Mei Qiduo looks at Mei's house and is even more angry. This man's husband is a thief. He turns to Mei's house and looks at Mei Xiaolan and stares into the meat. I don't know who brought her here this time. Just when Mei Qiduo wanted to answer back, someone said again: "isn't that right? Don't you see that stone in her family is the one Mei Xiaolan got back to break in for her daughter? Otherwise, a good man, even if he is injured, is not looking for his family to heal. "

"Why do you think people are willing to live in Mei's house? I can't make it right..."

Ha ha ha. A group of people burst out with disgusting laughter. Let Mei Qiduo be at a loss. She only has one mouth, but the other side has more than ten. Mei Qiduo just said one thing, but she was so crowded that she was beaten down in the blink of an eye. Mei Qiduo's eyes were sharp. She obviously saw the figure in her house flashing. She thought she could hear what these women said so far away, not to mention Mei Xiaolan in the house. Think of this mother and a page to tear wash, plum seven more angry.

"Come on, sisters, don't make a little girl laugh. It's just a man hiding at home. That's good. Didn't you see her mother go to her house? What's the name of this? It's called female inheritance! "

Mei Qiduo understood at this time that these people had nothing to do with looking for trouble. It was clear that someone was instigating them. No, it was the Lai family! She doesn't talk back now. A group of people are quacking. Can she turn enemies into friends. Mei Qiduo stares at the leading women. These women should be Lai's henchmen.

Then Mei Qiduo shakes off the stone. In the stone's surprised eyes, she rushes into her own house and takes a big broom to face them.


"Oh, my mother..."

"Little bitch, my face, don't fight, don't fight..."

Mei Qiduo is not well now, but the broom is still OK. A gap broom, which is missing for half a pull, was asked to turn into a big windmill, which made a group of big girls and little daughters-in-law scurry in the village. There were only a few old women left. Mei Qiduo didn't dare to kill them. These old women were a little old. If something happened, they would be depended on. However, the crowd has gone far, and Mei Qiduo's fierce appearance, after two shouts of abuse, they are not good to stay here and leave in a hurry.

They all ran away. Mei Qiduo wiped the sweat on her face. This physical work was still difficult for her weak body.


Cold not Ding of a cry, let plum seven surprised for a while, she looked back, originally is a stone. Mei Qiduo glared at him fiercely. The account just now hasn't been calculated. Now do you know how to please her?

"If you don't go back to the house and have a rest, will your wound grow well in such a short time?"

Stone peeped at Mei Qiduo's face and saw that she didn't seem to be very angry“ Go now, go now. " After that, he left happily.

Mei Qiduo shouted at his back and rolled her eyes again. This just put down the broom in the hand, still Shun in the corner.

However, just when Mei Qiduo thought she could live in peace, one of the people ran back against the crowd. Mei Qiduo was standing in the yard, as if she saw a figure beside the woman, which was very similar to Lai Yu. She said in her heart, don't be Lai Yu again. Why didn't you see her just now?

At this time, the fat woman had arrived at Mei Qiduo's house.

"Little bitch, you made my niece unable to get married. Now you are showing off. I want to see if you can still afford a broom now!"

At this time, Mei Qiduo was sweating and crying in her heart. As she racked her brains to figure out how to get rid of the woman. The door suddenly opened.

"I am her man. If you have anything to do in the future, you can come to me as much as you can! " The stone suddenly hugs Mei Qiduo from the back, and her hot and humid lips are close to her mouth.

Well, Mei Qiduo's mind was empty and her heart was blank. How could she have thought that there were people who would do this in the ancient times with strict ethics. Although, she was ashamed to feel the hard and frighteningly hot man's body.

"In broad daylight, it is immoral. I'll tell the village head to drive your family out of the village! " The fat woman was frightened by Mei Qiduo and stone. She is so old that she has never seen such a shameless young man and woman.

"Whatever, where do you go to sue? Anyway, men are unmarried and women are unmarried. I stone say a word spit a pit, Mei Qiduo is my woman! Don't think about her in the future. " I don't know when, the stone has already put Mei Qiduo in his arms, but also distracted to argue with this woman.

A tall man was called to threaten with a vicious voice. The wicked woman wanted to scold her, but she saw that the stone suddenly became frightening, and her pores began to burst, but the man let out a lot of murderous gas.

The fat woman trembled and muttered in her mouth. She didn't know what to say, but she had already run far away.

Stone, looking at the girl in his arms, although she is still a yellow haired girl, I don't know why, she always feels warm and nostalgic.

He knew that it was not easy for Mei's mother and daughter, but he didn't expect that a group of women in the village should attribute all the mess to them and talk about themselves. Isn't it just a matter of reputation? What hidden man, now I am her man!

Maybe for a century, meiqiduo didn't know how the stone let go of her. Anyway, she was already sitting on the Kang. Knead the remaining a few Auricularia, the hands of the remaining pieces of Auricularia residue.

Mei Qiduo's face turned red at this time. She stood up and planned to settle accounts with stone. Just out of the door, I saw the stone see her hair blowing. I didn't know well. I turned my mind and said to Mei Qiduo very quickly: "take my keepsake and dare to say it's not my person?"

Mei Qiduo remembered that he had taken someone else's jade pendant. At this time, his fierce spirit of seven points was also like a punctured ball. For a moment, I'm sorry to be rude again“

"Don't be like this in the future. Otherwise, my mother and I really didn't stay in the village." Mei Qiduo said something. It's not good to be in the same room with stone. She ran to the kitchen and hid.

In the kitchen, Mei Xiaolan was making noodles. Looking at her, she thought that she would add some coarse grains and bake some cakes. When I saw my daughter come in, I couldn't help asking, "did you quarrel with stone? How do you remember to come here? " Just now the village woman came to scold the door. She heard it in the house. Originally, she was still crying about her daughter's life and her father. But she didn't want to, but for a moment, Shitou was willing to marry her daughter Qiduo. She was so worried that she finally let go. As long as there was a man in the family, people in the village didn't dare to bully her. She was so happy that she stopped crying. She planned to make some cakes in the kitchen to celebrate. It was just a joke to see my daughter come in.

Mei Qiduo felt that her face was on fire when she thought of the stone. She changed the topic without thinking about it and said angrily, "mother, we won't make cakes tonight. I'll order some stuffing with you. Let's make dumplings. "

"What is dumpling?" Mei Xiaolan asked in surprise. She had never heard of this word. How could such a strange word suddenly appear in her mouth when her daughter was so big with her? Mei Xiaolan is not the one who can hide things from us, so she looks suspicious.

Mei Qiduo's eyes trembled, and her mouth kept saying: "I didn't see it when I went to the restaurant to sell Auricularia auricula. They rolled the pancakes thin with the eldest pot of meat stuffing, and each one was like a treasure. I saw it was very simple, so I learned it. We don't have so much meat, but it's good to have some dishes. A little bit of minced meat is also good

Looking at Mei Xiaolan's calming face, Mei Qiduo's heart was relieved. He cried in his heart that he had let the big villain stone almost break the credit. He must look good next time.

However, when Mei Xiaolan was asked to interrupt, Mei Qiduo had nothing to worry about. She quickly divided the dough into several pieces, and the small dough became strips.

Originally, Mei Qiduo wanted to pull the dough with her hand, but she just did a big physical work with her big broom. When she was nervous, she didn't feel wrong at all. But now calm down, I just feel soft. So, pick up the kitchen knife, when Dangdang, small cakes appear in front of you.

When Mei Xiaolan looks at her daughter and puts them on the curtain, she will have a meeting.

"Oh, this little thing is really good. If you order noodles with vegetable stuffing, you can make a pot. It seems that the restaurant you go to can really do business." Said, Mei Xiaolan a pair of skilful hands quickly through the panel, not for a while, the package is much more beautiful than her daughter.

Mei Qiduo turns her eyes secretly. Fortunately, her mother won't go to the restaurant in the town to have a meal easily, but for the sake of safety in the future, she still has to sell dumplings to the cook.

No matter what Mei Qiduo thought, the dumplings were quickly made with the efforts of mother and daughter.

"Niang, the water in the pot is fast. Let's put these dumplings into the pot."

"Oh, so you boil water to make dumplings? I thought it was steamed. "

Mei Qiduo was helpless. "If you wrap this dumpling as big as a steamed bun, it's not impossible to steam it."

Mei Xiaolan couldn't help nodding: "what you said is that if the steamed stuffed bun is not well wrapped, it's not good. It's very convenient to wrap dumplings. It's also a variety of steamed stuffed bun. It's hard for others to think of it." Then she said happily, "I'm a girl. I'm smart. I know how to sell fungus in a restaurant and steal a teacher to learn skills."

Mei Qiduo looks at her mother in a daze. Does she think she is smart?

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