei Qiduo's instructions, mother Qin turned two carts full of green plum and apricots into wine, so she put these cans in the backyard, and then herself looked at them to see if they were very tight. After all, these things were very important to Mei Qiduo in her opinion. She naturally looked at them and couldn't make any mistakes.

Mei Qiduo felt helpless when she saw that mammy Qin was so careful. In fact, she knew that as long as no one said anything about the wine, no one would rush into her backyard. After all, she still had some means.

But seeing mother Qin's tense look, Mei Qiduo didn't say anything. Since she felt relieved, it was not bad to go and have a look.

"Master, you can rest assured to give these things to the old slave. I promise nothing will happen." Mother Qin is very serious looking at Mei Qiduo, her eyes are very serious.

Mei Qiduo heard mother Qin say so, nodded, tone with a smile, said: "mother Qin work, I am naturally at ease, then thank mother Qin."

"What's the trouble, this is what the old slave should do." what's more, she was not tired at all. Before she was driven out, she had done more tired and hard work. Now when she came to Mei's house, she just fell into a lucky nest, but she wanted to do a good job. If she didn't do a good job, wouldn't it be right not to go to such a good master?

Mother Qin thought like this in her heart, and she had a dispute in her heart, and her face became more and more serious.

Mei Qiduo smiles and doesn't say anything, but Mei Qiduo keeps it in mind. No matter mother Qin or Xue Wan or the four servant girls, they are all considered by her to be her own people, and no one can bully or humiliate them.

Neither of them will do.

Mei Qiduo didn't say these words, but she kept them in her heart silently. There are some things she doesn't need to say. As long as she knows them in her heart and practices them in the future.

Just when Mei Qiduo did this, she saw Zhan merciless's carriage in her yard. Then she saw Zhan merciless step out of the carriage in a red shirt, but her delicate and charming face was tired.

Especially that pair of narrow fox eyes, at this time with infinite darkness and cold, without any fluctuations.

Mei Qiduo looked at Zhan merciless's face, frowned tightly, and the corner of her mouth also showed a smile. The fox was so tired, just like the end of an extremely fierce fight. She even smelled the faint smell of blood from Zhan merciless.

It's disgusting.

"Lord Zhan, you are back. I thought you would not come back." The tone is very ironic, but with a deep smile in his eyes. The fox seems to spend time with himself. However, what he needs most now is time, so he can have a good time with him.

Zhan merciless heard Mei Qiduo's extremely sarcastic voice. His narrow fox eyes flashed across the cold, but his delicate face was full of coquettish smiles. His voice seemed to be bewitched. "Miss Mei said like this, which really made me sad. After all, I spent a lot of money."

"Ha ha... I'm joking. It's too late for me to welcome you." It's not welcome. After all, the owner of a heartless Pavilion actually lives in such a humble place as himself, and still spends 1.2 million taels of silver. It's too late for him to welcome.

After all, this one million car is enough for me to spend a period of time. Moreover, when the winery opens, there will be more places to spend money. After I go to Beijing, I naturally want to find a restaurant to open my own winery.

A good place like Beijing is full of people who are either rich or expensive. Naturally, they will not miss this great opportunity.

Those people in Beijing should like such new things very much.

Zhan ruthless saw Mei Qiduo's face full of hypocritical and enthusiastic smiles, especially when he looked at him, it was like seeing silver shining. I don't know why, Zhan ruthless's originally gloomy mood suddenly became a little happy.

This woman really likes money.

"In that case, I'll stay a few more days." Zhan ruthless tone suddenly looked at Mei Qiduo with a smile and said that if fenglingjue knew that he was now in his woman's house, he didn't know whether that guy would come right away.

However, if fenglingjue comes here, it means that meiqiduo is very important to him.

The more like this, the more it shows that it is more likely to be placed in this woman.

How many more days? When Mei Qiduo heard Zhan merciless say this, she was naturally reluctant. After all, every time she saw Zhan merciless's face which was more enchanting than a woman's, Mei Qiduo always wanted to beat Zhan merciless.


Mei Qiduo's eyes flashed full of cunning, especially at this time with some evil ideas in his eyes, which made people very uncomfortable. Mei Qiduo's change, Zhan merciless, naturally felt it. I don't know why he suddenly felt a very uneasy mood, especially when he saw the kind of unkind smile in Mei Qiduo's eyes, it became more and more intense.

As soon as Zhan merciless was about to say something, he heard Mei Qiduo say in a very gentle tone, with a smile in his eyes, which made people look really sincere and enthusiastic.

"Listen to the war Pavilion master say like this, it seems that the pavilion master must be very leisurely in this period of time."

Zhan ruthless glanced at Mei Qiduo faintly and sneered in his heart. This woman is really unprofitable and can't get up early. After all, Zhan ruthless is very clear in his heart. In front of this woman's heart, he still doesn't know how to hate himself. Naturally, he wants to leave quickly. At this time, there must be something wrong with such an expression.

Especially at this time, the tone is so mild as never before, but... I have to see what's the matter with this woman. After all, can I find someone I'm interested in.

Even if you waste a little more time to get what you want, it's worth it.

After all, if the prey is caught too fast, it will lose the fun of hunting.

"Yes, you can be very busy or busy." Of course, this busy, completely depends on his mood.

Mei Qi duo's eyes are flowing. She is pretty and charming. Her lips are pink and pale. Her eyes are as black as obsidian. She has a little bit of starlight. "Then I need to trouble you. I don't know if you are willing to help me." The tone is very sincere.

On hearing this, Zhan ruthlessly realized that this woman really had something to do with her. "I didn't know that Miss Mei had something else to ask me for help." The tone is very sarcastic, and the eyes are also slightly sarcastic.

Meiqiduosi didn't mind the sarcasm in Zhan merciless's tone. She still looked at Zhan merciless with a warm and gentle smile on her face. "It's not obvious that the pavilion Master said that. Naturally, I have something to ask the pavilion master for help." Mei Qiduo looked at him expectantly.

War ruthless looking at Mei seven eyes full of expectations, white face with a faint blush, a face of excitement. Zhan ruthless looked at such meiqiduo with a smile. He knew that the woman's request must be malicious, but he didn't know why Zhan ruthless was unwilling to refuse.

"That seat needs to think about it." After that, he didn't look at Mei Qiduo's face, turned around and left.

Charming and charming.

Mei Qiduo was a little stunned when she heard Zhan merciless. After all, she was ready to be rejected by Zhan merciless, but she didn't expect that the fox would think about it.

Is it stupid to kill people today.

However, Mei Qiduo doesn't care much. She originally wanted to let Zhan ruthless go to her winery for a visit. After all, Zhan ruthless's charming face is like a goblin, which will naturally attract many people. Moreover, in a small place like Liushu Town, no one has seen what the head of ruthless Pavilion looks like. Naturally, she doesn't have to worry about anything, not to mention, I'm not prepared to rely on the ruthlessness of war. I just want to make it ugly.

"Master, why are you standing here?" Xia LAN saw Mei Qiduo standing in the yard, and he was still looking at the back of the young master. When he thought about the appearance of the young master, he was very worried.

Which young master Zhan's appearance is really unforgettable. It's the first time for Xia LAN to see how such a goblin like person could exist in this world.

Mei Qiduo recovered and said faintly, "well, nothing's wrong. You've been working hard these days. When the winery opens, you can have a good stroll in the town." Mei Qiduo quietly changed the topic.

When Xia LAN heard Mei Qiduo say this, her eyes were full of surprises, and her face was full of infinite expectation. She was very excited and said, "really? When the winery opens, the owner will let us go

"Well, everyone in the house will go then." Mei Qiduo nodded faintly.

"I'll tell them a few now. They must be very happy, too." Xialan tone is very excited said, then full of excitement ran.

Mei Qiduo looks at Xia Lan's back, and her eyes are full of helplessness. Xia LAN is the most stable of the four servant girls, but sometimes, after all, she is a teenager, and she likes to play in her heart.

It's just forced by life that we can grow so fast.

Now at Mei's house, Mei Qiduo didn't ask them too much, but these servant girls came out in just half a year. This is a bit of a surprise for Mei Qiduo.

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