Near the middle of March, the mountain behind Mei's house is full of pure light. The peach blossom and pear blossom on the mountain are blooming with each other, not to mention how beautiful it is.

This is just a few months. Mei's house has expanded twice. Mei's servants are no longer the original ones. Because something happened before, Mei Qiduo bought more than ten people this time.

At least you don't have to worry about being set on fire at night. Moreover, meiqiduo's financial resources can support these people.

The business of sausage workshop is very good. In addition to the monthly supply of fumanlou, other restaurants can also come and buy.

It's just that the price will be more expensive.

Because Mei Qiduo bought the original Baifu restaurant some time ago, he has been putting all his energy on the decoration, and has not much energy to manage the sausage workshop. Fortunately, Xue Wan is a talent, and he didn't let Mei Qiduo down.

Now in the Mei family, mother Qin has become a housekeeper, and mother Wan is in charge of the kitchen. Xue Wan was supposed to be a housekeeper, but Mei Qiduo asked him to manage the sausage workshop. Mei Qiduo is going to take care of the mountain behind the house in a few days, and dig fish ponds, so Xue Wan will be more busy.

On this day, Mei Qiduo called Xue Wan and gave him a purse.

"Master, this is..." although Xue Wan understood, he still asked.

Xue Wan has spent a lot of time in the past few months. In the past few months, the business of sausage workshop was not very good, but as time goes on, his own money is at least tens of thousands of taels. Maybe there will be more in the future.

Besides, Mei Qiduo told him that he would dig a fish pond before, but during this period of time, Mei Qiduo didn't tell him in detail, so he didn't ask.

"Uncle Xue, I'll go to Lizheng later and say that our family is going to dig a fish pond to see who will come to work. The salary is the same as before." Mei Qiduo said faintly and rubbed her eyebrows. She had been thinking about how to decorate the winery these nights, so she ignored the fish pond, but look at the time, it should be almost the same.

"Well, I'll be there later." Xue Wan heard Mei Qiduo say this and agreed. He quickly packed the lotus into his arms“ Then I'll go to the workshop first. "

Although Fu Shu is in charge of the sausage workshop in name, Xue Wan is still in charge. Fu Shu also knows that his ability is limited, so he has no opinion about Mei Qiduo's arrangement.

Now uncle Fu's family is not what it used to be. She built a new house similar to Mei Qiduo's. originally, aunt Fu wanted her son to stay in Liushu village, but because her son said that he wanted to fight hard and then open a shop in the town.

When Aunt Fu heard her son say this, she was not saying anything, but she gave her son more and more things every month.

After Xue Wan went out, Mei Qiduo went out of the house and quickly walked to the back mountain. He saw that Uncle Li, who was in charge of more than 100 mu of the back mountain, was renovating the ground. There were also some boys. Because there were not many things at home, Mei Qiduo asked them to renovate the land with Uncle Li.

They didn't have any complaints. They came to Mei's for nearly a month. Before, they were still trembling. Later, they found that as long as you work for the master safely, the master won't treat you badly. Besides, they eat well and sleep well in Mei's, so everyone is working hard.

Uncle Li saw Mei Qiduo coming. He put the hoe in his hand and said, "master, how did you come here?"

After all, Uncle Li is a simple and honest man in the countryside. He doesn't have Xue Wan's shrewdness, and he doesn't have those twists and turns in his heart. He is surprised to see Mei Qiduo coming, because Mei Qiduo won't come at ordinary times.

"Uncle Li, I come to see how the renovated one is going. I want to plant grapevines in a few days." The seven plum blossoms of grape trees have been planned for a long time. Now I just came to tell Uncle Li.

"Growing grapes?" Uncle Li was stunned when he heard Mei Qiduo say this. He thought his master was preparing to grow grain? Thinking of planting grain in such a barren mountain, isn't it a waste of grain? I didn't expect to grow grapes. It's a good place to grow grapes. I immediately said, "don't worry, I can't delay my business."

Mei Qiduo looks at Uncle Li with a smile. She knows that more than 100 mu can't be completed by these people, so the employment of long-term workers has to be put on the agenda as soon as possible. "Uncle Li, don't fight too hard, there will be people in a few days."

When Uncle Li heard Mei Qiduo say this, he didn't understand for a while. Then he wanted to understand, so he quickly smiled and said, "OK, I know."

"That's fine, Uncle Li. I'll go to the mountain and have a look."

"OK, take your time."

Everyone looked at Mei Qiduo's back after she left, and then the man in his hand continued to renovate the land, thinking that we must not make the owner think they are useless.

When Mei Qiduo went to the mountain, Xue Wan also took the silver to Lizheng's house. This time, Mei Qiduo didn't let Xue Wan go with Uncle Fu. Xue Wan thought to himself that the owner wanted to work alone this time. He knew the silver of sausage workshop. One third of the shares was the owner of Fuman building, and the other was for uncle Fu's family, which was to thank him for his kindness.

Now I haven't called Uncle Fu. My boss is obviously alone.

"Uncle Genzi, are you there? I'm Xue Wan Xue Wan has been familiar with a respected old man in the village for half a year. Usually, Mei Qiduo would ask Xue wan to give some sausages and snacks to these old people. Although they are not worth a few dollars, they are all intentions.

"Yes, come in." Xu Genzi was smoking a dry cigarette in the room. At this time, he heard Xue Wan calling him outside. He knew in his heart that it must be the girl of the Mei family. He said immediately.

"All right." Xue Wan approached the yard and Xu Genzi's room. Because Mei Qiduo's sausage workshop was looking for someone, all the women in Li Zheng's family went to work in the sausage workshop. Only Xu Genzi was left at home with several grandchildren.

When Xu Genzi saw Xue Wan coming in with a basket in his hand, he knew it clearly, but he still asked, "what can I do for you today?"

Xue Wan knew that Lizheng was also a good person, and he also knew that Mei Qiduo had a holiday with the village head. Therefore, Mei Qiduo usually looked for Lizheng instead of the village head. He said with a smile: "Uncle Genzi, the owner said that he would dig a fish pond, but he didn't need hands. If you know your old family's words, the village people will listen to them. It's not trouble you again."

When Xu Genzi heard Xue wan say this, he burst out laughing, "OK, how many people does this need?" Mei's salary is high, because Mei Qiduo's sausage workshop makes life in the village better and better. Many people are willing to help Mei Qiduo.

When Xue Wan heard Xu Genzi's cheerfulness, he quickly said with a smile, "just like last time, the salary is still fifty Wen a day, so I'll trouble uncle Genzi." Then he took out his purse from his arms and handed it to Xu Genzi, "this is what my boss asked me to give to my uncle. He said that it was the teacher who was really sorry for troubling my uncle. He took this thing to my uncle to buy cigarettes."

Xu Genzi took it and weighed it in his hand. He said politely, "it's just a matter of using your mouth. Dor, that girl is too polite." Although he said so, the smile on his face never stopped.

"The owner said it should be." Xue Wan knew that this was a polite remark, so he said quickly.

Next, Xue Wan stayed at Xu Genzi's house for a little while, and he had already left. Xu Genzi told him that he would be found in the afternoon.

When Xue Wan just came back to Mei's home, he met Mei Qiduo who came down from the mountain. Mei Qiduo was a little surprised to see Xue Wan coming back at this time, a little later than he expected, but it didn't affect anything at all.

"How's it going?" Mei Qiduo asked faintly. Xue Wan knew it. Since he came back, it means that things have been done. She just asked casually.

"It's done. Uncle Genzi should come this afternoon."

"Well, that's good."

After that, they went into the house. This time is just the time for dinner. Today, the Mei family cooks are made by the woman who specializes in cooking. Mei Xiaolan now has cosmetic surgery, embroidery and embroidery, and learns some of our wives' Etiquette from mother Qin.

Because Mei Qiduo is busy at this time, Mei Xiaolan hasn't seen Mei Qiduo for a long time, especially at dinner.

Mei Xiaolan looked at Mei Qiduo in surprise and said, "Duo, are you having dinner here today?" There is expectation in the tone and hope in the eyes.

"Well, Niang, I'm a little busy recently. When the winery opens, I'll take you to the town." Mei Qiduo has some regrets in her heart. She has really ignored Mei Xiaolan too much recently. Every time she sees Mei Xiaolan's lonely eyes, she can only say sorry.

I just want to make Mei Xiaolan happy.

Sure enough, Mei Xiaolan heard Mei Qiduo say so, his face was very happy, "that's very kind. I want to have a good look at my daughter's winery." The tone was full of pride and satisfaction.


After lunch, Mei Qiduo saw a lot of young Chinese characters coming outside the yard. Because Mei Qiduo paid a lot of money when he built a sausage workshop before, this time the village men heard that Mei Qiduo was going to dig a fish pond. Some people had already come here without a meal, in order to get ahead.

So when Mei Qiduo came out after dinner, she saw a group of people in the yard. She had to sigh, it's really easy to have money.

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