The old man in black robe seems to have met such a person for the first time. Looking at Mei Qiduo, his eyes are full of gloomy smile, "ha ha... This little girl is very interesting." Even so. But the tone is very gloomy.

Mei Qiduo's mouth aroused a very light smile, but her eyes were very deep. She looked at the old man in black robe in front of her, and her heart was particularly dignified. This man seems to have been very skilled in using poisonous insects. He must not take it lightly.

After all, the general demagogues are not as black as that.

"Ha ha ha... Little girl. It's not yours. You'd better not think about it. After all, if you think about it, you may not even have a life. " The old man's eyes were full of seeping gloom, and he said in an uncertain tone.

Mei Qiduo heard the old man in black robe say this, and his eyes became deeper and deeper. I didn't dare to relax. After all, the man in front of me was like a poisonous snake. It seemed that if I was not careful, I would be bitten by him. One shot.

The old man in black made her feel really gloomy. So Mei Qiduo must be careful.

"Even if I say that, it's just the person I like, but I won't give it to others so easily." In particular, once the two children fall into the hands of the old man in black, the end is very simple. It's either dead or made into a container for insects.

Look at them. Mei Qiduo suddenly thought of herself. These two children let Mei Qiduo think of herself in her heart. At the beginning, she was so weak. It's at the mercy of people.

Without the slightest resistance, we can only watch the man die in front of us.

With the death of that man. Meiqiduo's only sunshine disappeared in the world. Since then, there is only one body left, which is also in that moment. Mei Qiduo knows that only when she is strong enough, can she not become a toy in other people's hands and let others become a toy in her own hands.

Also from there, Mei Qiduo's heart has no so-called kindness and humanity.

"Ha ha ha... Interesting." The old man in black robe heard Mei Qiduo say this, and his eyes were more and more flashing with interest, just like the hungry wolf in the dark, and his eyes were full of flashing green eyes.

Suddenly, the black robed old man threw his black sleeve and saw two black snakes flying towards Mei Qiduo. Mei Qiduo raised her hands and the silver needle flashed. The two little snakes were lying on the ground twitching. But the little snake on the ground didn't seem to be dead. The little snake's eyes were full of evil and spitting out a scarlet tongue.

The old man in black robe was surprised to see two very thin silver needles inserted on the little snake's body. He really didn't expect that the little girl had two sons. However, these two little guys are determined by themselves. Anyone who blocks him will be killed impolitely.

When the little boy saw the woman who had helped him before, he was very surprised, but he didn't care about it at this time. The little boy carefully pulled the little girl and wanted to escape from the broken temple. The little boy knew that no matter he was caught by any of them, he and his sister would have a hard time. Now, when they didn't pay attention, It's the most important thing to run away with my sister.

The little boy is very nervous looking at the black robed old man and Mei Qiduo, in order to prevent their two ideas to themselves, the little girl is also very nervous, tightly into the little boy's sleeve. The little boy seemed to feel the little girl's tension, holding her hand tightly, as if comforting her.

The little boy saw the old man in black and Mei Qiduo fighting. He didn't seem to notice himself. He took the little girl to escape from the hole in the wall. Before he went far, he was knocked out from behind.

Mei Qiduo naturally saw the little boy's action, and the corner of his mouth was slightly hooked. Does it seem that the little boy is very clever? Qinglan should take them away. She is not suitable to stay in this place. After all, she doesn't have many silver needles. At this time, she should make a quick decision.

Mei Qiduo suddenly raised his hand and flew two things from his sleeve. When the old man in black robe saw such things with gloomy eyes, he was full of contempt. He wanted to run away, so he couldn't think about it.

It's just that when the old man in black robe didn't think of it, the two bags had already split before they fell to the ground, and countless tiny insects filled the whole broken temple. It seemed that the old man in black robe didn't expect that the bag would split in the air, and there were still such insects inside.

For a time, yuan bennian was very contemptuous, his eyes were full of gloom, and he was very surprised. He really didn't want to beat this woman. It seems that he despised the enemy. However, just relying on these insects to trap him is too much to look down on him.

Mei Qiduo put on a faint smile at the corner of his mouth. These insects are not simple ones. They are the ones he specially recruited to deal with him. Mei Qiduo naturally knows that the old man in black robe is covered with venom. Any living creature who touches him a little will poison himself and die.

But this insect is different. It has strong anti-virus ability. Once it comes into contact, it will firmly adhere to the skin. Once it gets into the skin, it will immediately itch. Although it can't hurt the old man completely, it can keep him from using his internal power for half a month.

This is excellent.

Mei Qiduo controlled them with his voice, built a insect wall between the black robed old man and him, and surrounded the old man.

"Old man, you have a good time with them." Then he left quickly.

The old man in black robe looked at the dense insects around him, and his eyes were full of gloom. He was trapped by a little girl, and he would not let her go. The old man in black robe was careful not to be bitten by insects, and he swore in his heart that he would make the woman pay the price just now.

Mei Qiduo was relieved when she got on the carriage. Fortunately, she was prepared before. If she didn't let her, she would die there today. After all, Mei Qiduo knew very well that she was not the opponent of the old man in black robe. If she tried hard, she would not get any good fruit.

What's more, the old man is a very powerful person.

It seems that when we meet Feng lingjue, let him have a good look. When did Haoyue come to such a powerful Gu master.

When Qinglan saw meiqiduo, she took a breath and asked, "girl, are you ok?"

"Nothing. I'll leave here all night today, and I'll do something." Mei Qiduo shook her head. The look in her eyes was very deep. She had planned to spend the night here, but according to the ability of the old man, it was impossible.

It's very good that the insect can trap the old man for half an hour, and the most important thing is that the insect has the smell of her body. As long as the old man is a little more careful and uses the poisonous insects, he can find her within half an hour.

They won't be so lucky then.

"Yes." When Qinglan saw Mei Qiduo's deep eyes, she felt a burst of anger.

Mei Qiduo whispered in Qinglan's ear, and then looked at the two children who had passed out on the carriage. There was a deep flash in her eyes. Although Mei Qiduo had a little regret when she saw the old man in black robe, there was no way out.

When Qinglan heard Mei Qiduo finish these words, it was only a moment that she left the carriage.

Sure enough, just as Mei Qiduo said, insects could only trap the old man in black robe for half an hour. After he got out of the difficulty, he looked at the black insects on the ground with deep eyes. Then he took out a little white snake from his sleeve.

"Go smell it and find out the woman. I want her to live like death."

"Hiss..." the little snake seemed to understand the old man's words and wriggled toward the door.

The old man looked at the snake's back, his eyes full of gloomy expression.


When the old man in black found the inn where Mei Qiduo had lived before, Mei Qiduo and his party had already left the city hall and were on their way to Jiangnan.

"Girl, they wake up." Qinglan goes to meiqiduo's ear and whispers. She is very surprised. Qinglan knows meiqiduo a little. After all, the girl is not a kind-hearted person. Naturally, it's impossible to save them because they are two children, but Qinglan can't tell.

But Qinglan has to say that the two children's eyes are very sharp. Especially the little boy.

"Oh! I'm awake. " Mei Qiduo heard Qinglan say so and raised her eyebrows. It has been two days since she left the city. Mei Qiduo also believed that the things with flavor should be almost scattered. The old man in black robe should not know their whereabouts. After all, she arranged many things to wait for the old man's insects“ Go and have a look. "

When Mei Qiduo walked in, she saw that Xia Lan was looking worried, and on the bed, she was watching their little boy and girl warily. Mei Qiduo didn't pay any attention to them. She strode in and sat on the chair. She was very leisurely and gave herself a glass of water. Then she looked at the two little figures on the bed with a smile.

As soon as the little boy woke up, he saw a strange environment and a man dressed as a servant girl beside him. He turned to see his sister sleeping with a stable face beside him. The little boy quickly woke up the sleeping girl. When he wanted to leave, he saw the woman who had been in the broken face coming in.

But also a face leisurely looking at them.

After the little girl was shaken up by the little boy, her big eyes were confused and looked at her brother, especially when she saw the food on the table. She quietly swallowed her saliva, but still tightly tugged at the little boy's sleeve, just a pair of eyes staring at the above heart.

"Wake up."

When the little boy heard Mei Qiduo say this, his eyes were full of vigilance. Although he was afraid, he was still calm and said, "what do you want to do?" There was also some shivering in the tone.

"Puff..." when xialan heard the boy's voice, she laughed,

Meiqiduo light looked at xialan, xialan quickly gathered the expression on the face.

Mei Qiduo picked up the water cup and her eyes were full of interest. Looking at the two children in front of her, she also had a funny smile on her mouth. She really didn't know what the secrets of the two children were. The Gu master usually didn't waste his time looking for two useless people.

Even if you want to make a container of poisonous insects, there must be something different from ordinary people, otherwise the cultivated poisonous insects are just ordinary ones.

But Mei Qiduo could see at a glance that when the old man in black looked at the two little boys, his eyes were full of greed and gloom.

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