When Mei Qiduo saw the owner of the white hand, she was not surprised at all. She said faintly, "what is your boss doing this time?" The tone is full of sarcasm, his face is also with a casual smile, looking at the war heartless.

When Bai Jinjin saw Zhan merciless, his fear eyes were filled with joy, and his heart couldn't restrain the sweetness. He didn't expect that merciless actually came. Does it mean merciless wants to avenge himself? Thinking of this, Bai Jinjin's eyes were full of provocations when he looked at Mei Qiduo.

Mei Qiduo didn't even give Bai Jinjin a look in his eyes. This woman is really stupid. If he really wanted to kill her, he would have become a corpse long ago, and he would wait until now.

Zhan merciless played with the thin flying knife in his hand. When the narrow fox looked at Mei Qiduo, he was full of smile. His lips were like roses. He was enchanted, but his smile was cold and heartless. He said faintly: "I didn't expect Mei's flying knife to be so good." The tone is full of meaning.

Mei Qi duo's mouth corners a draw, this dead fox still really can open an eye to say a lie, didn't see more than ten knives, a knife all didn't hit, "fortunately, originally very interesting, unexpectedly was interrupted by the cabinet Lord." Mei Qiduo said with regret.

Originally, I wanted to teach this white brocade a lesson, but now the war is merciless. Naturally, I can't do that. I can't bear the monk's face, but I have to look at the Buddha's face.

When Zhan merciless heard Mei Qiduo say this, his eyes were full of gloom, especially when he saw Bai Jinjin and the dying breeze. His eyes were even more gloomy, and his heart was disdainful. It was no longer necessary to look at this woman.

There is no need for stupid people.

Mei Qiduo sat down on the chair. She sat down lazily and asked faintly, "what's the matter with you?"

Zhan merciless eyebrows slightly pick, this woman really can pretend to be silly, clearly know that this time I come here is for their business, I dare to be sure, as long as I play for a while, this woman really dare to scratch a knife on Bai Jinjin's face, but I can see clearly, just when I cut off the flying knife, the flying knife above with fierce momentum.

If that knife hits, it's absolutely painful.

"Say the terms, Miss Mei, and I'll try to agree." At this time, Zhan merciless didn't talk nonsense with Mei Qiduo. He simply picked out his intention at this time.

"Conditions Mei Qiduo held her white and small chin in her hand. The cold breath in her eyes dissipated, leaving only seven points of cunning and three points of delicacy. The pink lips had a cunning smile like a fox, and even her tone had an unspeakable cunning.

Zhan ruthless's eyes reflected such seven plum blossoms at this time. I don't know why, Zhan ruthless's heart actually felt that the woman in front of him was not only cunning, but also beautiful and lovely.

Cunning as she, charming as she, bloodthirsty as she.

These characters make the woman look very vivid and bright in front of her, with both mystery and magnetic attraction.

Zhan merciless doesn't know why he has such feelings in his heart at this time. He suppresses them hard. When everything can't be retrieved later, Zhan merciless understands that this woman has already been deeply imprinted in his heart. She can't pull it out or touch it.

But which is that it's too late, I can only fight with her before.

"Naturally." The war is merciless light says.

"It's easy to do. The cabinet leader should know that I like silver best. Give me silver. Everything is easy to talk about." Meiqiduo said brightly in her eyes, it seems that the war is merciless at this time, just like a huge amount of money.

"How much do you want."

"I need to think about that. Xue Wan, go to that abacus and do it." Mei Qiduo naturally won't do business at a loss. Bai Jinjin drives away many of his guests. Naturally, she wants to get them back from Zhan ruthless. Besides, ruthless pavilion looks very rich. She doesn't speak at this time, and she has to wait until when.

Naturally, we need as much as we can.

"Yes." Xue Wan heard Mei Qiduo's command and trotted all the way to the counter to get an abacus. He asked: "master, is it for you, or..." because Mei Qiduo had never used an abacus before, so Xue Wan would ask.

"Uncle Xue, I say you count."

"All right, master." Xue Wan shakes his abacus, but his abacus skill is not bad. Although he sympathizes with them, he also knows that if his boss is not so powerful, maybe the one who is injured at this time is their Jiuxian restaurant. Xue Wan feels relieved again.

"One chair, ten thousand taels. He drove away more than 20 guests, one of them was 10000 Liang, and he was in a good mood, but he was interrupted, mental loss fee, one million Liang, and... "Mei Qiduo opened his mouth and came. What kind of messy expenses add up, including mental loss fee and physical labor fee.

Everyone was stunned, especially when Bai Jinjin heard the messy expenses in Mei Qiduo's mouth, her face turned green again and again. The woman came to rob money, and there was no spiritual loss. Just about to open my mouth, I saw Zhan merciless and light looking like this.

With bloodthirsty cruelty and coldness in his eyes.

Bai Jinjin's body can't help shaking, Na Na's head down, eyes in addition to deep uneasiness and fear.

"Well, how much is it altogether." After Mei Qiduo finished, man BUJING asked.

Xue Wan looked at the abacus, then stabilized his mind, but his voice was still trembling and said: "a total of 5.35 million taels." Some people are very uneasy to see the war.

After hearing this, Mei Qiduo nodded and said, "the whole number is five million Liang. All these people take it away. By the way, one person is attached to the war Pavilion master." Mei seven flower light of saw one eye upstairs, signal war heartless.

Since he has saved Zhan Wuhuan, he naturally has a purpose.

Zhan merciless naturally means to see Mei Qiduo's eyes. Zhan merciless knows that he has two purposes in his mind. One is to come to meet Wu Huan's merciless Pavilion, and the other is to meet the stupid woman in front of him.

At this time, I heard the lion like Mei Qiduo open his mouth and sneer in her heart. This woman really dares to say that her mouth is five million taels.

"Miss Mei, don't dare to say anything, or you won't know how you died that day." War ruthless words with deep meaning said, looking at Mei seven flower's eyes are also full of meaning.

Mei seven flowers smile is very brilliant, way: "no harm, the backer is bigger." Threat her, oneself also have never been afraid of who, say again, oneself back isn't still have Feng Ling Jue? The demon would like to be the richest man in the world.

Zhan merciless's eyes darken. Naturally, he knows who Mei Qiduo's backer is. Now that Gu's family is about to collapse, Feng lingjue is invincible in the middle of the court. It's estimated that this woman also knows what happened before her and Feng lingjue, so she is so unscrupulous.

White brocade see such a smile face bright plum seven flowers, don't know why a wipe, the heart of jealousy is like a crack, no matter how to suppress also found also can't suppress, white brocade's heart understand, at this time what things can't do, can only let this bitch disposal, but once he returned to the heartless Pavilion. Is it so easy to let this bitch go.

She wanted her to live as if she were dead.

Zhan ruthlessly took a deep look at Mei Qiduo, and then a very evil smile came up at the corner of his mouth and said, "what if I don't want to?"


Mei Qiduo said casually: "it doesn't matter, white girl is so beautiful. I don't know how much it will cost if I buy Qing building." After saying that, his eyes looked at Bai Jinjin with a faint smile. His eyes were excited. It seemed that this was an excellent idea.

Bai Jinjin's face is very pale, just like a piece of paper, without the slightest color of blood, looking at Mei Qiduo's eyes with fear and hatred.

When Zhan ruthless heard Mei Qiduo say this, a deep feeling flashed in his eyes. If the saint of ruthless pavilion was sold to the Ji yard of Qing building, ruthless pavilion would certainly be ridiculed by Jianghu people, but he had to spend $5 million to save such a stupid woman.

Zhan's heartless heart is very unwilling, but this woman really has to be saved.

"Lord, what's the matter with you? After all, my patience is limited." Mei Qiduo is very leisurely with his fingers around his hair, the voice is very lazy Q & A.

"Ha ha... Miss Mei is really calculating." Zhan ruthlessly laughed. He just looked at Mei Qiduo with a trace of cruelty in his eyes, took a deep look at Mei Qiduo, and then waved to Wu Yiyi, "Wu Yiduo."

"Yes." No one saw the merciless action of the war, took out five million taels of silver from his arms and handed it to Mei Qiduo.

Mei Qiduo took it and gave it to Xue Wan without looking at it. Xue Wan was very understanding and quickly counted one by one.

"Now that the Lord has paid, the man can take it away. Remember to take the one upstairs as well." Save here in the way of their own eyes, after today's things, I am really more and more disgusted with the heartless Pavilion.

The heartless Pavilion is just a gathering place for brain damage. Zhan Wuhuan, the only one who hates him so much, is the young master of heartless Pavilion.

When Zhan Wuhuan hears Mei Qiduo say this, he scolds himself that this woman has sold him out like this. Sure enough, businessmen are all mercenaries. Now it seems that he will go back with his second brother anyway. And I didn't know if my second brother would be angry.

Thinking of this, Zhan Wuhuan's body can't help shivering. Although five million taels is nothing to the second brother, he knew that Bai Jinjin was not Mei Qiduo's opponent, but he didn't remind him.

Zhan ruthlessly glanced at the attic above, and said without any fluctuation in his voice: "Wuhuan."

Bai Jinjin was stunned when he heard that Zhan Wuhuan was in this place. When he saw Zhan Wuhuan appear in the attic again, he was surprised and then resentful. Zhan Wuhuan was actually in this place. What he had done before meant that he saw everything.

Damn, I didn't notice him.

Bai Jinjin bit his lower lip, and a look of regret flashed in his eyes.

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