War God Supreme

Chapter 1831: Son of the Holy Land...

c_t; The fusion of the world of flames and the world of ice and cold forms a terrifying sight. (

The air is filled with the breath of destruction, the fusion of the two extremes, and the power that occurs is beyond the imagination of human powerhouses.

The invisible magical power destroyed by the Son of the Holy Realm constantly bombarded Li Lingtian, but with this world of destruction, he helped Li Lingtian resist most of the magical powers.

"Bingyan Nine Heavens!"

With a loud bang, I saw Li Lingtian's hands merge, and suddenly the flaming divine power and the ice soul divine power merged together, and a ruined supernatural power bombarded in the direction of the son of the Holy Realm.

He didn’t know if the ice flame nineth heaven could block the magical power of the son of the Holy Realm, but at this time, he didn’t dare to hesitate any more. It must be beaten by such magical powers.


In the space, there was a bang, and the beam of destruction penetrated the space. Wherever it passed, a passage was broken through the space. When it encountered the magical power from the children of the Holy Land, there were countless muffled sounds when it struck.

In a blink of an eye, the beam of destruction was bombarded in front of the Son of Holy Land.

It was shocking to see that Li Lingtian was able to send out such an overbearing supernatural power under such circumstances, and the son of the Holy Realm did not think of it and dared not care.

The look on his face changed, with one hand waving in the void, the space was suddenly distorted.

The invisible supernatural power that originally bombarded Li Lingtian ceased. Just when the bombardment of Li Lingtian ceased, a huge ray of light appeared in front of the son of the Holy Realm. When the ray of light appeared, he greeted the pillar of light.

"Boom reads;!"

The blast of destruction, the beam of light and the bombardment of light.

Without the slightest stalemate, the beam of light was directly destroyed by the light like a decayed wood, and it collapsed.

The shining forward Li Lingtian pressed, the power of destruction tore the space, and the powerful pressure suffocated all the powerful.


Seeing that his ice flame Jiuzhongtian was destroyed in this way, the look on Li Lingtian's face changed. He didn't expect that his magical power of the son of the Holy Realm had been so powerful.

"Three thousand defenses!"

"Frozen Miles!"

"Tianhan Altar!"

"Divine Light!"

"Zilei Xuantian Shield!"

"True Dragon Guard!"


The power of destruction and the power of terror made Li Lingtian feel trembling. At this time, even if he had an instant talent, he couldn't find any supernatural power to resist this trick.

As the consciousness moved, the defense unfolded.

Suddenly, more than ten terrifying defenses were displayed, and the whole process was instantaneous.

Being able to display so many defenses in an instant, he can do it alone in Shenwu Continent, but even with so many defenses, Li Lingtian did not feel the slightest security in his heart. [Quick updates, fresh website pages, few ads, and I like this kind of website the most, so I must praise it]

When defending, his body was forced to recede to the back.

However, under the opponent's gas engine lock, it is impossible to escape from the other party's locked reads;.



The light of destruction destroying the beam of light is just an instant effort. While destroying the beam of light, Li Lingtian has already exhibited more than ten powerful and terrifying defenses, but the speed of the light is terrifying.

Just as he exhibited his defense, the light hit the defense.

For a time the defense was continuously destroyed, and a loud explosion erupted in the air.

The defenses are destroyed in layers like paper, and the terror is extremely extreme. All the strong men are dumbfounded when they see this scene, and the look on their faces is shocked.

I saw Li Lingtian killed Haotian God of War with his own eyes, and his power was terrifying.

But now Li Lingtian is completely unable to fight back in front of the son of the Holy Realm, and has been pressed and beaten all the time.

In front of the son of the Holy Realm, Li Lingtian is like a weak ants. I can imagine how horrible the Child of the Holy Realm is. Even if the Divine Machine sees the magical means of the Child of the Holy Realm, his face is shocked.


With a muffled sound, the eyes of all the powerful men were horrified.

I saw that all the defenses Li Lingtian had performed were destroyed. Finally, the light bombarded Li Lingtian. Li Lingtian could only subconsciously wave his hands to resist, but without the slightest power, even the mosquitoes could not be killed, and naturally it was impossible to resist the light of destruction.

Under the light, Li Lingtian was beaten and disappeared in this space.

Li Lingtian was destroyed, and Yu Wei of the light bombarded the ground, and an abyss about a hundred miles in size appeared on the ground.


In the air, quiet.

All the strong men were stunned in shock. They didn't expect the powerful Li Lingtian to be beaten up like this. All this was completely beyond their imagination.

The myth of Shenwu Continent, the first demon, the Supreme Divine Pill Master, the first day of the division, was so killed?

The strong man in Immortal Territory, the look on his face changed. Now even Li Lingtian has been killed like this, the strong man in the Holy Realm will definitely not let them go.

On the face of the child of the Holy Realm, a look of expression appeared, and the momentum above was even greater.

It's like showing the identity of his son of the Holy Realm. He can't be humiliated or provoked, because he is the Son of the Holy Realm, the first person in the Divine Martial Continent, and the existence of the emperor.

"This is the end of offending the deity."

Looking at Li Lingtian where the smoke disappeared, the son of the Holy Land said coldly.

When speaking, one-handed swing in the air, the suddenly fluctuating space completely restored to the original.

Li Lingtian's smoke disappeared, and the atmosphere was even more depressing.

Everyone was shocked by the power of the Son of Holy Realm, and the powerful in the fairy field felt strong pressure.

"Eliminate all the extra people in Xianyu."

The eyes of the son of the Holy Realm glanced at the powerful people in the fairy field, and a cruel smile appeared in the corner of his mouth.

There are a dozen or so powerful players in the Holy Realm, and there are more than twenty strong ones who have the Pearl of Creation, but there are more than twenty people in the calculation, but the Gate of Nature requires thirty-three people. Destruction, they can not enter the gate of fortune, so leave a part.


Hearing the words of the sons of the Holy Realm, the strong realm of the Holy Realm was immediately excited, because as long as the strong realm of the Immortal Realm was destroyed, the strong realm of the Holy Realm could all enter the gate of fortune.

When it was time to start, a twisted force appeared in the air, and a wind sounded.

In the quiet sky, such a situation was shocked. Looking in the direction of the sound, I saw a white light in the sky.

The white ray is thousands of meters long, and there are strange flames around the ray.

The might is tearing the world, the white light is extremely fast, and the goal is the child of the Holy Realm.

Speed ​​and power are beyond the imagination of all powerful people.

When the white ray appeared, and the white ray hit the son of the Holy Realm, the whole process was so fast that even the Son of the Holy Realm was too late to react.


A crisp sound, the white light of destruction, fell on the son of the Holy Realm.

The defense of the Son of the Holy Land was cut, and the whole person was thrown out.

When the Son of the Holy Land was thrown away by bombardment, all the strong men could clearly see who was performing such a destructive magical power.

When he saw this man, the strong men present were shocked beyond recognition.

Blank, young in white, smart, with a faint smile on his face.

This young man, not Li Lingtian who was smashed by the son of the Holy Realm after the killing of Haotian God of War, did not think that Li Lingtian, who was smashed and smashed in the air, was completely intact in the air.

Moreover, Li Lingtian was not injured.

"Dark God Ring-Hades Blade!"

Yes, the young man in white in the air is Li Lingtian. It is Li Lingtian who was watched by all the strong men who was beaten away.

It turned out that after exhibiting more than ten powerful defenses, Li Lingtianshi still couldn't resist the magical power of the Son of the Holy Land, and he was shocked. He didn't expect the Son of the Holy Land to be so powerful.

When it was about to be destroyed, it was a one-handed wave, a flirty wave, but it was a horror supernatural power, that is the Five Elements Taoist Law.

When the Five Elements Daoism was exhibited, the Five Elements Great Consummation also worked. The whole person disappeared into the sky and became the five elements of heaven and earth. He possessed the Great Consummation of the Five Elements. The true God cannot find him.

As for the scene of being smashed away, for him to control the five elements of the world, there can be hundreds of millions of ways to make such an illusion.

However, the magical power of the child of the Holy Realm still wounded him, took advantage of the opportunity to hide himself in the air, and recovered himself with five elements of great consummation. In this way, he could also escape the magical power of the Holy Realm and find a way to deal with the children of Holy Realm.

The power of the child of the Holy Realm has exceeded his imagination. He suspects that the child of the Holy Realm is no longer magical, but the spell of the mighty strong, otherwise it will not be so perverted.

Seeing that the powerful in the Holy Realm was about to destroy the powerful in the fairy land, he dared not wait any longer.

The Nether God Ring opens, and Chi tomorrow will be exhibited.

Among his supernatural powers, the most powerful supernatural powers may be the Nine Outlaw Sword Array and the Wrath of Heaven and Earth. The most powerful treasure is the Qingming Holy Emperor Sword, but the most overbearing speed and power are the Red Emperor.

To sneak attack on such a superpower, Chi Tiandi is undoubtedly the most suitable.

Sure enough, in the fit of all the strong men who thought he had disappeared, the sudden appearance of Chi tomorrow emperor, the son of the Holy Realm could not be prevented from being bombarded fiercely.

Dare not to have a slight pause, the instant talent advantage burst out.

At the same time as the Emperor Chi tomorrow, the Pluto Blade was already displayed. Almost the suitable Pluto Blade that the Emperor Chi tomorrow bombarded on the children of the Holy Land came.




For a time, tens of thousands of Hades Blades bombarded like children in a pilgrimage.

The fusion of the Six Treasures of the Underworld, the Pluto Blade has also reached the power of the middle-class congenital artifact. Tens of thousands of Pluto Blades were bombarded with the spirit of Yin and Ming, and the children of the Holy Realm were under the attack of the storm.

"Colorful Lingshan!"

All the strong are shocked, I don't know what is going on.

Clearly Li Lingtian has disappeared, but now it appears intact, and he is displaying such a domineering supernatural power, and he has also crushed the children of the Holy Realm.

They didn't know what was going on, but they watched the scene of destruction in the air, watched Li Lingtian unceasingly display the destruction supernatural power, and bombarded the children of the Holy Land.


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