Poison Gu looks at Feng lingjue whose breath has completely changed, with surprise in his eyes and face, especially when he sees Feng lingjue's soft sword again. There was a very ironic smile in the corner of his mouth, and his eyes were full of sarcastic smile.

Rumor has it that Ling Wang is indifferent. I didn't expect to be so angry because of a woman. It's a joke.

"Ha ha... People all over the world say that Ling Wang is cold hearted. It seems so. " Poison Gu says sarcastically.

Fengling never seemed to hear the taunt of poisonous insects. His eyes are cold and bloodthirsty, especially in his blue eyes, when he looks at poisonous insects, he looks like he looks at a dead man.

There is no fluctuation.

Poisonous Gu sees the evil spirit on Feng Ling Jue's body, and his heart is shocked. But fenglingjue's sharp sword Qi has broken through the air. She can't tolerate poisonous insects. She can only concentrate on dealing with fenglingjue.

Poison poison poison poison poison poison poison poison poison poison poison poison poison poison poison poison poison poison poison poison poison poison poison poison poison poison poison poison poison poison poison poison poison poison poison poison poison poison poison poison poison poison poison poison poison poison poison poison poison poison poison poison poison poison poison poison poison poison poison poison poison poison poison poison. If you want to say that Fengling had only used three or four points of strength before. Now fenglingjue is very cold and bloodthirsty, especially at this time.

Especially the cold light in the eyes. It's a bit colder than the ice in December. It's even more shocking.

Poisonous insects exert all their strength. But at this time has been completely unable to stop, like hell Shura like Fengling Jue, like the grasshopper after autumn. Struggling on the line of death.

There is no temperature in Fengling's eyes. There is only cold and bloodthirsty in her blue eyes.

It's only half a cup of tea. Poison Gu has already fallen under Feng Ling Jue's sword.

Poison Gu spits out a mouthful of blood, and his eyes are full of yin and ruthless, staring at Feng lingjue, even now he will die. But poison Gu's eyes are still speechless weird and happy, especially when he sees Mei Qiduo who is unpopular, poison Gu's heart is more and more happy.

"Ha ha... Fenglingjue, you can't save her, you..."

Before the poison Gu's words were finished, he felt a chill in his mouth. He had been pierced by Feng lingjue's soft sword. He swallowed the pain in his mouth and became more and more fierce in his eyes. "After that, you will be like a walking corpse..."

Then someone felt great pain and cold.

In this way, Zhu Yuxuan will always remember that scene. Fenglingjue pierced the poison bug 108 sword. The sword went to the bone, and the sword had blood. At last, the poison bug was soaked in the blood. It was not until the last moment that fenglingjue let the poison bug die.

All over with evil spirit, like a Shura from hell in general, his face is like a thousand years of ice in general.


Zhu Yuxuan Leng Leng looking at such Feng Ling absolutely want to say what, but finally it is found that stem in the throat, what words also can't export. I can only watch Feng lingjue walk out of the hall with Mei Qiduo in her arms.

Zhu Yuxuan's heart is extremely sour. Fengling should think of Mei Qiduo. Even if she and this woman are completely goodbye, she can only keep it as a secret in her heart forever.

Yanqingqing wants to escape through the secret road when she sees that the poisonous insect has fallen, but when she comes to the secret Road, she finds the emperor fengqingchen waiting for her.

"You're not dead?" Yan Qingqing looked at Feng Qingchen with surprise in her eyes, and then was relieved. After all, Feng lingjue valued her nephew so much, how could he have something to do?

"Naturally." Feng Qingchen's eyes were full of hate and her face was full of frost.

"Ha ha... He's willing to fight against me at the risk of being unworthy." Yan Qingqing looks crazy and ferocious, especially when she looks at Feng Qingchen in her eyes.

Feng lingjue is really her good son.

"Send the Empress Dowager to the road." Feng Qing dust gnashed her teeth and waved to the man in black behind her.

"You don't have to do it." Yan Qingqing said loudly, "I'll come by myself." Yan Qingqing stroked her ink hair, and suddenly a very strange smile appeared in her mouth. She said faintly, "does the emperor know who your father's enemy is?"

Feng Qingchen's face was gloomy when she heard Yan Qingqing's words

"It's your uncle's mother... Me!"

Later, without waiting for fengqingchen to react, the dagger in her hand had been deeply pierced into her own mouth. Yanqingqing spat out a mouthful of blood, and her ears seemed to hear someone's gentle call.

"Qingqing, peach blossoms are blooming in the valley. Shall I take you to see them?"

The voice is clear and elegant.

"Shuixi, I've come to you."

Then he closed his eyes, only a light smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"Emperor, this..."

"Bury it." Feng Qing dust light said, eyes are deep, thin lips tightly pursed, show his mood is very unhappy, even can say in the restraint of his anger.

Although fengqingchen is very angry in his heart, he doesn't lose his mind. Although his words to yanqingqing clearly mean to sow discord, he is still very angry in his heart.

Feng Ling Jue, holding Mei Qiduo in her arms, arrived at King Ling's residence all the way. Her face was full of cold and bloodthirsty momentum. "See a thousand poisonous insects come to see me."


The night brocade sighs in the heart one mouthful, then think of the innermost a room inside to walk, see an incomparably rickety figure to walk to and fro inside, that person sees the night brocade of time.

"What are you doing here?" The voice is extremely hoarse, this person is a thousand Gu.

Half a year ago, in order to buy Mei Qiduo's life with her 50 years of life and face, Qian Gu is now only a 20-year-old boy, but her face is as old as an old man in his 70s and 80s.

Night brocade Heart incomparable sour astringent, in the eye takes gray, "thousand Gu, master son calls you to pass."

"What do you want me to do?" Thousand Gu is still fiddling with the bottle in the hand, the voice does not have the slightest wave of ask a way.

"She... Came back and was poisoned by poisonous insects."

"Peng..." the bottle in qiangu's hand fell to the ground. Then he turned his head and looked at Yejin in shock. His tone was full of incomprehension. He asked: "how did she... Come back? Why did she get poisoned? Is it because... "He?

The last word did not come out, but then I felt very excited. Then I adjusted and said, "I will go with you."


Feng lingjue looks at Mei Qiduo lying on the window. She feels pain as if she had been twisted by a knife. When she thinks that because of herself, she makes her favorite woman bear the pain of digging her heart, she feels extremely sour.

These two emotions filled his heart with bitterness and regret.

Feng lingjue held Mei Qiduo's cold hands tightly and said in a hoarse voice, "do you know, Duo? I've been dreaming for half a year. In my dream, you are also dressed in a green shirt, walking in front of me. Your back is charming and moving, full of aura. No matter how hard I try to see it, I can't see your face at all. "

Feng Ling Jue sticks Mei Qiduo's hand tightly to her face.

The voice continued with great nostalgia: "dor, do you remember? When we met for the first time, you were thin and small, just like a little boy. Although I know you didn't really want to save me, you saved me in the end. Ha ha... At that time, I was thinking that such bean sprouts had such courage. "

"Later, you were like a mysterious book, every page of which made people want to explore... Do you know? I don't think I'll fall in love with any woman in my life, because I hate Yan Qingqing. Especially when I know that she poisoned my elder brother, I think women are the most disgusting people in the world. "

"... before you met you, I was alone. Dor, please don't let me be alone at once..."

Feng lingjue's tone is full of pleading and humbleness. At this time, he doesn't know that he has already knelt by Mei Qiduo's window on one knee, saying that the dead may not believe it. The king Ling of Haoyue now looks very humbly praying.

When Qian Gu and Ye Jin came in, they saw such a scene. Qian Gu looked very dignified and hurt. He looked at the seven plum blossoms lying on the window and felt dull pain in his heart.

This woman always does not take good care of herself and is always in danger.

"You... Must cure her." Fengling knew it when qiangu and Yejin came in. He stood up and looked at qiangu. His tone was serious and prayed.

Qian Gu tightly sipped her lips. There were Acacia Gu and loveforgetting grass in the woman's body, and the most important thing was the soul eating snake. Now she is adding the snake venom of poisonous Gu.

It's hard to save her in a word.

"Master, I..."

Before Qian Gu finished speaking, he heard a very dignified voice outside the door, as if it was coming from a distance, or close to his ears“ Ah Jue. "

Feng Ling Jue hears the voice, and in her heart, for a while, Shifu, without even thinking about it, hurriedly goes to the door. Feng Ling Jue really sees a Tianji old man in a white robe.

"Master, please help her!"

Tianji old man looked at the eyes in front of him with great hope. His tone was full of supplication. He sighed in his heart that what should come came after all.

"Ah Jue, your fate with her is over, but it only depends on how you choose? You ruined the emperor's life for her, and you are no longer the star of solitary evil spirits. " Tianji old man said incomparably magnanimous, Fengling absolutely heard incomparably natural.

Because what Tianji old man said in lingwangfu will not spread a word.

"Master, please save her." Fengling Jue's tone was even firm. That position was never what he wanted. Now for him, nothing and people are more important than Mei Qiduo.

Only when Mei Qiduo is alive, can he have the end result of Fengling Jue in the world.

Tianji old man's face flashed a touch of helplessness, but there was not much accident. It seemed that he had known that Fengling would choose this way. His voice said with helplessness: "ah Jue, she is the devil of my heart!"

"If she's my devil, I'll never see through it."


When Mei Qiduo woke up, she felt that every inch of her skin was burned by fire, especially the inch of her wrist, which was very painful.

Mei Qiduo moved her fingers, and then felt her hands tightly held by another pair of warm hands. There was a familiar sound in my ear.

"Duo'er, you wake up..."

Mei Qiduo opened her eyes. Because she had been closed for a long time, she was not very able to adapt to the strong light. She narrowed her eyes and said in a very hoarse voice, "how long have I... Slept?"

"You've been in a coma for more than ten days." Feng Ling Jue carefully holds Mei Qiduo up, and then pours a glass of water for Mei Qiduo. Even if she is happy, she carefully hands it to Mei Qiduo.

Mei Qiduo drank a glass of water, then completely relaxed, looked at his hand, intact.

"Don't worry. You'll be fine with the master." Feng Ling Jue sees Mei Qiduo staring at her hands in a daze, and naturally understands what Mei Qiduo is reading.

"Well... My mother..."

"I've sent someone to tell them."


"That matter has been dealt with. You can rest assured."

Then Mei Qi didn't speak. After all, she didn't know what to say. The atmosphere in the room was very quiet for a moment, but after that, she was embarrassed.

"Why did you do that?" Feng lingjue asked in a very hoarse voice. At the thought of Mei Qiduo doing that six months ago, Feng lingjue's heart was as painful as being cut by a knife.

He naturally knew how hard it was to get blood from his heart. That's why he didn't want Mei Qiduo to know that.

"Isn't there nothing to do now? Where are the thousand poisonous insects? " Mei Qiduo's understatement has been brought. Now that she has done it, she can still settle the accounts. After all, if it wasn't for herself, Acacia Gu should not be difficult for Feng lingjue.

"You..." Feng Ling Jue hears Mei Qiduo say this, and her voice is extremely astringent. Ever since she met Mei Qiduo, Feng Ling Jue finds that she is not the cold hearted Ling king, but an ordinary person who worries about losing all the time“ He's outside. I'll call him. "

Feng Ling Jue then goes out. He is grateful to qiangu. After all, if qiangu had not possessed the soul eating snake, Mei Qiduo would have left him half a year ago.

When qiangu hears fenglingjue say that meiqiduo wants to meet him, he looks unnatural, even with some inferiority. Now his appearance has been destroyed, and sometimes he doesn't want to see himself, let alone her?

"Don't you come in yet?" Mei Qi duo's voice came out, because she just woke up and was very weak.

Qian Gu naturally knows what Mei Qiduo is doing to call him. After all, he promised her not to use the snake, but... This method was the best one at that time.

"Master, it's ready." Night brocade stood beside Feng lingjue respectfully said, although night brocade know Feng lingjue make such a decision in his expected, but sometimes unexpected.

"Well, let's go."

Feng Ling absolutely light looked at the room behind him, and then got up and walked out of the palace without saying a word.

Fengqingchen is reading the memorial at this time. Because of the thousand Palace Banquet for more than ten days, fengqingchen is in the final process. She hears the eunuch say that Fengling has come. She looks surprised. After all, when she sent someone to invite the emperor's uncle a few days ago, she was turned away. It seems that the emperor's aunt he had never met woke up.

Feng Qing Chen put down the memorial in his hand and quickly got up, "Uncle Huang, how can I come here today?"

Feng Ling Jue looks at the person in front of her. She is in a trance. When her elder brother died, her nephew was just in his infancy. Now she has grown into the king of a country.

"Qing Chen, you have grown up." Feng Ling Jue blue eyes flashed a touch of behavior, now there are some things should also be put on the agenda.

Feng Qing dust heard Feng Ling Jue say so, look slightly a Leng, in the heart don't know why suddenly flash a trace of uneasiness, uncle Huang He said this is why“ Uncle Huang, what she said... "

Fenglingjue patted fengqingchen on the shoulder, his face full of deep, said: "you have grown up, uncle Huang believe you will do well."


"I have planned to give up the position of King Ling when your aunt is almost recovered. Out of my dark guard, the rest of the dark guards will be handed over to me after I leave. This river and mountain is the Phoenix family. You have to guard this river and mountain anyway. "

Feng Ling Jue's blue eyes look at the carved columns and jade buildings in the palace. There is no nostalgia in her eyes. The palace is full of bustling buildings made of white bones. Some of them are lonely and empty later.

Feng Qingchen looks at Feng lingjue like this. What she wants to say is that she can't say anything. Especially when she looks at Feng lingjue like this, Feng Qingchen can't say anything.

"In the future, the land of Haoyue will be handed over to you."

Feng Qingchen looks at Feng lingjue's back, tightly clenches her fist, and secretly vows that she will not let uncle Huang down, that she will protect Haoyue's Jiangshan, and that she will never let Haoyue's Jiangshan lose a cent in his hands.


"Why do you use a soul eating snake?" Mei Qiduo looked at the thousand Gu standing in front of her and said in a very hoarse voice. She had completely remembered what happened six months ago. Looking at such a thousand Gu, Mei Qiduo said that she was not sad and that was false.

"Isn't that... Saving you? And... "Qian Gu said hesitantly. After all, he promised Mei Qiduo at the beginning. Although he said it was to save Mei Qiduo, he actually made a mistake.

"Is there any way?" Asked Mei Qiduo.

"Wuji old man said to let me go to Kunlun mountain with him."

"In that case, come to see me in Liushu village."

"Well... You're... OK."

"Naturally, I asked my mother to make you what you like. It happened that my mother was short of a son." Meiqiduo said lightly, but it was a promise to qiangu.

Thousand Gu saved her life. Only Mei Qiduo can afford it.

"That's a good feeling." Qiangu's heart is very sour, but his face is a happy look, but qiangu's heart is very painful“ I'll go out first

It can be said that there are some people who escape from the wilderness and go out.

Mei Qi looked at Qian Gu's back and felt guilty. After all, she really didn't know what to thank Qian Gu. However, she had already given her what Qian Gu wanted.

"What are you thinking?" When Feng Ling Jue came in, she saw Mei Qiduo with a distracted face and asked in a voice.

"Nothing?" Meiqiduo said.

Fenglingjue went to take meiqiduo's shoulder and said, "when you are well, I will accompany you to Liushu village. From then on, there will be no Lingwang in Haoyue."

Mei Qiduo heard Feng lingjue say this and looked at him in shock. After half a ring, she said, "are you... Willing?" After all, it's also considered that the government and the public have the power to give up. It's so simple that they won't regret it in the future.

Fenglingjue stroked Mei Qiduo's hair and said, "my life was originally to live for revenge. Now it's finished. There's nothing I can miss here."

"Oh! Your nephew agreed


Feng Ling absolutely light says, even if he doesn't agree, also have no any way.

"Yes, I'll keep you in the future."

"Thank you, madam." Fengling's blue eyes are full of affection, and the corners of her mouth are also full of adoring and gentle smile.

A light snow suddenly floated out of the window. It should not be cold this winter.

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