When Mei Qiduo saw Zhan Wuhuan's face, she knew it clearly. It seemed that Bai Jinjin was soft and charming in front of others. In fact, it was just like now. Maybe it was just an appetizer now.

The back is the main dish.

"Miss White, you'd better think twice before you do anything. After all, once you do something, you can't even regret it." Mei Qiduo looks at Bai Jinjin with a smile in her eyes, and her tone is full of warnings. If they dare to touch Zuixian building today, they will let them go.

It's time for Bai Jinjin to hear Mei Qiduo's warning. Naturally, he disdains it. After all, the qualification of a business girl is equal to that of the merciless Pavilion. Even if he kills this bitch today, no one will rush him. How about that?

"I gave you a chance. If you kneel down and beg me, maybe I'll be in a good mood and let go of zuixianlou." Bai Jinjin didn't take Mei Qiduo's words to heart at all, and waved to the people to come forward.

When the maid saw Bai Jinjin's order, she felt relieved. She wanted to teach the bitch a lesson.

The maid standing behind Bai Jinjin said, "yes." Turning to look at the crowd, "didn't you hear the master's command? Smash. "

All the people reacted and tried to smash all the tables and chairs in zuixianlou. But one of them just moved a chair to the ground and suddenly felt a pain in his wrist. As soon as his hands were loose, he fell to the ground and screamed.

When the crowd reacted, they saw that the man's hand was bleeding, and there was a hole in his wrist.

When Bai Jinjin saw the man lying on the ground, his eyebrows wrinkled tightly, and his eyes looked at Mei Qiduo like a poisonous tongue. His face suddenly became very iron green, "what does Miss Mei mean? The means are so cruel. "

"Miss Bai, I have warned you before. You must think twice before you do anything, or you may not know the end." Mei Qiduo came down from the pavilion slowly, with a faint irony in her voice.

Followed by a face of frost green haze.

When Bai Jinjin sees Qinglan behind Mei Qiduo, she is very surprised. She didn't expect that the merchant girl has such a powerful master, but she is not bad. Moreover, the number of her bodyguards is more than that of this bitch, so she has more chances of winning.

Thinking of these, Bai Jinjin looks at Mei Qiduo's eyes and sees the dark.

Xue Wan saw Mei Qiduo come down. He moved a chair for Mei Qiduo and stroked it specially. It seemed to brush away something dirty. "Boss, please."

Mei Qiduo saw Xue Wan's action when she saw it. She was amused. This uncle Xue sometimes was really interesting. He nodded calmly, sat down gracefully, looked at Bai Jinjin and said, "Miss Bai, we don't talk secretly. I really can't figure out how much courage war ruthlessness has given you to make trouble in Zuixian building." Looking at Bai Jinjin's eyes like a clown, did not put in the eye.

When Bai Jinjin heard Zhan merciless's name, her body was obviously stiff. Zhan merciless had already warned her not to go to this bitch's trouble at will, but she was angry and came over. Especially when she heard Mei Qiduo say that, she was more and more jealous. Looking at Mei Qiduo's eyes, she was more and more resentful and gloomy.

"It seems that miss may has always known who I am?" The tone is very arrogant. Looking at Mei Qiduo with disdain and contempt in her eyes, this woman is fine. She is just a business woman with a low status, who can change ruthlessly.

She's not reconciled. She's not reconciled.

Mei Qiduo didn't speak, but looked at Bai Jinjin with a very light smile, neither denying nor admitting. My eyes are full of provocation and ambition.

When Bai Jinjin sees Mei Qiduo like this, a strong reluctance suddenly surges in his heart. He stares at Mei Qiduo viciously. It seems that he will rush to tear Mei Qiduo in the next second. Especially when he sees the provocation in Mei Qiduo's eyes, a string in Bai Jinjin's heart almost breaks. He wants to fan the provocation in this woman's eyes.

Bai Jinjin's ruthless bite his tongue, let his mind become a little clear, "I'm just curious, make merciless change of people is such a person? Now, miss may, it's really interesting. "

When Mei Qiduo heard Zhan merciless's name, she was disgusted. If it wasn't for this damned fox, she would not have such trouble at this time. First, she wrote down a sum of money. When she had enough ability, she naturally wanted to get it back with interest.

"Oh! That's what ruthlessness tells you, but ruthlessness tells me that white girl has been admiring him for a long time When Mei Qiduo said the word "heartless", she got goose bumps all over her body, but at this time, Mei Qiduo completely ignored such a time.

After all, people have come to their door, so it's impossible for them to smash the chair and leave. They must be preparing some backhand, which is the purpose of this person.

When Bai Jinjin heard Mei Qiduo say this, she felt a burst of despair and bitterness in her heart. She never thought that ruthlessness even told this bitch about it, and this bitch was also called ruthlessness.

So close.

As a matter of fact, Bai Jinjin's idea is wrong. Zhan Qingren and Mei Qiduo didn't reach such a level. It can be said that they still dislike each other. Mei Qiduo's attitude towards Zhan Qingren is extremely bad. The reason why Mei Qiduo said this is because Mei Qiduo's jealousy in Bai Jinjin's eyes is too strong, Especially when he mentioned the ruthlessness of war before, Bai Jinjin's face was ferocious.

When Mei Qiduo saw the bitterness in Bai Jinjin's eyes again, she sneered in her heart. It seems that no matter how smart a woman is, once she meets the man she likes, she will become an idiot and can do it. It seems that Bai Jinjin is miserable and ruthless.

I'm afraid it's the falling flowers that mean to be merciless!

"Miss White, I hope you can understand that ruthlessness and I have nothing to talk about. If this matter falls into the ears of ruthlessness, I wonder if he will vent his anger on Miss White? I don't know. " Mei Qiduo is very lazy, sitting on the chair, said, did not feel his nonsense at this time what is wrong.

When Qinglan hears Mei Qiduo's words, her face is still cold and frosty, but she wants to laugh in her heart.

I know how much the girl hates the heartless Lord of the cabinet. I can't believe that.

Even when Zhan Wuhuan upstairs heard Mei Qiduo call his second brother like this, he was very familiar with the tone. He was very surprised. Did the second brother really know this woman so well, but the next second he thought that when the woman talked about the second brother, the tone was disgusting. He knew that it was the woman's trick again!

After all, Bai Jinjin's love for his second brother has changed Tai. The woman still said so at this time. She is really not afraid of death.

Sure enough, when Bai Jinjin heard Mei Qiduo say this, the string in his heart was broken completely. His originally delicate and charming face was full of ferocious look. Looking at Mei Qiduo's eyes, he wanted to eat her raw. There was a strange smile on his mouth. His voice was very cold and said: "merciless, he belongs to me. You bitch robbed other people's things, If you're so boastful, you'll regret it today. The wind is fast and the lightning is fast. Give me blood to wash the drunken fairy building. "

The tone is very strange. Mei Qiduo's eyes are crazy.

When Mei Qiduo saw such a white brocade, there was no fluctuation in his eyes. It was as cold as from the depths of hell. With Bai's words, it became more and more obvious. A cold smile came up at the corner of his mouth. Suddenly Mei Qiduo's originally beautiful facial features became very gloomy, and her voice was like a cold pool. She said: "since Miss Bai said that, Then don't blame us for being rude. "

"Ha ha ha... Mei Qiduo, today is your death, but don't worry, I will kill you at last, and I will solve you myself." When Bai Jinjin heard Mei Qiduo say this, he just heard a joke and laughed wildly. Looking at Mei Qiduo's eyes, he was also deeply jealous.

"Don't worry, I won't be the one who died." Mei seven flowers smile not to smile of looking at white brocade to say, the eyes are full of deep meaning.

"Kill them." Bai Jinjin said faintly to the air.

Then he saw four people in night clothes appear in front of Mei Qiduo. They knew that they were the dead. There was no fluctuation in their eyes, and they were full of cold breath, with the killer's unique cruelty and bloodthirsty.

Mei Qiduo looks at these four people. There is a deep flash in his eyes. It seems that the white brocade is well prepared, but he is not unprepared. A meaningful smile appears at the corner of his mouth. When the four people are about to start, suddenly a white powder rises in the air.

This powder is the same thing that qiangu and qiangu have been playing with before. It's a good thing. It's a pity to use it on them. Moreover, he added some good things in it secretly. All of them were stolen from qiangu. If qiangu knew it, he would jump again.

When the four dead men saw the white powder flying in the air, they subconsciously wanted to hold their breath and use their internal power to disperse the white powder, but they found that they gradually had no strength, and their internal power seemed to be drained, even they felt the incomparable itching under their skin.

"I made these things first. The more I use internal force, the faster they spread." Meiqiduo looked at those people and said faintly.

How can these things be useful as long as you hold your breath? How can you develop that simple book by yourself? In addition, there are very small poisonous insects added into these white powders. Once people contact with them use their internal power, the poisonous insects will quickly enter into the skin and gnaw blood.

I have to say that there are some things in qiangu, which are really easy to use.

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