When he saw the seven flowers of his family giving him instructions, the hearts of the stones were all blooming.

Only then did he run to the limelight and sprinkle ecstasy.

Now Mei Qiduo just fell asleep and didn't wake up, but it was hard to break the stone, and he didn't know what to use to solve it.

Because meiqiduo never told him when she did it.

Stone wait, wait, wait for a quarter of an hour, Mei Qiduo woke up.

"Seven, are you awake? Let's go home at once The stone's face was filled with tears of joy.

Mei Qiduo grabbed him and said, "no, when I went out of the village, I found a sack, which was also filled with people.

This group of people must be human traffickers. Let's rescue other people and report to the official. "

"Well," the stone hesitated. He refused to leave meiqiduo.

"Don't worry, nerd. I'm much better now. Let's go and find out later. "

Stone alone, meiqiduo will not be at ease, it is better than two people together.

At this time, the stone took out the overpowering drug, knife and firewood knife in his arms and put them in front of Mei Qiduo.

Mei Qiduo stared at the familiar cloth bag and said in surprise, "stone, it's very kind of you. Has anyone ever said that you are an angel

The stone stares at Mei Qiduo's smiling face. Although there is no expression on his face, his eyes are tender.

Mei Qiduo is no longer suffering at this time. She cleans herself up quickly. Then he took the stone's hand and went. Let's go inside.

Stone turned his eyes to the thieves. By the fire, several young men were sleeping soundly.

Mei Qiduo looked at the stone's eyes and said with a sneer, "look what they do. These people will wake up after at least seven or eight hours' sleep. When do you see the prey I carried back

Stone listened to Mei Qiduo's words, this just put down the heart, but on the face but leak a trace of doubt expression.

Mei Qiduo often gets along with stone these days, but she can also guess this person's thought: "idiot, isn't this prepared for a long time?

Do you think I'm stupid, and I can't tell you to put ecstasy? "

"Ha ha." Stone face to one side, no longer see plum seven, ears are red.

Mei Qiduo looked at the sky and thought of Mei Xiaolan: "how could my mother let you come out so late before you left? I didn't go back, she didn't ask anything... "

"No. She's a little tired today. She went to bed early. "

Stone thought for a while, but he didn't mention that he had given her the overpowering drug.

"Is it?" Mei Qiduo's heart is full of different tastes. She is not a person who doesn't know anything. She knows something is going on here just by looking at the stone.

But if Mei Xiaolan really knew that she had been tied up, she would be scared out of her illness.

"Let's go quickly. It's getting dark later. I want to go home early to see my mother."

The stone quietly holds Mei Qiduo's hand and nods silently, but refuses to put it down.

There was a lot of darkness in front of them, so they felt their destination. Mei Qiduo didn't come here much.

Because it's a little far away from the water, although the place is big, there are few prey, so it can't attract her.

At this time, they had reached a place where the fire was shining in the deep mountain. The stone saw the figure flashing with his eyes.

He took Mei Qiduo and shook her hand. He motioned to her to stay where she was and go and have a look for herself.

At the same time, the stone threw itself down. Quietly approach the fire source.

This fire has a small population, less than five people.

This is the sentry position in another direction. The stone nodded secretly. The leader had two brushes. The place where he used to be should be regarded as an open sentry.

This is the secret sentry. The people inside were still strong men. He felt that he should feel inside again.

Just as he was about to leave, stone heard these people whispering. He could not help but put up his ears and stopped to listen to what these people were saying.

It's better to have an understanding of them. It's more convenient to save people later.

"Elder brother, do you think the magistrate will send us money and food to big green hill? Why is my heart so bottomless? "

"Yes. Elder brother, I've heard that the most disgusting thing about big families is that they are afraid of reporting their daughter's death. We're going to have a fight. " Scar face man way.

Zhilo, the black faced man opposite took a sip of wine and said loudly with the smell of wine: "it's useless to worry about a fart.

I have inquired about this chick for a long time. She was born with the same mother as the direct son of the magistrate's family and his own sister.

If we hadn't miscalculated the time, we would have caught that brother at the temple fair. How could we tie a loser back? "

"Hey, don't worry. The scholar has been guarding against them for a long time. You don't know. This boy has given medicine to the magistrate for a long time. Now the old boy is afraid he can't do what he wants.

Ha ha ha, now this old boy, I'm afraid there is only one son and one daughter left in his life. Money is certainly not a problem. "

"It's still the scholar who has the ability. Let's make a drastic cut! Here's to you, brother After that, scar face really swallowed the contents of the cup.

"Second brother is joking. If we hadn't had too many locusts on the mountain, we wouldn't have come to this big green mountain.

If you want me to say, this place is better. If there are mountains and waters, there will be a plague of locusts.

It's a pity that we have to borrow this place to ask for money and food. Otherwise, it can be regarded as a foundation. "

The speaker was a thin man with an obscene look on his face.

"Brother, why did you go into the village and catch two women?

What's the charter? Why haven't I understood it yet? "

"It's nothing. Didn't you ask Lao Wu to enter the next village in the daytime as a peddler?

I don't know what the local magistrate thinks. His daughter doesn't hide at home, but in the village.

At that time, I thought that if we took this woman as a hostage, as long as the magistrate was willing to provide convenience, we would have less trouble. "

After that, he said with a sneer: "don't look at the governor's arrogance in the provincial city.

When we get to the old woods in this remote area, it's the dragon that he has to dish, it's the tiger that he has to lie down. Without a local guide, he can't even get into Daqing. "

"Oh, I don't know. This chick is very important." The old four ways of turmeric face.

"I said, old five, don't make any trouble again. If the magistrate cooperates with the magistrate, it will be difficult for the dozen brothers in our line."

"Second brother, don't you trust me? The magistrate is no different from the magistrate, and there are few children alive.

The others are old. They are almost 50 years old. This is the only son and daughter. It's not like watching like a treasure or a pearl. "

"Well, Lao Wu did a good job. I went into the village head's house to eavesdrop on him. There was a noble man near the village. The girl was sent by the county magistrate to join the powerful.

It's a pity that people don't like it. I'm sorry to go home for a while, so I live in the village. "

At this time, stone thinks it's not important to listen to it any more. I'm going to leave.

Hands and feet carefully back by the ups and downs on the ground, just as the stone back, I heard a bleak scream from a distance.

This made the stone startled. His hand trembled and hit a dead branch with a clatter.

At this time, the whole stone was lying on the ground quietly, not daring to move.

Although the men had no weapons, they only had wooden sticks standing beside them, but they were several times stronger than his injured body. If they had any mental arithmetic, they would not be afraid.

But in a frontal encounter, the stone asked himself that although he could deal with it, he was afraid that seven flowers would have an accident.

It's not good for the stone to cry, but at this time, the men laughed because of the distant voice.

In the heart secretly cries a fluke, these laughter actually disguised the stone to send out the sound.

At this time, the stone moved again, rising and falling, just like a snake. He didn't put his heart into his stomach until he retreated a few hundred meters.

At this time, Mei Qiduo came together and said, "how's it going? She asked in a low voice

Qiduo's mouth is close to the ear of the stone, itching. At the same time, the heart of the stone is itching.

In his heart, the stone called Mei Qiduo to wake him up by stabbing his stomach.

"I heard. There are two meat tickets here. One is the daughter of the magistrate's family and the other is the daughter of the magistrate's family."


Mei Qiduo took a breath. He was really bold. Even the family members of senior officials dared to tie them up. He also settled down in Daqingshan near their village and waited for money.

It's a big deal. We can't ignore it.

In ancient times, taxes were always collected from the top down. If there was anything wrong with these two hostages, the magistrate and the magistrate would retaliate.

They may not be able to deal with these thieves, but they just say hello. How many people can survive in Mei's village?

If you don't talk about anything else, just recruit and take away the whole village. You can't find a reasonable place.

Are you really the county magistrate who broke the family, and the official who destroyed the family is called in vain?

Mei Qiduo wanted to live here for a long time, so she couldn't do it any more.

"Come on, let's go over these little sentries and look inside." Mei Qiduo whispered.

Stone nodded knowingly, he didn't say anything, just opened the way ahead.

They felt forward again. The terrain here is not open. It feels like a small mouth and a big stomach.

This place Mei Qiduo turned out from her memory. She seemed to have been here before.

It seems that this place has nothing but bushes. The only bright spot is that it is big enough.

Mei Qiduo has always been using medicine to catch prey, and she has never been given this broken place in front of her!

Because they don't like it here all the time, it's difficult for them to act. In order to find the place where the cry came from, it's very hard for them.

Fortunately, it wasn't long before Mei Qiduo smelled a trace of blood. She's very sensitive to this.

But without waiting for her to pull the stone, she found that the stone was looking at that place at the same time.

Sure enough, the two fell down again and crawled forward carefully. Then they found a hidden fire.

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