The next morning, Mei Qiduo carried the lotus colored backpack Mei Xiaolan had made for her, stepped on the basket and went up the mountain as usual. She didn't take yesterday's route today, but after she got to yesterday's position, she took another road and went deep.

Along the way, he sprinkled the grain mixed with overpowering drugs carefully. Mei Qiduo clapped his hands and knocked the powder off his hands. Then he left safely.

Not far away, she found a fallen rotten wood full of fungus in the East.

Mei Qiduo looked from the front to the back. The head of this tree is very thick, which is half a meter.

She walked along the wood and found that the whole tree was dozens of meters long, covered with plump black ears.

Mei Qiduo is really happy at this time. Auricularia is a good thing. When she sells these dried, she should be able to earn a lot of money. But Mei Qiduo looked around. There was a lot of distance between this place and the depth of the mountain, which was close to the mountain.

It's really strange that no one picked Auricularia auricula here. Didn't the ancients know it?

Thinking about things in her heart, Mei Qiduo's action was not interfered. She picked these Auricularia auricula carefully one by one, and the small ones stayed on it. It was easy to pick them when she grew up in a few days.

After a while, Mei Qiduo filled the basket and backpack. In fact, it's not impossible to decorate.

But Mei Qiduo is going to sell the fungus for money. She's afraid that it will affect the appearance of a single product if it's too crowded.

It's much easier to go up the mountain this time than it was yesterday. Mei Qiduo thought, on the way back, she pulled out a few hemostatic herbs nearby, thinking of going home and smashing them for the stone. This morning seven saw the stone wound, although did not crack, but the appearance is not good-looking.

Before leaving, she felt a little guilty about the stone. If it hadn't been for the stone being suddenly put into the bath bucket yesterday, his wound would have been much better today.

On the way back, Mei Qiduo picked up the fat voles from the ground and tied them up with ropes. It's not bad. It's much better than yesterday's pigeons. At least it has much more meat than birds. Mei Qiduo thought in a good mood.

As soon as she got home, Mei Qiduo took down her backpack and basket and found a clean board to dry the soft fungus.

At this time, Mei Xiaolan came over and looked down at her busy daughter, "seven flowers, what's this? How come the people in the village have never eaten it? Is it also medicinal materials? "

Mei Qiduo replied: "Niang, hello. Well, my Auricularia auricula is a good thing. It can replenish qi and strengthen the body. It tastes delicious. When it's dry, I'll sell it to restaurants in the town. At least I can get a silver or two. "

"Oh, it's really expensive. I'll give you a better board. It's too dirty."

Then Mei Xiaolan went to the kitchen.

"No, mother." Mei Qiduo cried, "I got some big voles today. You can deal with them. We'll eat them in the evening."

Auricularia auricula is very dry. You Qiduo made a small bonfire nearby. When the fire went out, move the board up. It should be almost done the next morning.

One night without a word, the next day just after dawn, Mei Qiduo packed the fungus and put it in a basket. After taking photos in the water basin, he put on the new clothes Mei Xiaolan had just made and went to the town.

Mei Qiduo has only ten Wen on her body. She can't bear to take the bus, so she has to walk slowly. When she gets to the town, it's noon, and it's time to eat.

Standing in the street, Mei Qiduo walked back and forth here. After a while, she found a restaurant with many guests. Mei Qiduo didn't go in directly. She went around to the back door of the restaurant.

I touched it in my pocket, took five copper plates, gathered them together in front of a simple and honest man who was busy unloading the truck, and whispered, "uncle, my family picked some mountain goods from the mountains and wanted to sell them to this restaurant. Please help me."

Then Qiduo stuffed the copper plate in his hand into the black faced man's hand.

"It's no use. Wow, you little girl, put it away quickly. I don't know the chef in the restaurant, but there is a little brother Wang who is in charge of miscellaneous matters who can say a few words. I'll ask you after unloading later. "

"Well, uncle, if the mountain goods are sold, I'll treat you to steamed buns." With a small face, Mei Qiduo was very happy.

The man really lived up to his honest face. Mei Qiduo's contented cat was waiting for the uncle to finish his work and find someone for her.

Before Mei Qiduo waited long, the simple and honest man came to her with a small steward dressed in a Navy short fight.

"Brother Wang, this is the child of the distant relative in our village. Let's see. " The honest man stood aside and rubbed his hands.

Mei Qiduo cleverly waved to the opposite brother Wang: "brother Wang is good."

Although the little thing on the other side had no nostrils, he just nodded to Mei Qiduo and asked hoarsely, "Lao Chen said you have mountain goods in your hand. What are they? Let me see. "

Mei Qi duo in the heart pie pie pie mouth, this kid looking at long of quite big, originally still in change a voice period“ Here, this is a specialty of our mountain. It's called fungus. It is said that long-term consumption can make skin more tender. "

Wang Guanshi didn't pay attention to Mei Qiduo's words. Instead, he frowned and looked in Mei Qiduo's basket. He didn't say a word and hesitated to look at the honest man beside him. After a while, he said, "I don't know your mountain goods. I've been in this restaurant for some time. But I've never received this kind of mountain goods. "

"Brother Wang, let's see if you can take it."

Mei Qiduo looks at the man who helps me gratefully and thinks that the bun she promised is really worth it.

Steward Wang glanced at the man beside him. If he hadn't saved him a few days ago when he was unloading the goods, he would not have been able to sit in the steward's seat. But he didn't dare to say that the other side was very powerful. Now he wants to return his favor, so he said, "do you know how to eat this? If it's really delicious, I can send the wood and fungus to the kitchen for you. "

Steward Wang doesn't talk big. Just because he is young, he has been a small steward in this restaurant. After more than ten years, he will be a shopkeeper. But now he's young and practicing first, but he doesn't stay here for nothing. People also have relatives working in the kitchen, but he can't be the chef. For example, this mountain product is really good as the little girl said, and it's a good dish.

Mei Qiduo's eyes were bright and said: "brother Wang, don't worry. This fungus is very easy to make. Otherwise, I'll tell you how to do it. You can ask someone to try it?" In order to sell the mountain goods, Mei Qiduo doesn't mind teaching the restaurant a few menus.

"Well, wait here first. I'll call Xiao Fang."

The little steward turned around and left quietly, leaving Mei Qiduo to thank the honest man. She laughed brightly: "uncle, if it wasn't for you, I'm afraid it would be hard to sell this mountain goods. It's all thanks to you, uncle, for your face

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